1 Beginning

The moment I saw you, I knew we're meant for each other.

Never wanting someone else beside you.

Only caring about warmth I continue to receive from you.

I started dreaming of what it's like to grow old with you.

Walking with the path you directed.

Learning the things you said.

Seeing you smile for things that you are delighted.

The more days come to pass, I grew to love you more.

I told myself, that I will embrace this warmth forever.

I trusted myself that I could love you forever.


I don't know anymore what I loved about you.

As our relationship deepened.

You distanced yourself. Putting a wall between us.

Becoming completely different from what you were before.

The more I try my hardest to keep our relationship stable.

The more you stumble on the foundations I believed, we built together.

How dare you?

Making me trust you.

Making me believe that you eternally love me.

Leaving me alone, in the dark.

Watching walk away, slowly drifting apart...

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