
Locked in on him

Once upon a time in the bustling town of Willowbrook, two best friends, Lily and Jenifer, shared a unique bond. They had been through countless adventures together, supporting each other through thick and thin. Jenifer was known for her vibrant personality and her tendency to dive headfirst into new relationships.

One sunny afternoon, Lily sensed that something was off with Jenifer. She had recently broken up with her new boyfriend, who happened to be the rich and famous guy in town. Lily couldn't help but wonder why Jenifer seemed more upset this time than with her previous breakups.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Lily gently approached Jenifer, "Hey, girl, I noticed you've been feeling down lately. What's going on? Is everything okay?"

Jenifer let out a heavy sigh, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "It's this breakup with my ex-boyfriend. I don't know why, but it's hitting me harder than I expected."

Lily furrowed her brow, trying to understand her friend's perspective. She had witnessed Jenifer's pattern of jumping from one relationship to another, but this time, it seemed different. "I know you've always been the type to move on quickly, but this breakup seems to have affected you on a deeper level. Can you help me understand why?"

Jenifer looked down, fidgeting with her hands. "Honestly, I thought he was different. He was charming, successful, and seemed to have it all. I genuinely believed we were meant to be together."

Lily nodded, realizing that Jenifer had placed higher expectations on this relationship. "Ah, I see. It sounds like you had higher hopes for this particular guy. Maybe you saw something in him that made you think he could be different from the others."

Jenifer's eyes welled up with tears, her vulnerability shining through. "Exactly! I thought he could break the cycle of my past relationships. But now, it feels like I'm back to square one."

Lily reached out and gently squeezed Jenifer's hand, offering her support. "I understand why you're feeling upset. It's natural to hope for something more when you find someone who seems different. But remember, not every relationship will meet your expectations, and that's okay."

Jenifer wiped away her tears, a mixture of gratitude and sadness on her face. "You're right, Lily. I need to remind myself that I deserve someone who truly values me for who I am. She then asked how Lily was lately. 

Lily's graduation day was fast approaching, and excitement filled the air. She had worked hard throughout her academic journey, and now, a big opportunity awaited her. Lily had received an offer from a prestigious company, a chance to embark on a new chapter of her life.

As she shared the news with Jenifer, her best friend's eyes sparkled with understanding. Jenifer, too, had experienced a similar path in life, having been through the ups and downs of being adopted. She knew the mix of emotions Lily must be feeling.

Jenifer embraced Lily tightly, a proud smile on her face. "Lily, this is incredible! You've come so far, and now, you have this amazing opportunity to spread your wings and fly."

Lily beamed, grateful for Jenifer's unwavering support. "Thank you, Jen. It's been a long journey, and I couldn't have done it without you.  You've always been there for me unlike those shitty adopted parents who have only been maniacs in my life. Only thing they cared about was the money I used to work had for on top of my studies but this job offer means I can finally stand on my own two feet."

Jenifer nodded, her eyes filled with empathy. "I understand, Lily. We've both been through our fair share of challenges, relying on the love and support of each other. But now, it's time for us to carve our own paths and create our own destinies. I had to do more than 4 par-time jobs to be able to raise funds to raise the family. The adopted parents didn't even care about those kids. They would only care about the government relief funds they got from us.

Lily's voice trembled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Leaving my adopted parents will be better cos the only thing they provided me with, was shelter but now I believe with this big opportunity ahead, I can do it by myself and be able to explore  explore new horizons."

Jenifer squeezed Lily's hand reassuringly. "Change can be scary, but it's also an opportunity for you to grow.

A sense of determination ignited within Lily. "You're right, Jen. It's time for me to step out of my comfort zone and embrace this new chapter. I'll forever cherish the love and support I've received from you, but now, it's my chance to make myself proud."

Jenifer grinned, her eyes filled with excitement. "I have no doubt that you'll shine, Lily. Embrace this opportunity, chase your dreams, and remember that I'll always be here cheering you on."

Lily hugged Jenifer tightly, feeling a surge of gratitude for her best friend's unwavering presence in her life. Jenifer said it's time for her to get rid of her previous shit life, that's why she brought Lily to the bar for her fist time: Look, you are beautiful and amazing now, you need to find a damn hot guy and lay him down on the bed and enjoy your new life! Who could believe that a shockingly stunning girl like you is even a virgin at her 23!

At this time her adopted father called Jenifer for money again. She cut off his call and gulped a whole glass down and announced that she's going to live for herself. And Jenifer dragged her to the dance pool. 

The atmosphere was lively, with music and laughter filling the air.As they chatted and laughed, Jenifer's eyes suddenly landed on a handsome guy across the room. Without a word, she got up and made her way towards him, leaving Lily alone at the table. Lily watched as Jenifer confidently approached the guy, struck up a conversation, and they seemed to hit it off.

Feeling a bit abandoned, Lily tried to brush off the feeling and continued enjoying her time at the table. However, as the night went on, a guy at the bar started to harass Lily. He made inappropriate comments and invaded her personal space, making her feel uncomfortable and unsafe.

Just as Lily was starting to feel overwhelmed, a stranger appeared out of nowhere. He noticed the uncomfortable situation and stepped in to defend Lily. With a firm yet calm voice, he told the harasser to back off and leave Lily alone. The stranger's presence and intervention diffused the tense situation, and the harasser quickly backed away.

Lily looked up at her rescuer, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude. She thanked him sincerely, and he assured her that he was glad to help. Lily realized that the man had a unique aura about him that she not only didn't resent his touch, but it made her only want to get closer.

They continued talking, and Lily learned that the stranger's name was Ethan They found common interests and shared a few laughs, instantly forming a connection.

  Lily thought to herself that she's going to get him tonight. If she had to find someone to indulge in, to loosen up the nerves she'd been straining for so many years, then the man in front of her would be perfect.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Brivelle_Shafikcreators' thoughts
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