
Who pushed Bran?

Catelyn was silent, letting those words sink in. "Are you saying someone caused this?" She asked in a low voice.

Jason nodded. "Found clues of a couple at the tower when he was climbing. Not completely sure if they made him fall or witnessed it thought…either way, they either caused it or neglected to get help." Pausing to let the details sink in, he'd continue. "Already have some suspects as well. Best I can say is that it was someone from Winterfell, one of the guests from the King's caravan"

"Can you not share details with me?" She asked calmly back.

Jason was hesitant, before shaking his head. "It is too soon Lady-" He started before she interrupted him.

"Bran is my son and I have the right to know!" She'd snap back sternly.

"And your right but we've only started investigating. Right now your emotional and acting rash. If I told you who I believed was behind this, you'd rush off and create a scene. You'll make the real suspect be on guard and make it harder to catch them." He calmly explained to the noblewoman. "Trust me on this matter. I've solved plenty of crimes far more complex than this, yet everyone needs to be calm and silent on the matter."

Catelyn seemed ready to argue, yet she'd give a deep sigh and look back at Bran. She'd gently touch his face caringly before she'd speak once more. "Then I put my trust with you and the others. Don't let those who did this go unpunished."

"Trust me…" Jason moved away from the bed, heading for the door. "…I won't."


Not long after leaving the room, one of the guards approached Jason in the hall. "Surgebinder, Lord Stark and King Robert have returned from the hunt." He quickly informed him.

"Good. Tell Eddard that I'll be waiting for him at his study. We have a lot of discus." He'd quickly tell the guard, who nodded and hurried off.

Turning to head for the study, Jason ran into Jon who was hurrying for Bran's room yet stopped when he found Jason. "Did you find anything?" He asked the Surgebinder, who simply nodded. "Can you tell me who-" He stated before the Surgebinder shook his head?

"Too soon to start accusing anyone. Rather not go through the same conversation as I did with Catelyn to explain why." He quickly explained to the young man. "Right now be proud that you saved your brother and focus on what you can do to help him."

Jon didn't answer for a moment before nodding. "I'm just glad he's alive really…" Pausing, he'd continue to speak. "I'm going to see him. I know he's not awake yet I need to just speak my mind to him…hope he can just hear me."

Jason heard how people did that for those in a coma. Sometimes it just eases the family's worries or could rarely trigger a reaction from the inflicted. "Catelyn is with him. She's very emotional right now yet she's calmed down for now."

"I'll be careful around her…if anything she…thanked me for bringing him back," Jon remarked. Glancing away from Jason, he'd move to pass him for the bedroom, opening the door and stepping in before closing it.

The Surgebinder paused for a moment before continuing for the study, not letting anything else delay him. Already he'd see the door open and hearing Ned along with Robert speaking. He'd hang back as the two seemed to be arguing.

"He's my son! I can't just leave him!" Ned snapped back at the King.

"Damn it I know that Ned." Robert sternly remarked. "I'd be just as angry and stubborn if my child was in that bed! Yet there is more at stake here than just your family…it's the whole damn kingdom."

Ned was silent for a moment before he'd continue to talk. "You have to find someone else, Robert. Cat will be devastated if I leave now and I don't think I could fulfil my duties as your Hand."

HHeavyfootsteps followed, no doubt Robert stepping up to Ned. "There is no one else I can trust though. I know there are many qualified lords to choose, yet you're the only one I fully trust!" The king paused for a long moment before speaking. "We'll delay our journey for a few days. That should give you time to think this over and sort matters with your family. Again Ned…I understand family…but in the end, your duty comes before all else."

Jason kept hidden as the King left, although he'd wait a moment longer as Ned muttered lowly. "Duty…the damn chain that binds us all…"

At this point, Jason would walk into the room, making Ned look up calmly to the Surgebinder. "How much did you hear?" He questioned.

"About half of it." He truthfully answered. "Besides, I'd rather not reveal my findings to the King. This isn't a matter he should get involved. If anything the fewer people know the better."

Eddard nodded as Jason closed the study door and moved towards the desk which the lord stood behind. "So tell me what you found at the tower. Every detail."

The Surgebinder did so, explaining all the clues he had found. He'd reveal the collection of golden hair and explain who it was from, yet Ned's look beforehand showed he already knew.

"Who else knows?" Ned calmly asked in a low voice.

"It's just you, me and Sir Rodrik." Jason calmly answered back. "So what should we do? If Cersei was there this will…complicate things."

Ned tapped his knuckles against the solid wooden desk, a hint of frustration in his eyes. "Yes…which is why we have to bide our time." He calmly stated. "The final clue is finding out who she was with and questioning them. Whoever they are they are no doubt far less protected then she is."

"Agreed…problem is I don't know who it can be. King came with dozens of men ranging from courtiers, knights and servants. Can't go interrogating them all without drawing attention." Jason remarked back.

Ned thought for a moment before an idea came to mind. "Her younger brother, Tyrion. You and he seem to be on good terms considering last night's feast. He knows his sister well, perhaps he has any idea who she is with."

"Kind of a stretch there. She can't stand looking at him, much fewer share stories of infidelity over dinner." Jason argued sarcastically.

"Jests aside, he's a perceptive individual and he is at least open towards you," Ned answered back. "If anyone knows the queen's secrets it is him and if not then he may know someone else who can."

"Maybe tricky to get the details from him privately. If the queen is behind this she'll have those loyal to her keeping an eye out, especially her brother." Yet he'd pause thinking over last night and what the dwarf had discussed. "Yet I have one idea…"

"What would that be?" Ned questioned.

"Tyrion plans to go to the Wall soon. He'll be mostly by himself, far from any royal servants or people loyal to the queen. Give me time to figure out what he knows." The Surgebinder explained.

Ned thought over the details, nodding in agreement. "It does. In the meantime, I'll try to keep an eye on the queen's actions and movements. News of Bran's survival is already spreading…so if she tries anything in Winterfell, we will know."

Jason gave a small sigh as he'd pace to the nearby window, looking out at the yard. Robert was talking to the Lannister's, Joffrey standing by the man with an adoring look while the Hound stood by cross-armed and bored. Cersei was listening intently to Robert and chatting back, no doubt discussing the news of Bran's fall.

"Though I'd have a break from this. Had a lifetime of intrigue already." Jason muttered to Ned.

"The fate of all involved in politics is it not?" Ned chuckled lowly. "As for Robert's offer…I think I have a solution that keeps you independent from the Crown. Have to finalize a few matters though before we discuss it."

"That is good to know. At least the King won't be throwing me into any dungeons any time soon." Jason remarked with a small smirk. "Be on guard Lord Stark. Doubt this is over."

"I know." Eddard muttered as Jason moved to leave the room "It's only just the beginning…"

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