
Sweet & Sour - A story of love bond (BTS Jeon Jungkook)

Will Y/n and Jungkook can ever be together? Can they fall in love and lead a happy life other's or They will separate when the contract will end....?

Daoistw13Apf · Célébrités
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2 Chs

Only fight

y/n is doing something on her laptop in a park. suddenly a notification pooped on her phone that [ Dear writer ur book has been blocked by the Director ]

y/n: what the hell.....papa

she became furious and yell papa so loudly Because it's her father who said the director to block it as it is not the 1st time

[ Name: park y/n, the inheritor of korea's top 10 famous and rich company The park group of companies

Nature: cold, sweet, badass actually a mixed nature but she never cried

profession: a writer but newcomer for now only writes book on online platform and subscribers if u will say there is not it won't be wrong because she has very less fan

Biggest enemy of dream of being writer: Her own dad Park Nian

And life time enemy: None other then Jeon Jungkook ]

so in the meantime a person came actually he is her father's P.A. as she was furious so gave him a cold gaze


Mr.Lee: mam sir wanna meet u. he has sent me to pick u.he has something important to tell u.

y/n: what now?.... doesn't he have any other work....let's go

she is talking coldly

so he took her to her Father's company and she got in of her papa's cabin where she was sitting very proudly. so she went to him and stand infront of him with a cold face

Nian: oho look who has come....

he is saying sarcastically

[ Name: Park Nian

the ceo and owner of the top 10 rich company of korea and y/n's father

spouse: died already and for his daughter never married again]

y/n: what is this all?... u r doing excess. u always just used to say my princess my princess but now u r treating like i m not even ur own blood

she said coldly

Nian: hayyyy.....u ask me for 3 years. and u said that then u gonna be a big writer.... and u will publish ur books and bla bla. but no one read ur stories let alone publish a book.it's enough now as per ur promise u gonna inherit my company

he talking coldly but also with a devilish smile it was looking like something was in his mind

Nian: now what can i say or do u couldn't do anything not even get a boyfriend

y/n: u r the 1st father who is telling his daughter to find a boyfriend . moreover writing something and being famous is it that easy. It's not that easy of making a cup of tea. and i won't inherit the company. i have my own dreams and own passion and i m not wrong. i m just gonna run behind it.

she is being just cold.

Nian: aha did u forget? 3 years back u sing this paper if u can't be a famous writer u gonna inherit my company

her father was smirking because of that paper. actually y/n really signed the paper but just she signed and her father took it seriously and just made it as a legal document

y/n:...r u for real...?

she became shocked and gave a disbelief look

Nian: yeah yeah 100% real and pure. so when u gonna join huh?

as he smile widely and smirk

y/n: how can u made a contract with ur own daughter ? And i m never gonna join in this life ( cold gaze)

she is in a shock yet

Nian: ok don't join then get married. Inherit or marry choice is yours....

y/n: papa.....

she yell

y/n: how can u do this?I will neither do inherit nor marry.

coldly she said

Nian: i am giving 36 hours find a son-in- law for me and get married then be whatever u want i don't care.but if u fail to find a guy for u then i won't hear anything u just have to take responsibility of our company by the way u have signed the papers so u can't turn ur face from this

he was so happy and smirking

y/n: how can u do this? Till i won't feel like to marry how can i get married moreover is it a packet of chips that i will go to conventional shop and buy it and bring. is it a joke? does anyone do this kind of things with his own child. u r not my real father, u r my step dad i m sure.

she is talking sarcastically

Nian: go my child go. don't talk nonsense here. go and start ur work of finding son-in-law because clock is ticking. and u know right if i say no editing company will give u job

he was smirking while saying this all

y/n: u r really..... I never gonna forgive u..... From the starting u r just discouraging me......even now...i hate u.....

she just said and left from there and meanwhile her father doesn't care what she said because he knows she has no way but accepting his deal

so y/n left from there and came to the 1st floor of the building. so while going out of the company she bumped with someone

y/n:.....hay don't u have eyes

??:.......hay can't u see

both of them said in the same time with cold gazes without looking at each other. then they lift up their head and

y/n: u?

and cold glare........