
Chapter 6 male stranger suddenly to call

Finally, Su Ting hesitate said: "husband, I know, at this time to call you very inappropriate, moreover, it is difficult to say on the phone. But, if I wait until you home again in this matter, it's too late. It also from yesterday evening, the man spoke about the party. In fact, this morning, I wanted to mention that thing with you, but I worry that you will be angry, don't dare to say with you again.""I can understand your mood at that time, however, you don't have to worry about, I already forgot that thing last night. To be honest, it really give us both husband and wife life add a lot of color." Say that finish, BaoRui masquerading as a show of indifference, ha ha smiled to get up. He's trying to reassure his wife, however, his wife Su Ting still did not mention the urgent thing. BaoRui somewhat impatiently say: "Su Ting, if nothing, I just hang up the phone!""Don't! Don't! Wan don't hang up the phone!" Shortness of Su Ting says, her tone improved octave.Su Ting grabbing a microphone, speak hesitatingly of continued: "husband, I know, you don't mind, my relationship with the man. You also said that he and I did that thing, let us both sex excited I mean, I mean, my husband, you can allow me to go with the man how far?""So, how far do you want to go with him?" BaoRui threw the problem back to his wife."I don't know! I only know that I love you so much. I don't want to hurt both of us relationship!" Su Ting dazed said

"Su Ting, I also don't want to hurt our relationship.I love you! Listen, why did you wait for me home, to discuss the problem again?""Yes, but, my husband, I will wait for you to come home, it's too late, I received a phone call from the early teng" Su Ting tone is very rapid, obviously, she didn't want to interrupt her husband like that conversation, anyway, she would putThis urgent told her husband, after all, she has already can't wait."Teng lam who is it?" BaoRui asked confused, in fact, he was already guess who is that man."Teng lam, is yesterday evening, dancing with my man." Su Ting say that finish, a layer of shy blush on her face, she felt xx, there is a strange feeling. After all, last night, the man of immense xx, insert your xx. As women Su Ting how could you forget the feelings of engraved!"That boy want to do?" Asked BaoRui know perfectly well past ask, in fact, his heart understand, of course, the man want to do.

"Oh he asked me, tomorrow night, if you can please me to dinner! If I refused his invitation, so he is prepared to travel tonight. If I agree, he put off his departure day, so he nervously waiting for my answer." Su Ting quietly said, obviously, she spoke of a humbled.All of a sudden, BaoRui suddenly remind of, this morning, the day just overflow of bright, himself in his sleep, drifted off to hear the phone rang, he remembers also freely scolded 1. Wife Su Ting to answer the phone, but his wife did not tell him about the man call. When he woke up in the morning, have forgotten what had happened. At this point, the BaoRui understood suddenly, originally the annoying phone calls in the morning, it was from the wife's one-night stand, he would like to invite Su Ting to eat dinner. Baloney! That boy is clearly, want to find a hotel with Su Ting to xx! A thought of here, BaoRui is a sense of anger arose in his heart, he was excited mood be swept away."So, Su Ting, how do you answer him?" BaoRui got asked,"I answered and said to him, I want to discuss with your husband!" Su Ting said in a low voice."Su Ting, not even in the dream you want to do with that boy xx?! Why did you ask me!" BaoRui said. I don't know why, he feels great, slightly erection."Husband, you not want me to do those things!" Su Ting didn't good the spirit of the top 1, say that finish her regret again. She knew that the world, which have a husband to his wife, have sex with another man

"Su Ting, you're right, I said those words!" BaoRui tone slightly eased said. He was thinking, since it is caused by his wife, you should make a decision by Su Ting themselves, he believes his wife is sure to reject the man almost defiant in invitation. At this point, the BaoRui character that just slow for private use, once again exposed."Husband, you are right. I was going out with him, I don't want to hide you, I am eager to go to bed with him xx!" At this point, the Su Ting also don't know, why I so calm, she has don't care about her husband's opposition, she continued: "but, I am afraid."Su Ting, what are you afraid of?" BaoRui said."All the things. I almost don't know the man, I don't know, does he want to do? So, the husband, I want to badge for your opinion!" Su Ting said.BaoRui wife heard, felt very disappointed. He knew that his wife has decided to go to see the man, oneself can't pull his wife came back again. Though he was not willing to, but again not pointed out, refused to his wife's decision. BaoRui himself, in his heart still remaining a spare good mental state, he hopes the man lay with his wife, Su Ting cheated, will certainly come to their senses, willing to return to their side. In college, BaoRui beat a rival in love, is to use the recipe and, finally, to win the heart of Su Ting. Today, he also want to use this recruit defeat the strange man to his wife's one-night stand.Thought of here, BaoRui mind is poured into an uncontrollable excitement and pride. In the end, he said, have no words to find words "Su Ting, after I go home, we discuss better!" In fact, BaoRui heart ratio who all know, his wife is sure to go with the man

BaoRui wife heard, felt very disappointed. He knew that his wife has decided to go to see the man, oneself can't pull his wife came back again. Though he was not willing to, but again not pointed out, refused to his wife's decision. BaoRui himself, in his heart still remaining a spare them psychological, he hopes the man lay with his wife, Su Ting cheated, will certainly come to their senses, willing to return to their side. In college, BaoRui beat a rival in love, is to use the recipe and, finally, to win the heart of Su Ting. Today, he also want to use this recruit defeat the strange man to his wife's one-night stand.Thought of here, BaoRui mind is poured into an uncontrollable excitement and pride. In the end, he said, have no words to find words "Su Ting, after I go home, we discuss better!" In fact, BaoRui heart ratio who all know, his wife is sure to go with the man."Ok! Just such a decision. See you in the evening, my husband, no matter what I do, I love you." Su Ting replied, she hangs up the phone. Comb Su Ting sit up front to think along while, at this point, she relies on many years of experience, she has cottoned on her husband's mental state, she know that even if their decision to date with the man, the husband won't refuse. Thought of here, Su Ting picked up the phone on the bedside table, dialed the telephone of the strange man."Hello, teng lam, how are you? I promised to go with you to eat" Su Ting say that finish, she hangs up the phone, and then a long sigh of relief of relief, she picked up the bag out of the house.At 18:30, BaoRui came home from work, he pushed open the door and found that the room was silent. Su Tingbao gave a cry, but no one answered. BaoRui across the living room into the bedroom, the bedroom dark, he saw dim on tea table with two dishes, but didn't see Su Ting figure of his wife

"Where have Su Ting?" BaoRui whispered DuRang, does she go to see her lover?Is BaoRui confused when, suddenly, he heard behind the door rang, and he quickly turned to see, the door was opened."Hi, my dear husband! I'm back." BaoRui saw his beautiful wife was standing in the doorway, watching himself cheerfully. BaoRui noticed that his wife in a dazzling low-cut on t-shirts, and wearing a miniskirt, Su Ting the plump and white xx, shows almost half. Her long legs, also from xx naked under the miniskirt. The miniskirt of bifurcation is very high, BaoRui can vaguely see, almost wife that white arm. After a while, BaoRuiCai noticed that his wife Su Ting made a new hairstyle, painted bright red lipstick on her lips, eyes painted with light blue eye shadow. Obviously, Su Ting to the beauty salon to do beauty.Previously, Su Ting BaoRui had never seen his wife, wearing such a bold and exposure. For an instant, he felt his wife Su Ting like a prostitute. BaoRui, however, faking a smile ground asks: "where did you go to Su Ting? Let me wait good hard ah!""Husband, I think your work must be very hard today, so I want to give you the warmth of a little consideration, do you understand what I mean!" Su Ting the coy said.A sound BaoRui wife heard, wry smile. In fact, he didn't do anything today, especially when Su Ting give him a call, the upset him, don't worry to work, he was thinking all day of those conversations with his wife. BaoRui or open mouth and tried to smile, however, his briefcase on the table and floor his wife Su Ting slender shoulders with open arms,

Su Ting conveniently in husband's arms, and charming. The couple embrace together, kiss. In a short time, large BaoRui xx gradually erection, he put the hard big top xx in the wife's stomach. There is no doubt that Su Ting is a sexy and beautiful young woman, she can make almost all man excited, her husband BaoRui is no exception. While BaoRui floor when his wife tightly, Su Ting gently pushed her husband, she lightly turn a circle in front of her husband, whispered "husband, you like me this dress?"BaoRui with excited eyes, looked at him carefully the charming and sexy wife. He saw his wife's T-shirt neckline slightly pendulous, he could even vaguely see Su Ting xx brown around the areola. At this point, the Su Ting and turn a circle in front of her husband, her skirt as the rotation of the body tilted slightly. BaoRui can clearly see that his wife Su Ting uplift of thigh root, and attached to the uplift of the above black pubic hair, that's the two pieces of big Su Ting xx. BaoRui can even clearly see his wife's groove between two pieces of big xx. Moment, BaoRui realized his wife Su Ting didn't wear underwear on the streets"I love you, Su Ting!" BaoRui have no words to find words to say."I love you, the husband I am your little slut, isn't it?" Say that finish, Su Ting giggle laughed."Well! Yes, you are my pretty little slut!" BaoRui allegedly, say that finish, he stretched out his arm, trying to make his wife Su Ting into the bosom. Su Ting is stopped, however, her husband said, "honey, why don't you go to take a shower first, then change a clean clothes. I give you prepare a cup of cocktail in the sitting room."

BaoRui or his wife, however, into the bosom, gently kissed her: "Su Ting, I don't know if I can wait for so long, I am going to bad temper." Su Ting wiggling slender shoulders, free from the embrace her husband said: "well, I must be free to meet you!" Say that finish, she went into the kitchen.BaoRui looked at his wife left of figure, and smiling shook his head, he reluctantly went into the bathroom. BaoRui bath side, as he set up the ear listen to what's going on outside the kitchen. At the same time, his big xx to erect, in his own large xx stem, wipe on some soap, then friction on great lever to quickly and he is happy in xx. Suddenly, came out of his mind, his wife Su Ting together, and the strange man Su Ting was wearing that just bought low-cut t-shirts and miniskirt, two people tightly embrace together. The stranger man lifted Su Ting skirt Su Ting xx and down in front of the strange man. The man put his hand into his Su Ting thighs, he's in the kneading with Su Ting female genital mutilation, BaoRui even saw him, his hand from the back of the thigh root Su Ting stretched to come out, with his big hands tightly buckle Su Ting the tender of the kidneyBaoRui at the thought of these, he felt a surge of heat flow in his big kill pill, he is to control the ejaculation. BaoRui stop xx, he don't want to premature ejaculation, he hopes the precious semen, shot into his wife's sweet in xx.When out of the bathroom BaoRui bathing Su Ting already waiting in the living room. She gave BaoRui handed over a cocktail, motioned husband sat on the sofa. Then, Su Ting nestled into the arms of her husband, two people tightly embrace together, however, silent, for five minutes

BaoRui mouthful drank cocktails, he felt drinkability. Su Ting bow on his wife's ear in a low voice asked: "in this dress tomorrow night, what are you going to go to see that boy?" Su Ting heard her husband's question, for an instant, the excitement of her eyes shone with a light, Ruth imperceptible strange smile on her face, then, she again what, trying to conceal his excitement she doesn't want to let the husband found that she remains silent.BaoRui bucket bucket arms wife, asked again. Su Ting whispered: "I don't know" then Su Ting provoking curved eyebrows raised his head, and looked at her husband, a la hora ridicule said: "maybe I what all don't wear, to see the man naked" say that finish Su Ting luo luo luo smiled to get up. Suddenly, tomorrow and life Su Ting unplanned and held out his hand and grabbed BaoRui that already erect big xx, although separated by a layer of underwear, but still she could feel her husband big xx twitch. Su Ting put his hand into her husband's underwear, she ran her fingers tightly hard big buckle husband xx bar, top and bottom friction, as the xx strong woman, Su Ting love to stroke the man's big xx.BaoRui stretched out his hand and stopped his wife, he can't let own great xx Su Ting friction rod,, otherwise, he will be in front of his wife can't help ejaculation. Su Ting reluctantly put his hand back, pass in a not happy expression on her face. BaoRui floor wife shoulder, like the mumbling to say "Su Ting, you know, I want to talk between the two of us all, especially you mentioned that man invite you to dinner, you feel a sense of fear." BaoRui pause for a moment, continued: "Su Ting, tell you a good news. This afternoon, Peng Like. Give me the telephone." BaoRui didn't continue to go ahead, looking at his wife Su Ting expression

In college, Peng Like BaoRui is best friend, he also once crazy pursuit of beautiful Su Ting, even became a BaoRui rival in love, but in the end, he was rich BaoRui defeated, however, these things do not affect his friendship with BaoRui. BaoRui always doubt, however, during the period of university, Su Ting once more than once cheated on him, with Peng Like sex.Su Ting heard Peng Like name, she couldn't believe my ears. She looked away with beautiful big eyes, looked at her husband excitedly, her eyes reveal to surprise and excitement. Indeed, Peng Like is not only her husband's best friend, but also her secret lover. During the period of university, she had more than once carry BaoRui, with Peng Like to go to bed and have sex. For a time, Su Ting doubt he would put aside BaoRui, even marry handsome Xiao wine Peng Like. Su Ting or too ticket, however, the lure of money, finally married BaoRui. For Su Ting, this is a difficult choice, she could not, after all, she can't marry two beloved men at the same time. In her heart, however, there is a kind of desire, she wants to keep sex relationship with two beloved man at the same time.As women Su Ting, unable to understand the things between men. Although BaoRui and Peng Like are a rival in love, but they are best friend, and has maintained a friendship.After graduating from college, the mood depressed Peng Like developed went to the south, and BaoRui with beautiful Su Ting, returned to his hometown, jinan one by one. Since then, Su Ting never seen Peng Like, a year later, she heard Peng Like marry a local girl. Flash has five years, Su Ting and maintained intermittent contact with Peng Like BaoRui couple. About half a year ago, from the mouth of the BaoRui Su Ting heard that Peng Like divorced, from then on, her heart desire to have a faint, her desire to see her old flame

Su Ting heard Peng Like name, she couldn't believe my ears. She looked away with beautiful big eyes, looked at her husband excitedly, her eyes reveal to surprise and excitement. Indeed, Peng Like is not only her husband's best friend, but also her secret lover. During the period of university, she had more than once carry BaoRui, with Peng Like to go to bed and have sex. For a time, Su Ting doubt he would put aside BaoRui, even marry handsome Xiao wine Peng Like. Su Ting or too ticket, however, the lure of money, finally married BaoRui. For Su Ting, this is a difficult choice, she could not, after all, she can't marry two beloved men at the same time. In her heart, however, there is a kind of desire, she wants to keep sex relationship with two beloved man at the same time.As women Su Ting, unable to understand the things between men. Although BaoRui and Peng Like are a rival in love, but they are best friend, and has maintained a friendshipAfter graduating from college, the mood depressed Peng Like developed went to the south, and BaoRui with beautiful Su Ting, returned to his hometown, jinan. Since then, Su Ting never seen Peng Like, a year later, she heard Peng Like marry a local girl. Flash has five years, Su Ting and maintained intermittent contact with Peng Like BaoRui couple. About half a year ago, from the mouth of the BaoRui Su Ting heard that Peng Like divorced, from then on, her heart desire to have a faint, her desire to see her old flame.Su Ting stable mood, as if to ask: "Peng Like call you what can I do for you?

Su Ting stable mood, as if to ask: "Peng Like call you what can I do for you?""Oh! Peng Like intends to come here for business, probably want to stay for more than a month's time. So, I ask him to come to our house guest, Su Ting, do you agree?" Asked BaoRui know perfectly well past ask clear, of course, his wife Su Ting inside the real idea of Su Ting wish Peng Like came to see her. Su Ting tried to hide his surprise, she put on a pair of a face of confusion to say: "husband, Peng Like is your friend, whether to invite him to our house to be a guest, up to you to decide!