
System Of Sins [ The Last Sinner ]

"If sin brings delight, I'll live my life as a sinner." "There is nothing in life that brings me joy more than victory and nothing that I loathe more than defeat." "Why do I fight if I know I'm going to lose?" you ask? "I'd like to ask you a simple question first." "What exactly do you mean by "losing"?" "I only know two things in life: to die or to win, and clearly I haven't died yet." "So be aware of your place, punk." "I shall crush you into ashes, even if it's the last thing I do."

AvokVoid · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Job Seeker

Someone approached Rian with slow footsteps just as he was about to leave for the interview.

"So you're finally getting a job," Saya Said as she approached Rian slowly.

Saya is the daughter of the landlord. She is 22 years old, a cutie with clear skin, a beautiful shape, and blue wolf-cut hair. Rian gets in a lot of trouble because of her amazing looks, but he's fine with it because he enjoys beating people up (bad ones, of course), which is why her mother hasn't kicked him out for the previous three months. Her mother told him last week that if he didn't pay her, rent for the previous three months, he would be kicked out of the house.

"Hey Saya, you look as cute as ever," Rian said, his big smile concealing some ulterior motive.

"You know that's not going to work Rian. Mom is very serious about her decision this time and you know that," said Saya, crossing her hands together and blushing slightly as she looked to her right.

"I thought so," Rian groaned, a disappointed expression on his face, "but it doesn't hurt to try, does it?" "So, cupcake, what brings you here?" Rian asked.

"I just thought you might be hungry, so I got you this," Saya blushed as she held a pink lunch box in both hands and faced the ground with both eyes closed.

"Thank you so much. I was starving!! You'll make a wonderful wife someday, Saya." Rian stated with a genuine smile on his face.

"I won't mind ma..." Saya said quietly while blushing.

"Oh sh*t, I have to leave right now or I'll be late for the interview," Rian said, He then hurriedly grabbed the pink lunch box.

"Saya, thank you for the food. I'm looking forward to it." Rian yelled as he dashed for the stairwell.

Saya stared at his back disappointed then she sigh and said "why do I like this muscle head?" Then Saya left with a sad face

As you may have noticed, Saya is clearly in love with Rian,(if you didn't then you need help, seriously ) but he just views her as his younger sister. She tries her hardest to express her feelings at all times, but she is always anxious when she is near him. It's been that way since they first met three years ago. Rian was homeless at the time since his parents had kicked him out because he was constantly getting into trouble, and they had grown tired of him. One day, Rian was sleeping on the street because he didn't have any money and Billy was currently out of town.

Then he heard someone yell, "Leave my hands immediately!" shouted Saya, and then he went in to see what was going on.

"What's going on here?" Rian asked,

"None of your business b*tch, f*ck off," the drunk man replied. He appeared to be around the age of 26. If someone is speaking negatively to Rian, he will not engage in conversation as his pride does not let him.

"Are you in trouble?" he asked the girls. When they all said "yes," he smiled and began striking all of the drunken men, as if he was letting go of his rage.

Since they were weak, it was absolutely one-sided. After that, he met Saya, who informed him that they had a tiny room available for rent, which he immediately accepted. Since then, he's always thought of Saya as his younger sister.

Meanwhile, Rian was riding his motorbike, trying to decide how he might introduce himself to Kate since it had been so long since they had seen each other. He eventually arrived at a large white building with many windows and a sign that said Taiyo Company, which was the company that sponsored Kate and is also her father's company.

"Hey, nice suit man," Rian said to the security guard, pointing to his suit with a big smile. The security stared at him and said nothing. Rian said as he walked inside, "No fun."

Rian was taken aback by how well-organized the building was; everyone appeared to be like machines, with serious faces and nearly identical suits.

He then stepped up to the receptionist and said, "Hi, I'm here for the bodyguard position." while attempting to be as professional as possible.

"Go to the 5th floor and then the second door on your right," the receptionist replied without looking him in the eyes.

"Thanks a lot," Rian responded, rushing to the elevator because he was running late.

Rian was about to knock on the door when someone aggressively opened it from the inside, grabbing someone by the neck and throwing him out the door.

"Don't f*ckin come back here again. Do you hear what I'm saying?" Carter shouted as he slammed the door shut in Ryan's face.

Rian froze as he recognized this voice. It was Kate's father, Carter.

Carter was a 51-year-old man with short black hair with some white spots, black-like eyes, a giant figure, and even bigger muscles who had disliked Rian since the first day, so Rian realized he was f*cked within a second. Not a minute later, the door opens again.

"Are you here for the job?" "Come on in." Carter Said

"Yes, sir," Rian said, then sighed with relief when he realized Carter didn't recognize him and started looking for Kate, but he couldn't see her anywhere near.

"As you all know, there is only one person who will get this position, and there are 30 applicants, thus only the best will get this job,

"You shall all start testing right away," Carter shouted out loud enough for everyone to hear.

Rian knew he would succeed. It may appear that he is overconfident, but Rian was born with the ability to sense who is stronger than him. Apart from Mr. Carter, no one comes close to him.

"It'll be a piece of cake," Rian said, smiling broadly while banging his fists together.