
Become a New Student

In Korea, to be precise in the big city of Seoul, there is a 19-year-old teenager living well with his adoptive parents. This teenager has a handsome stature, is tall, and has white skin that is different from other Korean teenagers. Let's just say his name, Ye Jun-Young. At that time, he was in a third-year school in one of the junior high schools in Seoul City. 

That day, was the first day he returned to the city of Seoul. Because previously he lived in another country following religious lessons. This Ye Jun has one younger brother and one younger sister. His younger brother's name is Hamka, and his younger sister's name is Yuri. However, Ye Jun also has an older sister named Hera. Where this Hera, was once a nanny for little Yuri. Then he was adopted as a younger brother by Ye Jun's adoptive parents as well. 

Hamka himself is no less handsome than his brother, Ye Jun. These two are always the center of attention of many girls. 


After arriving home, Ye Jun was immediately greeted by his adoptive mother very well. His adoptive mother's name is Yoona Moon Young. The woman with the heart of an angel, who takes care of Ye Jun like his own son. 

"Mom, why can't I open my suitcase?" Ye Jun asked confused. 

"Because you will live together with Hera Noona at her house," Yoona answered in her soft voice. 

"What? So it's just the two of us?" Ye Jun's question was a little higher in tone. 

"Of course not. There is your younger brother, Hamka who will live with you as well. Coincidentally, the road to your school will be much closer than ever. " Yoona explained well. 

Hearing that Hera has a house of her own made Ye Jun happy too. The relationship between the two is also very good because Hera also always communicates with Ye Jun. 

There's nothing more to discuss. Whatever his parents said, Ye Jun always just obeyed.  

"Noona, thank you. I'm glad you finally got to buy your own house. When are we moving? Is it tonight too? If not, where will I sleep?"  Ye Jun is confused.  

"Brother! Tonight we can live in the apartment next door first. It belongs to our Uncle too, doesn't it? What a coincidence, the apartment is empty, and coincidentally, I know the PIN code," Hamka said, not wanting to feel a loss if the bed was shared with his older brother. 

Seeing Ye Jun and Hamka so familiar, made Yuri feel jealous. she didn't want her two older brothers to be happy without involving her. Even so, Yuri never thought bad, he was just jealous when he wasn't invited to play together.  


The next day, Hera went first to her stone house. Not long after, Yoona's little family followed. They also did not take all their belongings, only what the three needed to live independently.  

"Wow, amazing! The house is nice," Yuri praised the house that her older sister had bought using her hard work. 

Even though the house is twice as big as Naufal's house, it still only has three bedrooms. Perfect for Ye Jun, Hera, and also Hamka. 

"Noona, are you sure this is your house?" asked Hamka also amazed. 

"Of course! Otherwise, the name of the owner of this house… is not my name and neither can everyone enter!" replied Hera, so excited. 

Yoona and Naufal filled the large refrigerator in the kitchen of the house. Hera immediately refused. But since all of that was also for Ye Jun and Hamka, so Hera didn't reject him anymore. Because, indeed, his two younger brothers are still the responsibility of his parents.  

It's time to choose a room. 

Ye Jun chose the biggest room in the house. Since Hera would often be out of town later, she would choose a room close to the door. So that, when he came home later, he could go straight to his room.  

After cleaning up, Yoona and Naufal also invited Yuri to go home.  Naufal also promised to send food every week. Still, a father wherever he is, can't just let his children go. Moreover, their children are learning to live independently.  


Arrived where Ye Jun became the new kid at school. 

After breakfast, Ye Jun and Hamka went to school together by riding public transportation. Namely, the subway. 

"Hyeong, are you ready to go to school in the same place as I go to school too?" asked Hamka. 

"Certain! Why do you ask like that?"  

"No, I'm just warning him. So, be careful when you're at school. Remember, never interfere in other people's business. If you don't want to be bullied by them later," Hamka was advising his older brother.  

AYe Jun, who didn't understand, only frowned. "Have you ever been bullied?" Ye Jun asked.  

Hamka was silent, then not long after that nodded slowly.  Ye Jun asked him how he got bullied at school. Hamka replied if he only helped one of his friends who were in trouble. Then in the afternoon, the bullies beat him.  

"Does Daddy, or Mommy, know about this?" Ye Jun asked again. 

Hamka shook his head again.

"Wait a moment. Aren't you also a martial artist? Why don't you use the knowledge you have, Hamka? If it's just self-defense, I guess there's no problem, right?" Ye Jun said with a calm mood.  

In the Naufal family, Naufal is required that all his children have martial arts knowledge. Arriving at school, Hamka parted with Ye Jun. Their class is different. If Hamka is still a sophomore in high school, then Ye Jun. As far as the upper middle of his seat.  

"Hamka," Ye Jun called. 


"Remember, if you don't want to fight them, just tell me. I'll take care of them for you, understand?" Ye Jun said. 

Hamka nodded. She understands and will follow what her older brother says.  

"Okay, now you go to class first. I'm going to the teacher's office, to meet my new class teacher." Ye Jun asked, and now they were separated. 


Arriving at school, Ye Jun immediately headed for the teacher's office to fulfill the call before entering his class. All the teachers were amazed by Ye Jun's perfect score when the country where he was previously pursuing knowledge. 

"Ye Jun-Young. Come, come with me. The main hour is my teaching hour in your new class. Hopefully, we will feel comfortable studying here," said the teacher named Mr. Kim

TT Not answering anything, Ye Jun just nodded. The teacher entered while greeting his students. Then, Ye Jun followed closely behind. Not to forget, Mr. Kim also introduced Ye Jun to his new friends. After introducing himself, Ye Jun was asked to sit down. 

"Gosh, why do I have to sit next to a female student? Hari, this makes me so uncomfortable!" Ye Jun thought, walking to an empty seat next to a female student. It's easier to study because the bench is next to the window.  

All the female students looked at him with gazes, as if they were about to pounce on Ye Jun. Unfortunately, this Ye Jun has always been cold and indifferent to a woman. Keep the view, and focus on learning to organize the future. 

"All right then, we'll start the lesson. Open the 20-page package, and look at the ideas." Kim ordered firmly.  

All the students started to open their books, including Ye Jun who was confused because the textbook was still foreign to him. Even so, Ye Jun continued to study hard. 

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