

Torn between the past and the present, Sybil doesn't know what the future holds for her. She is faced with difficulties as her past comes back to hunt her. Her destiny becomes intertwined with a dark Garnet prince, Azriel who will subject the world to captivity and misery. Unexpected events occur for Sybil who is left to choose between Love and fulfilling her destiny. But is left shattered by the ones she trusted. Azriel on the other hand is a strong and domenering being who will stop at nothing in acquiring what he desires.....even if it means destroying what is dear to him. He is a nightmare dressed like a daydream to Sybil.

Black_Miee · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Who's he?

Sybil opened her eyes and was left in disbelief at how dashing and handsome he was.

She had never seen someone as breathtaking as he was. There were handsome men in Washington but no one was on par with him.

His red hair was in a low ponytail a little bit above his neck. Red hair? That was one hella unique colour for a male's hair. His chisled jaw gave a defined interpretation to his lips. They were thin and a pale pink. Not too full, just right for his face.

His eyes the colour of molten lava deep with unsaid and ravaging emotions within them.

Speechless, she gwaked at his handsomeness. She didn't know if she was to flinch at how handsome he was or the fact that he suddenly appeared from no where to save her.

One moment she was alone about to die and the other this man saved her.

Aware of her situation, she pushes him away and he stumbled backwards.

His expression change in an instant. "I saved your ass the least you could say is 'thank you'. Ungrateful human".

Sybil stood up and looked around, and wondered how her destination changed quickly.

"Where am I?" she asked him. Feeling totally dejected, Azriel became furious at her insolence. He wanted to use his powers to make her regret what she did but decided against it. If he purposely kills this human, all hope of salvation will be lost Forever. He wouldn't want to risk his chances.


"what? where? how? why?"

"You sure ask too many questions for a scared human girl." He replied ignoring her questions.

Sybil didn't know how or why she was here but she needed to get back before dawn. She had work in the morning and she needed to conclude her write up before the board meeting tomorrow. She didn't even knw what time it was here or what day it was.

She decided to get some answers from Azriel but he wouldn't budge out from his grim expression. He face is blank and void of emotions. He didn't seem like he was ready to answer any questions. Not from her especially.

"How did you get here?". He asked her back. This sudden question of his startled her. She didn't know why she was here. She doesn't even know how she got here or how to go back.

"I--I don't know. Please take me home". She pleaded with him.

"let me show you something". He stretched his hands towards her. Hesitant, Sybil was unsure if she could trust him. Handsome men were not to be trusted.

Impatient, he grasped her hand forcefully and teleported to another dimension.

She gasped as he let go of her. Steadying herself, she looked around and she was in a beautiful garden. A garden of Garnet stones?

"Where is this place".She asked.

"Are you always this interrogative?" he asked her back. "Can't you at least seem to trust me just this once?"

"Why would I trust someone I just met? Are you even human?" Sybil defended herself.

The winds gushed by gently making the atmosphere around them calm and quiet.

"Legend has it that the Garnet stones were used to illuminate and give powers to its bearers. The Almandinte clan, my people use this stone to purify and energize themselves. After finding out the secrets behind the Almandine garnet, the Grossular went to war with us. Although we conquered them, we weren't as powerful as we were before the war.

We decided an ambush and evaded the remnants of their territory and forcefully took their stones. We consumed them.

There was a time where we almost ran out of Garnet that's when we decided to seek the elders help and create this garnet garden.

Alternative Almandinte healers have used this gem to purify and strengthen the positivity and harmony amongst ourselves. But I got too greedy.

The elders cursed me and made me consume more garnet than usual as punishment." He began after ignoring her questions.

Sybil didn't know why he was suddenly telling her all this when he totally ignored her but she paid intent attention to what he said. She didn't know what he implied by this 'punishment'. She wanted to ask him but knew better not to.

She watched his expression and he seemed to have drifted off. He is probably reminiscing what happened that day.

"I became too powerful and was undefeated. As years passed, all the people I loved faded away leaving me behind. I became lonely. I grew impatient and began seeking death but death seemed to be farther away from my grasp. I tried so hard to die but I couldn't.

Thousands of years passed and I became more impatient so I decided to seek help.

I thought I had found salvation but turns out it was only my wishful thinking. There was nothing she could do for me. She told me to wait that one who will bring me what I seek the most will come to me. And you did". He paused staring intently into her amber colored eyes. "I need you".

She looked him straight in his eyes and was confused at his last statement. "What?" was the last word she could mutter before she woke up.

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