

in another world there is a divine tribulation happening but something went when the main character' father uses a strange stone to free his adopted son zo lei. as he tries to help zo lei the elders comes forth to kill them before the strange strange stone does anything. "how dare you disturb our tribulation" zo wang said as he jumps forword.

unbeknownst for the elders zo lei already reach emperor rank 3 after he cultivated the spirit garden. that meant that the tribulations would never have worked in the first place because of this he was never worried about it but when his father jumped in, in that moment he realised that his father cares about him even though his father never bat an eye on him he was truly happy and sorrowfull although the divine tribulation won't work it'll still hold him down so his father at god realm was committing suicide he didn't want his father to die but he could nothing even if he uses his ki nothing happen. as his father and the elder jump towards each other zo wang throws the strange stone. as he catches the stone his conscience started to fade away but before it fades away he sees his whole family and uncles going to attack his father and rip his head out with blood coming out of the head his father uses his ki to say his last words to his son... "son i bilieve in you but you have to realise never trust anyone in this new world you might die" as his dad's voice fade away he calls out "FATHER...FATHER WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WHAT WORLD" as he scream he see that he is in a weird place with everyone laughing at him he starts to have a weird headache and he receives the memories I another zo lei

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