
Sweet Savour

Auteur: CliveJensen
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What is Sweet Savour

Lisez le roman Sweet Savour écrit par l'auteur CliveJensen publié sur WebNovel. Contains matured scenes not suitable for young readers. All Rights Reserved © 2019...


Contains matured scenes not suitable for young readers. All Rights Reserved © 2019

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The FAKE Daughter's Multiple Identities Got Exposed.

After living in the Wang family for 18 years, Luyan found that she was adopted. After founding out the truth, she knew why her family treated her very coldly. They always told her not to use their surname. In the past, After the real daughter of the Wang family went missing they found Luyan. They adopted her, because they didn't want their reputation to fall and there was a marriage contract between Wang and Zhang family. Zhang family's was more powerful so they didn't dare break marriage contract. So they hesitantly adopted her. After 18 years their real daughter, Xueya came back. They abondened her. Luyan was also founded by her real family. She was taken to the Li family, The richest family in the country. Her parents and her Six brothers doted on her. She was also having a fiancè, but to her suprise she knew him. He was the richest person in the world, Fu Yuchen. After living in the family her Identities were being exposed one by one. Famous Designer, Hacker, Miracle doctor, Painter, Piano master .... her identities were getting revealed. -------------------- big brother: The Wang family bullied you! I will make them vanish from the earth. Other brothers: We agree! -------------------- After her Identities got revealed the young master of the Zhang family, her former fiancè wanted to marry her. Six brothers and Fu Yuchen: The Zhang family want to marry our Luyan, dream! The next day the news of young master Zhang being beaten and sent to hospital was trending. -------------------- Luyan: Don't play hooligans! Yuchen: I am just making you, my future wife comfortable with it in advance. -------------------- Hello! I am the Author i would like you to know about a few things- I am a teen less than aged 18 years. So if there are any problems i apologise to you. The novel is fictional and there may not be any logic in this. About FL being smart or powerful from a young age. Please bear it with me. I won't do research about what a doctor instruct or whatever. If there is a professional in the field I would be writing, I really sorry about it. If there are any problems you can write a review i would try to fix it as soon as possible.

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The Male Siren

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  • Qualité de l’écriture
  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating