
A Formidable Adversary

"What the hell is that thing!?" A member of team C exclaimed as their eyes met face with three huge eyes surrounding them which all glowed red.

"Light here up!" One of team C's members yelled out to anyone who possessed any ability that involved anything bright.

"Flame essence: Phoenix scatter shot!" The team leader of the one hundred and forty members of team c exclaimed placing his two hands against each other. Four circles possessing similarities to a magical portal materialized out of thin air above him.

From the four portals, four huge balls created out of flames were launched into the air. After five seconds the balls of fire exploded into smaller balls of fire which scattered everywhere. The more it scattered the more each balls of fire were made smaller till it couldn't be seen again hence the name, Phoenix scatter shot. It was a perfect technique for a mid-range assault or a long-range assault.

The continuous explosion which sent several flaming balls towards every corner of the dark space illuminated everywhere within its vicinity.

Most of the members of team C cried out with fear beneath their voices as they laid eyes on the beast before them. Those three large eyes belonged to the three-headed dragon that stood before them.

It possessed red scales which represented it's affinity for pyrokinesis, two large white horns were situated on each head and it had a huge body with four legs and sharp claws. It supported its movements with a large red tail and two massive wings erected at it's back.

The heads of the dragon roared simultaneously and released a massive wind pressure that took most of the members off their feet.

Selena grabbed on to the arms of Rai who struggled to maintain his balance. She was beyond terrified to the climax that not even a single word could escape her mouth. The dragon raised it's heads and opened its mouth, a bright aura circulated above each of it's mouth and by the time the leader had realized what was going on. It was too late.

"Get down!!!" He exclaimed.

The dragon head's released a concentrated blast of flames which was more than powerful enough to slice through mountains like a blade cutting through butter.

Everyone braced for impact and took cover as the blast was fired at high speeds towards their way. Given how large they were and how big the blast was, there was bound to be casualties. The total number of the members of team c had dropped from one hundred and forty to one hundred. A total of forty members were eradicated in the blast, it's destructive power matched that of a plasma beam.

"Tch.." The leader grunted on witnessing the casualties that befell his team, he stared directly at Rai and Selena with nothing but anger in his eyes. He began blaming them within his thoughts for the bad luck that befell them. "This is what I get for allowing commoners to join my team!" He yelled.

Without thinking it through, he charged towards the serpent. "I'm the leader of this team! Ritzu of the proud noble family of the Shenroms! I won't let you dismantle my team!" He exclaimed as he leaped into the air towards the height of the dragons head.

"Fire essence: Fire Dragons Roar!" Ritzu exclaimed emitting a large blast of flame at the head of the dragon. The dragons body was swiftly engulfed in his flames. Ritzu landed on his two feet with a smug look in his face. The surviving members all cheered in excitement to their leaders abilities.

"I expected nothing less from a member of the Shenrom household." One of the nobles in the team calmly said.

"The flames of the shenroms are rumoured to possess the burning power of a million suns combined or even more, there's no way that beast could have survived that." Another noble complimented on his essence.

"Agreed, I can even feel the heat of his essence all the way from over here." Another one added.

The flames that engulfed the dragon slowly decreased as it began swallowing it. In a matter of seconds, the three-headed dragon devoured his entire flames. Swiftly, it rotated it's body and slapped it's tail sideways towards Ritzu and he was catapulted backwards by the dragon.

"I-impossible!" A noble exclaimed in disbelief.

"I-it devoured... his flames?" Selena stammered slumping to her knees.

"It devoured the flames of the Shenroms that is said to burn hotter than that of a million suns!?" One of the nobles exclaimed.

Rai turned to face each and every single noble that was stunned. "I don't know what they take pride with in being called a noble." He uttered in his thoughts.

"You fed flames to a flame dragon, what did you think was going to happen huh?" Rai said out loud to Ritzu who coughed and groaned in pain attempting to get to his feet as he approached the dragon.

Rai stretched out his right hand and attempted to build up the Raisen but given the inability to concentrate and his poor essence control, even a single spark of electricity was unable to be generated.

"Tch." He scoffed with frustration.

"You...watch your mouth you filthy peasant." Ritzu said referring to Rai as he finally revealed his true nature.

Rai sighed, he could only gaze upon Ritzu for a few seconds before he continued approaching the dragon while slowly unsheathing his katana.

"Rai..wait! Don't tell me you plan on fighting the dragon with your essence!?" Selena yelled in concern, she knew Rai was strong, but it was obviously clear that he was no match for the dragon.

"It is rumoured the flames of the Shenroms possesses the burning power of a million suns or more." Rai replied mimicking the words of the noble who said those same words.

"If that's true, then Ritzu just levelled up this dragons to a level unimaginable." Rai added as he began rotating his katana in his right hand.

"If I am going to beat this dragon, I'll need good old fashion skills and some good teamwork." He proclaimed.

Selena on her knees was marvelled at the courage of Rai, even in the face of a great adversary he showed no signs of fear. "How can you remain so calm and collective even in this frightening situation?" Selena asked, tears slowly dripping down her cheeks as she believed that they were done for.

Rai chuckled and smiled.

"Fear, mankind's most dangerous fiend. It is a limiter to one's true potential, it clouds your judgement and prevents you from achieving your goals. We decided to partake in this exams knowing the risk, so we can't back down now. So quit sulking and fight those fears. Let's go! Selena!" Rai exclaimed as he tightened his grip on the katana and dashed forward towards the dragon.

Selena could only marvel at his courage, he was right. She did take this exams in order to become a certified Essenmage and protect her loved ones from the paradoxes so she couldn't back down now. Realizing this, she stood to her feet and wiped away her tears. A look of determination were reflected in her eyes and she nodded as she dashed forward as well following Rai from behind.

"Right!" She exclaimed.

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