

Reading this notification Jay couldn't help but feel a tinge of self-blame. He had gotten this notification before even a single soldier died. If he had read it back then they could've safely made their way into this room.

Seeing there were no enemies nearby he took out 4 of the health potions gifting 1 to each of the survivors. The potions looked exactly as people would think. A bright red liquid stored in a thin vial. One of these was enough to take care of most wounds within just a few hours. But when faced with large wounds it wouldn't have any effect whatsoever.

After gratefully accepting the health potions the soldiers each drank half a potion, the other half was carefully spilled onto their wounds.

Everyone in the group was exhausted, Jay included. And so now that it seemed like they would be safe for the time being he decided not to walk forward anymore and instead spend the night here first.

After a number of hours had passed everyone slowly started waking up. At this point, their wounds had completely healed leaving nothing more than an annoying itch. Each of them got up quickly and started stretching (A technique Jay had ordered General Green to teach everybody).

Once everyone was once more ready to keep going Jay cast a small fireball to illuminate the area. The room they were in had a table in the middle with a few candles atop it. Furthermore, there was a bookshelf against one of the walls holding a number of books, a chest in the corner with some weapons and some more shelves spread across the room with some herbs atop them.

Other than these there was also a chandelier, something that, after being lit, helped everyone in looking through the room properly. There were about half a dozen books in the bookshelves but they seemed to be written in some sort of ancient language.

When he looked at the herbs atop the shelves Jay started getting extremely excited. Each of these herbs seemed ancient yet at the same time, they also looked like they had been recently plucked. Other than this he also noticed 2 charged magical crystals. In Jay's eyes, these equaled 2 more golems something that would greatly aid them.

When one of the remaining soldiers picked up one of the weapons in the box he exclaimed loudly.

"My- my lord, these weapons, they're... they're all graded!"

Hearing this remark Jay immediately dropped what he was doing before quickly heading for the chest.

" F grade sword, F grade spear, F grade axe with the unbreakable property,..."

Each time he inspected another weapon his excitement grew. And as he grabbed yet another weapon he noticed something in the bottom of the box. A red glint could be seen and a moment later the soldier that stood next to him stumbled backward clutching his eyes.

'Sword intent!'

Sword intent was a truly important technique. It should be said however that any weapon could have sword intent, it was just that most experts preferred swords. A warrior that had sword intent would be able to attack their enemies from a distance. If they were truly powerful and their opponent was a lot weaker than them a simple glance could be lethal. It should be said however that any weapon could have sword intent, it was just that most experts preferred swords.

The biggest limit sword intent experts had were their weapons. After all, a normal F grade weapon simply wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of sword intent, thus breaking apart in a swing or 2.

For the weapon in front of him to omit sword intent without wielder was the sign or a particularly strong specialty. Without further ado, he inspected the sword.

| Name: Blood scimitar

Quality: C+ grade (Enchanted)

Specialties: Unbreakable III ( Weapon doesn't break quickly), Overbearing II (Enemies will be more likely to surrender.), True intent (Sword intent can be used without touching the weapon.)

Enchantment: Bloody evolution (this weapon has the ability to evolve), Sharpen III (Weapon is extremely sharp)

Description: This sword was given to General Morvak the Great by the Emperor of Thasis.|

Jay got extremely nervous looking at this weapon, despite the danger Jay looked at the scimitar before softly touching it with his hand. The sword which had been dormant for so long hummed softly causing a wave of ecstasy to come over Jay. Weapons of C-grade or above had a very small amount of intelligence and thus they could attempt to reject wielders.

For a C+grade sword to accept someone who hadn't even reached Rank 1 yet was unheard of. Jay could only speculate it was because the sword had been dormant for so long it didn't care too much who would wield it as long as they had a seed of sword intent.

After familiarizing himself with his new sword, he let each of his men pick a weapon. In total the number of weapons totaled to 16. 15 first ranked weapons (Of which 5 had the unbreakable specialty) and 1 C+ ranked scimitar.

After also properly storing the herbs in his interspacial ring, the group looked forward. There were 2 doors in front of them. 1 on the left and another on the right. After a short moment of hesitation, he slowly opened the door on the right. They could now see into a large cavern. The cavern had a small golden pillar in the center of the room. It was about 50 centimeters tall and had a bunch of dust on it.

After a moment the 5 of them were having a look from closeby. At this point, they could see the floor around the stone was filled with engravings and lines. He recognized the symbol it formed as it was also on the cover of one of the books they took earlier. After wiping some dust off of the golden pillar a notification popped up.

| A grade legacy: Morvak's will. Does user wish to activate the legacy? |

An A grade legacy? A thing like that wasn't something he had ever seen before. In his last life, he was able to enter a C grade legacy and that was the best one of the region. At least for the adventurers it was.

Since he was scared he might lose this opportunity he quickly replied. After all, this was a truly rare opportunity.

After responding with a yes he could feel his consciousness being separated from his body. A warm feeling engulfed him as he felt a great power calling out to him. The world around him started changing and he could already feel the warmth engulfing him, about to give him great powers. But just as his consciousness had fully made his way there a cold hand grabbed him and threw him back.

A coldness incomparable with what he knew engulfed him it seemed the absolute opposite of the trial he should be arriving at. The feeling of cold solitude couldn't be ignored.

| Legacy trial has been forcefully canceled, the legacy trial will be given to the most nearby suitable candidate. |

| Legacy mission 1: Solve the mystery. |

These conflicting messages confused him, yet before he could think for another moment he was thrown into deep snow. With only some lights in the far distance to guide him. He felt dizzy as if he had just been transported to a far-away place.

As the dizziness subsided he felt the cold eat at his bones. The cold was truly unbearable, in the end, he started walking towards the lights in the distance, hoping to reach them before nightfall.

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