
The First Plan

Today was exactly a week after he started the time turner. It was morning and Harry was about to begin his plan.

Harry had two plans for two different purposes. The first plan was to check the security and gather as much information as possible. The second plan was to use that information and added them in a current plan to increase success ration.

Harry was reluctant to leave such a good place where he could learn to his heart's content, and also have the favor of beauties with him.

But, he has no choice. Time waits for no man.

Literally, in his case.

He checked the time turner in his ring, which was slowing down, and when it stops, that time Harry will force, back to reality.

He didn't go to the cafeteria or the classes. He knew Jasmine would be worried about him.

Harry looked at his room where he stayed for the last week for one last time and left with a determined expression.

The first stop was a greenhouse near the snake tree. As he made his way toward a greenhouse, he used the ring's ability to invisibility and also checked the bewitched square-shovel in the ring.

Harry's decision to turn invisible was proved correct, as he soon saw a pair of lovers behind a tree. The wizarding world was liberal with these things and especially Americans.

On his way, he saw more than ten such pairs. They must have slipped from the classes, Harry thought.

When he reached the greenhouse, behind it, was also a pair of lovers smooching each other.

Harry felt helpless about this. Liberty was a good thing which he also enjoyed to full extent, but now it was making hindrance in his plan.

He decided to alert them after creating a 'fire by accident.'

He put down the extra robe of some random student he 'borrowed' from, and made it look like fire originated from it with some joke-product of the random company.

Harry made sure that the whole greenhouse would catch fire, and easily visible and eye-catching from afar.

He made a sound to alert the pair of lovers but they were busy smooching. He was on a tight schedule as Pukwudgie on the patrol might have caught up to him, so he ran toward the snake tree without caring about them anymore.

Harry just ran 30 meters when he heard a resonating sound from the greenhouse. Something blasts off inside, without Harry's knowledge. He could only hope for those two's well being.

Harry didn't have much time to think about them as with his good eyesight, he spotted Pukwudgie.

The sound was too big to not notice it, as, when he reached near the tree, he saw Felicity coming out from the trapdoor, on the floor, around 10 meters away from the tree.

He remembered that she came to the office around 10 o'clock that must be time for the change in the shift.

When he reached a nearby tree, he got notification from the system saying alarm magic was around the tree.

It is a new discovery.

Harry never went near it, so not to arouse suspicion. And what was more, Pukwudgie was also hiding near the tree. He was looking at the fire of the greenhouse, but he didn't move from his position.

Harry starts to hate these damn annoying creatures. He, without the worry of that alarm magic, went near Pukwudgie and stunned him.

He took out five bewitched square-shovels and soon all of them started digging under the tree.

The shovels were working fast; in just 30 seconds they dug 3 meters under. The wand was resonating and shaking heavily in Harry's hand— indicating the thing, he was looking forward to was near.

But alas, the group of Pukwudgies was running toward the tree, and that wasn't all, Harry could see two groups of professors were running— one at greenhouse; the second one was coming here.

Harry wasn't worried as he was going to leave soon.

One minute passed and many things happened at the same time.

The first thing was that the shovels crashed with something hard in the ground.

The second was that a group of those annoying things reached near the hole that Harry made.

And, the last was, the Time Turner in Harry's ring stopped.

Harry lamented his unluckiness. He was so close to finding out what was hidden inside.

But, he wasn't discouraged, as he got much information from this failure, and on top of that, he heard some Pukwudgie speaking 'Founder's grave', which made Harry's eyes sparked with a new light.

Harry knew that the Ilvermorny was created by Salazar Slytherin's descendant, so he couldn't help but wonder if the thing under the tree was related to him.

It matters not, because he will soon go back to the present and execute his second plan and find out soon.

The space around him collapsed as he felt like Apparated very long distance. Thanks to his high vitality, he didn't throw it out.

When he opened his eyes, he was again near the tree but with Jasmine holding his hand and her father coming along silently.

Harry suddenly stood, but just for the second and started walking as if nothing happened, and this time didn't ask about the tree.

But, he didn't notice Jasmine's changing face. The emotions changed many times and finally settled on caring and longing, and she whispered in Harry's ear, "Darling!"

Harry was shocked to hear a familiar way of addressing it! She only addressed him like this on her first night!

Harry couldn't understand how this was even possible!

Power stones for the Harem Lord!

great_gamercreators' thoughts
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