
Surviving in HOTD

In a world where the dead rise and the living become prey, one student will discover what it takes to survive the apocalypse. Meet Kai Sato, a mysterious transfer student with a dark past and a desperate will to live. When a sudden outbreak turns his new school into a blood-soaked nightmare, Kenji must rely on his wits, his makeshift weapons, and a few unlikely allies to fight his way out of the horror-filled halls of Fujimi Academy. But escape is only the beginning. As Kai and his companions venture into the city, they find themselves in a landscape of unimaginable terror, where the undead roam the streets and society teeters on the brink of collapse. Faced with gut-wrenching choices and heart-stopping twists, Kai must confront the darkness within himself if he hopes to protect the ones he's come to care for. Because in a world gone mad, the line between hero and monster blurs. And Kai will discover that sometimes, the only way to hold onto your humanity...is to embrace the savagery within. The end of the world is here. Do you have what it takes to make it through the first day?

Tonkotsu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

No Rest for the DEAD*

We burst through the door of the apartment, our arms laden with bags and boxes, our faces flushed with the adrenaline of success. The moment we crossed the threshold, we were engulfed by the girls swarming us like excited puppies.

"You're back!" Shizuka squealed, throwing her arms around my neck with such enthusiasm that I nearly toppled over. "We were so worried!"

Saeko simply smiled, her eyes warm as they met mine over Shizuka's shoulder. "Welcome home," she said softly.

Rei was already rummaging through the bags, her eyes wide as she took in the haul. "Wow, you guys really hit the jackpot, huh? This is amazing!"

Saya, meanwhile, had zeroed in on the medical supplies, her brow furrowed as she sorted through the pills and bandages with methodical precision. "Antibiotics, painkillers, antiseptics... you did good, boys. This will keep us going for a while."

Kohta, bouncing on his heels like a kid at Christmas, held up the bag of clothes. "And that's not all! We come bearing gifts for our lovely ladies."

He started pulling out shirts and jeans, tossing them to the girls with a grin. "Picked 'em out myself. Figured you could use a little something to boost morale, you know?"

Shizuka caught a flowery sundress, holding it up to her body with a delighted gasp. "Kohta, it's perfect! You're so thoughtful!"

Rei and Saeko were already digging into the weapons bag, their eyes gleaming as they inspected the new additions to our arsenal.

Rei tested the weight of a wicked-looking hunting knife. "These blades... they're top quality. We could take on a whole horde with gear like this."

As the others celebrated and sorted through the spoils, I felt a tug on my sleeve. I turned to find Shizuka grinning up at me.

"So," she said, her voice low and teasing. "I couldn't help but notice a certain item in the medical supplies. Birth control pills, huh?"

"Ah, yeah. I just thought... I mean, it seemed like a good idea to have them. Just in case."

Shizuka's grin widened, her fingers walking playfully up my chest. "Just in case, hmm? And were you planning on putting them to use anytime soon?"

She leaned in close, her breath hot against my ear. "Because I was thinking... maybe we could have a little private celebration tonight. Just you and me."

I swallowed hard, my heart pounding against my ribs. The image she conjured, the promise in her words... it sent a bolt of heat straight through me.

But before I could respond, a voice cut through the room, sharp and commanding.

"Hey, lovebirds! You want to join the rest of us in the war council, or should we leave you two alone?"

The others were gathered around the table, maps and lists spread out before them, looking at us with varying degrees of amusement.

"Ah, sorry," I mumbled. "We were just... talking about supplies."

"Mmh. I bet you were."

Saeko's voice was dry, but there was a glint of humor in her eyes, a hint of something warm and knowing that made my stomach flip.

I crossed to the table, Shizuka close behind. "So, what's the plan?" I asked, eager to focus on something other than the heat of Shizuka's body pressed against my side.

Saya tapped the blueprint of the building. "Our first priority should be fortifying this place," she said. "Boarding up the first floor windows, reinforcing doors, setting up a watch rotation. We need to make sure we have a secure base of operations."

Kohta nodded eagerly. "I can rig up some traps, maybe some early warning systems. Nothing too fancy, but it should buy us some time if the infected come knocking."

Saeko leaned forward, her gaze intent on the maps. "We should also continue stockpiling resources. Food, water, medical supplies. Anything we can get our hands on. We don't know how long we'll need to hold out here."

The idea that this place, this fragile sanctuary, might become our last stand... it was a thought none of us wanted to voice, but we all felt its weight.

Shizuka, her usually bubbly demeanor subdued, chewed her lip thoughtfully. "What about escape routes? If things go south, we need to have a plan B."

I nodded, tracing potential paths with my finger. "We can map out multiple routes, have bug-out bags ready to go at a moment's notice. It never hurts to be prepared for the worst."

As we discussed contingencies and backup plans, I couldn't help but notice Takashi's uncharacteristic silence. He sat at the end of the table, his eyes distant, his jaw clenched tight.

"Takashi?" I prompted gently. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about our families," he said quietly. "We still don't know what happened to them, if they're safe, if they're even..."

Rei reached out, covering his hand with her own. "We haven't forgotten," she said softly, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "We're going to find them, Takashi. We're going to get answers."

Saya nodded, her expression softening. "Rei's right. But we need to be smart about it. We can't just go charging off half-cocked. We need intel, a plan of action."

Kohta perked up, a glimmer of his usual enthusiasm returning. "I bet I could rig up a radio, try to pick up some different frequencies. Maybe we could get a better idea of where to start looking."

Saeko smiled. "Good thinking, Kohta. Knowledge is power, and right now, we need all the power we can get."

"We're going to get through this," I said, my voice ringing with a conviction I hadn't known I possessed. "We're going to fortify this place, make it a home. And then, when we're ready... we're going to find our families. We're going to get answers."

I placed my hand in the center of the table, palm down. "Together."

One by one, the others placed their hands on top of mine, a stack of fingers and trembling hope.

"Together," they echoed, the word a solemn vow.

As we stepped away from the table, stretching out the kinks in our necks and backs, Shizuka clapped her hands together.

"Alright, my hungry heroes! Who's ready for some dinner?"

Kohta's hand shot up immediately, a grin splitting his face. "Me! Me! I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. Or a zombie. Maybe a zombie horse?"

Saya smacked him upside the head, rolling her eyes. "Idiot. Don't even joke about that."

Saeko stepped forward, tying her hair back with a practiced flick of her wrists. "I'll help you, Shizuka. They brought back some promising ingredients today. I think we could whip up something pretty decent."

Shizuka beamed, linking her arm with Saeko's and practically skipping towards the kitchen. "Ooh, I like the sound of that! Let's get cooking, partner!"

As the others drifted off to their own tasks - Kohta to tinker with the radio, Saya to pour over the maps, Rei and Takashi to inventory the weapons - I found myself drawn to the kitchen, a moth to the flame. 

The scent of garlic and onion, of simmering tomato and herbs, filled the air, a comforting blanket of normalcy in the midst of the madness.

I leaned against the doorframe, content to watch them work, to bask in the simple pleasure of their company. Shizuka caught my eye over the bubbling pot, a sly smile curving her lips.

"See something you like, Kai?"

I grinned, crossing the kitchen to dip a finger in the sauce, dodging Saeko's playful swat with a laugh. "Mmmm. Definitely. You two are miracle workers."

Saeko smirked. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Kai. But it won't get you out of setting the table."

I clutched my heart. "You wound me, my lady. And here I thought my charm was irresistible."

Shizuka giggled, bumping her hip against mine as she reached for the plates. "Oh, it is. But even irresistible charm has to pull its weight around here."

I sighed dramatically, taking the stack of plates and cutlery. "Alas, the burden of being both beautiful and useful. It's a heavy cross to bear."

Dinner was filled with laughter ringing off the walls. For a little while, we could almost forget the horrors outside, the constant threat that lurked beyond our barricaded doors.

We were alive. We were together. And for now, that was enough.

As the night wound down and the others drifted off to their sleeping quarters, I volunteered for the first watch. Sleep seemed a distant prospect, my mind too full of thoughts, of emotions, to settle.

I settled onto the balcony, my rifle across my knees. The city stretched out before me, a vast, dark expanse punctuated by the occasional flicker of movement. Survivors, perhaps, scurrying from one safe haven to the next. Or something else, something hungry and relentless and always, always searching. 

I let my mind wander to the past, to the memories that seemed to belong to someone else entirely. To the present, to the constant, gnawing fear, the weight of responsibility for the lives entrusted to my care. 

And to the future... to the hope, fragile and fierce, that we could build something here. Something real, something lasting. A life, not just an existence.

The soft scuff of footsteps behind me jolted me from my reverie. I turned, my hand tightening on my rifle, only to relax at the sight of Shizuka, wrapped in a blanket, her hair tousled from sleep.

"Hey," she said softly, coming to stand beside me. "Mind if I join you?"

I shook my head, scooting over to make room for her. She settled in next to me, her warmth seeping into my side, her presence a comfort in the chill of the night.

For a while, we just sat there, staring out into the darkness, listening to the distant sounds of the city. The far-off wail of a siren, the bark of a dog, the eerie moan of the wind through abandoned buildings.

And then, so softly I almost missed it, Shizuka spoke.

"I meant what I said earlier, you know. About the pills."

I turned to her, my heart suddenly pounding in my ears. In the dim light, her eyes were dark, unfathomable pools.

"Shizuka, I..."

But she placed a finger on my lips, silencing me. With her other hand, she reached up, tracing the line of my jaw, the curve of my cheek.

"I know it seems crazy," she whispered. "The world is ending, and here I am, thinking about... about this. About us."

She leaned in closer, her breath ghosting across my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"But that's just it, Kai. The world is ending. We could die tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. And I... I don't want to die without knowing what it's like to be with you. To really be with you."

Her hand slid down my chest, my stomach, coming to rest on the waistband of my jeans. My breath hitched, my body suddenly thrumming with a need, a desire, I'd never known before.

"Tell me you don't want this," she breathed, her lips a hairsbreadth from mine. "Tell me to stop, and I will."

"Shizuka," I groaned, and then I was kissing her, my hands tangled in her hair, her body molding to mine. "I want this," I whispered. "I want you." 

She let out a shaky breath, her lips curving into a smile that was equal parts joy and relief. "Oh, Kai..."

And then we were kissing again, deeper, harder, with an urgency that bordered on frenzy. Her hands slid under my shirt, her nails raking lightly over my skin, leaving trails of fire in their wake. I groaned into her mouth, my own hands roaming the curves of her body.

We shed our clothes with fumbling fingers, our need making us clumsy. And then she was straddling me, her skin bare against mine.

"Kai," she breathed, her hips rocking gently against me, her eyes heavy-lidded with desire. "Please..."

In one smooth motion, I flipped us over, pressing her back against the balcony floor. She let out a soft, startled laugh, her eyes sparkling up at me.

"Why, Mr. Sato," she purred, her fingers threading through my hair. "How forward of you."

I silenced her with a kiss, my tongue delving into her mouth. She moaned against my lips, her legs coming up to wrap around my waist, urging me closer.

I reached between us, my fingers seeking the slick heat at the apex of her thighs. She gasped as I found my target, her hips bucking up into my touch.

"Kai, please," she panted, her head thrown back, her chest heaving. "I need you. Now."

I couldn't deny her. Couldn't deny myself. Groaning, I positioned myself at her entrance and then, with one smooth thrust, I was inside her.

And then I began to move, and the world shattered and rebuilt itself around us.

We made love with a desperation born of the knowledge that each moment could be our last. That in this cruel, unpredictable new world, the only certainty was the heat of our bodies, the racing of our hearts, the slide of skin against skin.

Shizuka clung to me, her nails digging into my back, her cries of pleasure muffled against my shoulder. I drove into her, again and again, losing myself in the tight clutch of her body, in the way she responded to my every touch, my every whispered word of praise and passion.

"Kai," she gasped, her head thrown back in ecstasy. "I'm close. I'm so close."

I redoubled my efforts, one hand snaking between our bodies to find the sensitive bundle of nerves at her center. She cried out, her nails digging into my shoulders, her thighs trembling around me.

"Let go, baby," I urged, my voice rough with my own impending release. "I've got you. Just let go."

And she did. With a final moan, she shattered around me, her body clenching and spasming with the force of her climax. The sight, the sound, the feel of her coming undone was enough to send me tumbling over the edge after her, my vision whiting out as pleasure surged through every nerve ending.

For a long moment, we just held each other, our racing hearts gradually slowing, our breathing evening out. I could feel the rise and fall of her chest against mine, the brush of her hair against my cheek.

Slowly, I lifted my head to look down at her. Her face was flushed, her eyes soft and hazy with satisfaction. When she smiled up at me, it was like the sun breaking through storm clouds.

"That was..." She trailed off, apparently at a loss for words.

"Yeah," I agreed, grinning foolishly. "It really was."

She tiredly up, tracing the curve of my lips with a gentle finger. "Thank you, Kai. For making me feel alive. For giving me hope."

"Always," I murmured as her eyes closed. "For as long as I breathe, Shizuka. I promise."

I carried Shizuka back to her room, cradling her gently in my arms. She stirred slightly as I laid her on the bed, her eyes fluttering open for a brief moment.

"Kai?" she murmured, her voice heavy with sleep.

I brushed a strand of hair from her face, my touch lingering on the soft skin of her cheek. "Shh, it's okay. Get some rest."

She smiled and then she was drifting off again, her breathing evening out into the steady rhythm of deep sleep.

Quietly, I slipped out of the room, easing the door shut behind me. Shizuka and I... we'd crossed a line, stepped over a boundary that could never be uncrossed.

Lost in thought, I made my way back to my room. But as I pushed open the door, I froze, my heart leaping into my throat.

Saeko was perched on the edge of my bed, her long legs crossed, a smirk on her lips. She was wearing nothing but one of my shirts, the hem barely skimming the top of her thighs.

"Hello, Kai," she purred, her voice low and honeyed. "I've been waiting for you."

She rose to her feet in one fluid motion. She stalked towards me, hips swaying, eyes glinting with a predatory light. "You know, we really should have grabbed more of those pills. I have a feeling we're going to be going through them pretty quickly."

I laughed, a real, full-belly laugh, the kind I hadn't experienced in longer than I could remember. 

"Well then," I said, giving her that same look, "I guess we'd better make the most of them while we can, huh?"

Her smile widened, triumphant. "Then what are we waiting for?"

And then we tumbled onto the bed, and talking became entirely irrelevant.