"Professor Yang, shall we make a trip this afternoon?" Director Zhou Min thought it would also be a good idea to accompany Professor Yang in the afternoon.
Yang Ping nodded. "No problem, I should get familiar with the operating room environment anyway."
With that, everything was set: they would familiarize themselves with Anzhen Hospital in the afternoon, and tomorrow, during the surgery, they would demonstrate the technique and decide who would be the backup chief surgeon.
Elder Meng stopped drawing halfway through when his pen suddenly halted, unable to recall the latter part of the diagram. He had no choice but to put his pen down.
"Zhida--- keep it safe--- it's not finished yet--- I will finish it later," Elder Meng instructed his student.
Liu Zhida carefully put away the paper and the clipboard, being extra careful not to crease them, as they were his teacher's painstaking work.