
Tale of Lustful Hero

[ Warning: Mature content R-18 ] "Where am I?" A no-name Illustrator, John, woke up only to find himself in the body of eighteen years old Arthur in the fantasy world of Aria. Blessed with the power of lust, join our protagonist in his journey as he becomes one of the strongest mages in this world and gains the attention of beauties along the way. ———————————————————————— -No Netorare -No Yaoi -No Yuri ————————————————————————

SoyNurse · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 7 - Stop Flirting

"Sister Iris, Big Brother Arthur, please come faster." Sara, one of the six orphans of Aram Orphanage, put her hands together, praying for the arrival of Iris and Arthur. She just put Sister Anne in a dangerous position; it all happens because she is in the way of that noble.

"Go beat her up with you big juicy ass, Noble Girl!!"

"Don't lose to her, Sister!! Show us that boobs are better than ass!"

"Who cares about the winner!? I only want to know if both of them are available!"

"Where is the nipple slips!? The Noble Girl move too fast for me! Show us your tits!"

Sara shifted uncomfortably due to these kinds of adults being around her; who is in their right mind saying those kinds of stuff around children? Are they that desperate to get laid? 'Adults are scary' is the only thing that came into Sara's head — She has curly black hair and a pair of purple eyes. She wears short sleeve dark blue tunic and brown pants. She is pretty tall for a ten-year-old girl with a height of 152 cm, only 13 cm shorter than Anne and 25 cm shorter than Iris.

"Hieeeek" She can feel someone's hand patted on her left shoulder. She robotically turned her head to look at the person who touched her.

"Are you okay, Sara?" Much to her relief, the one who patted her on the shoulder was her caretaker, Sister Iris — Iris looked pretty rough up with the leaves and tree branches stuck on her outfit.

"Sister Iris!" Sara hugged Iris and placed her face in between Iris's massive bosom; Iris returned the hug and used her right hand to pat Sara's head.

Sara pulled back her head from Iris's breast and looked around her to find someone, but as soon as she didn't see the person she was looking for, she moved her head to look Iris in the eyes. "Where is Big Bro Arthur?"

Sister Iris smiled softly at that question and pointed her index finger at a figure running towards Margarette and Anne. "It seemed like he was in a rush; I still can't believe that he ditched me as soon as he saw Anne... Ahhhh, young people are so romantic~" Iris said while placing her left hand on her cheek.

"Wait a minute, Sister Iris isn't that a bit too risky for him to rush in there!? What if he was attacked in the middle of the fight!?" Sara asked in worry.

"No need to worry. Unlike Anne, Arthur is the type who uses his head instead of blindly following his emotions."

"But didn't you say he ditched you as soon as he saw Anne? Isn't that the type who blindly follows their emotion?"

"....Well, it's young love."

"Does that mean Big Bro Arthur ditched you because you are old?"




"STOP!" Arthur shouted at the top of his lungs, stopping Margarette and Anne in their tracks. The sword is a few inches away from slicing Anne's abdomen while Anne's right leg almost hits Margarette's right cheek. Both of them look at Arthur before jumping backward away from each other.

Anne looks at Arthur up and down, admiring his bare chest and well-toned body. His body almost makes her drool, but she wipes it before others notice and regains her composure.

"What are you doing here, Arthur?"

"Hmph, such a disgraceful peasant! How dare you interrupt the Sacred Duel!"

"What am I doing here? No, what the hell are you doing here!?" Arthur scolded his childhood friend and pushed his right index finger against her forehead while ignoring the existence of Margarette, much to her charging.

"What am I doing here!? I'm taking my Divine Ritual in this village, you idiot!" Anne slapped his hand away from her.

"Yes, I know that! But what the hell are you doing with this Perverted Noble? When you should be resting!"

"What did you mean by Perverted Noble!? I'm the rightful heir of the Puella household, Margarette Corneum Puella!" Once again was ignored by both of them.

"I'm not that weak, Arthur! I can beat up this Perverted Bitch easily without resting!"

"Who are you calling a Perverted Bitch!? Mind your language, you stupid commoners!"

"Then explain why this Horny Bitch has no scratches on her body while you look like shit!?"

"I didn't get serious yet; I'm just playing around with her!"

"Haaaaah...." Arthur sighed in defeat; there was no point for him to argue with a hothead like her. He placed his right hand on her head and began to caress her hair. "Anne...Please listen to me; doing something like this will hurt you." Arthur said in a soft tone.

"You are still physically and mentally exhausted from the ritual; I don't want to lose the people I love this early, especially you, Anne."

"Arthur..." After hearing Arthur's feelings about the current situation, Anne calmed down. "She hurt Sara...I can't just let it go."

"I know, but before caring about other people, you must learn how to care for yourself." Arthur then pulled her into a deep kiss angering the male audience who were watching the fight solely for the fanservice and Margarette, who felt like she was ignored for the whole five minutes.


(In the Crowd)

"What the hell is this!? Where the fuck did this handsome bastard come from!?"

"BOOOOO! Fuck off; no one wants to watch a half-naked man! We want those girls!"

"I didn't sign for this! Stop flirting and fuck off!!"

"Oh, My~" Iris looked at Arthur and Anne in amusement, although it still stung her when they kissed. She is still the woman who keep rooting for them to get together since the first day that she finds out about Anne's feeling plus, there is no way that Arthur will have a romantic feeling toward an old lady like her.

"Fuwaaaah" Sara closed both of her eyes in embarrassment. Seriously what are those two thinking!? Making out in a public area of all places!? Can't they kiss somewhere else!?



I don't know how I ended up writing this chapter, but at least I had fun writing this.

SoyNursecreators' thoughts