
the powers

My name is Kyle and I'm just an ordinary guy in a world with superpowered people like superman,super girl,power girl,green lantern and my favourite and my crush Wonder Woman,I mean who wouldn't like a strong and beautiful woman.

I was in a lexcorp science fair looking at the genetic engineered spiders, when I noticed a spider on the floor I looked at it and it stared back ever since I was young I've always had a liking for spiders, I bent down and picked it up and stared at it then it kinda cliched in my and then bit down on me.

"Ah fuck that hurts,shit"

I ran to the toilet and felt dizzy and sick, I threw up in the toilet,I was on floor and was passing out when I noticed guards come in and pick me up,drag me outside and throw me in the back of a van.After about five minutes they stopped and dragged me out,threw me on the floor.

(Is this really how I'm going to die alone in a forest,I wish I could see makima again uhhhg I'm so pathetic)

My muscles,bones and everything else was burning (it hurts so much) then I looked up and saw something heading my way it crashed next to me and left a creator I crawled over to it (might as well see something cool when I'm about to die) I looked at the at the meteor and it cracked open and something white and black came out and crawled on me.

Then I finally blacked out.When I woke i was in my apartment in New York. I looked around (what that all a dream,No Kyle it was not)"w-who said that"I stuttered out then a white head with a black menacing face came out of my shoulder "it's not who it's we".

"what do u mean we"

"Well Kyle I'm a symbiote and I need a host to survive"

"Me I'm your host and your inside of me GET OUT NOW"

"Oh I can't once I've combined with you I can't leave"

"But why me", "2 reasons first you where just in the right place at the right time second your my perfect host so the max potential and not counting your new powers".

"What are you talking about"

"Well Kyle you have all my abilities and your new ones from that spider"

"Wait,wait,wait what powers"

"Well I know you always wanted to have power and to be a hero,now you can be one with these powers.do you wish to know what powers you have.

"Y-yes YES I wanna know what my powers are"

"Okay listen I'll only say this once"

"Got it I'm all ears"

"Alright listen carefully you have control over bio electricity,invisibility,stingers,spider strength,speed and endurance you also have spider sense where you have sixths sense that warns you about incoming attacks you also can stick to any surface,you aswell have organic webs you can shoot out of your wrist"

"W-ow that a lot of different powers"yes it's is but you also can control me, I don't take damage from fire or sound my race's natural weakness"

"Well it looks like I got lucky with you didn't I"yes very lucky and you can also can control my biomass to change your outfit on command and make weapons, I also have healing powers I can regenerate you and othe people and can cure any diseases"

"Wow so I'm reallly busted"Wrong.huh what do you mean,its not you it's we.huh well I guess your right, we are busted.That's right we are.

"Wait I have got a question"what is it,what is your name if you have one,huh well I guess you can call me anti-venom,why anti venom,simple I'm combined with your white blood cells and I can fight venom and other diseases,huh interesting.Well anti venom lest work together,huh.

Kyle started to mess with his powers until the new came on tv.

"This is *** news and this is the current report of New York all over the world city's have there own hero's metropolis has superman,Gotham has Batman and so on so on but the question is where's New York's".

"The justice league come and go but there is no real hero to protect us from any villains and the criminals, we think the criminals have noticed because the crime rate has increased dramatically,so the question is will we ever have a hero"

Kyle and anti-venom turned to each other and smirked "lest be the hero they are asking for ay,yes we should"

"What should are name be"hmm how about anti-venom.why my name,erm because it's the only thing I can think of.fine lest to it you also need to make a suit,easy I said with a smirk.

Kyle closed his eyes and thought about a suit,then suddenly a white and black suit appeared around him(ps5 spider man 2 anti venom)

Well lest get started I said out loud. I ran to the window and jumped out pointed my hand to the nearest building and shot a web out and swung down gliding past civilians "hello New York" I shouted I noticed people taking photos and videos as I was swinging by.

10 minutes later "uhh it's not a bad thing that there are lnow crime but it's incredibly boring,agreed.As I was thinking this I heard a scream I quickly rushed over and saw some thugs surrounding a woman with with Snow White hair, I jumped down as they turned to me the woman looked hopeful with her big green eyes she was beautiful I thought to myself.

[Focus on the fight not on that woman]

[Yeye I will]

I looked back at the group of five as they rushed at me without any words we started fighting.

*I rushed at the first guy and sliced is chest with my stingers it was shallow enough not to kill but to let my poison to paralyse him.*

*The second and third pulled out guns and shout a few bullets at me I dodged*

*And launched to tentacles that wrapped around there heads and slapped them together knocking them out the last guy ran up to me and tried to stab me I grabbed his wrist and gripped his neck launching a bio shock through his systems*

I turned around and webbed them up to the walls and floor,then I turned to the girls and asked if she was okay,

"Are you alright miss"

"Y-yes urm Felicia hardy is my name"

"Well miss hardy I suggest you call the cops and go home"

"Erm thank you"

"Anti venom that's my name"

"Well thank you and I will make sure I will"

"Alright goodbye" I said then swung away,little did Kyle know under all that thankfulness there was a huge obsession

"Well that was fun"Agreed.

For the rest of the day Kyle went around stopping crime,then went home and turned on the news.

"Well the citizens of New York,it looks like we finally have a hero called anti-venom we have one of the people he saved right next to us then a young woman with white hair came in the screen.

"Hey isn't that the Felicia girl you saved earlier"

"Yes it is isn't it, let see what she has to say"

"Well miss hardy how was this new hero, well he was great,he didn't waste any time like the other heros talking to there enemies he just dropped down and tuck them out,he wore this pure white suit with a black spider symbol,and I'm pretty sure that it was high tech or alive"

"Oh miss hardy what makes you say the suit is alive"

"Well it created like these tentacles and stuff out of it was awesome"

"You heard it her first fokes New York has its first and only hero anti-vemon"


"And that's it" Batman spoke

"He's cool and that suit" flash spoke exited

"Hes a fine warrior but it is to early to judge" Wonder Woman spoke

"Agreed" Batman said