
Robb Stark

Robb Stark - The North – Winterfell – Nightfall - Seven Days Later

Robb read over the letter once more, this one written by Jason which had just arrived tonight. A mix of emotions filled the young man, making his hand grip the paper tightly, threatening to crumble it up. He felt the joy to know that his sisters were indeed safe, proving the royal letter claiming they were under Lannister 'protection' was false. What had him at the edge of tears was the news of his father being dead, fatally wounded during the escape from the trial that had turned into an execution. The royal letter only claimed his father had escaped, so either the Lannisters were lying again or they didn't know of what happened to his father.

"And now they're all under the care of Lord Stannis." His father's last letter had put the Baratheon as the true heir to the Iron Throne and full support to the man's claim. Beyond just common knowledge and rumour, Robb knew little of Stannis, only that he was a stern man with a strict sense of right and wrong, along with having taken on a foreign faith from Essos. He couldn't be sure if the man was the right one to rule the Seven Kingdoms, but right now he had his sisters under his care. While he hoped Stannis wouldn't be ruthless enough to threaten them, there was a nagging worry of such an outcome in the back of his mind. "What will he expect of me?"

Not long after muttering those thoughts, there was a knocking at the door before Maester Luwin entered. "Lord Robb…they are all gathered in the Great Hall and wait for you."

Robb was silent, taking a deep breath as he calmed himself. Right now he couldn't seem emotional nor weak to the gathering of Northern Lords. Right now he was the Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell, he had to show them all he had the strength to be their leader. "Then it is time." Picking up Jason's letter, he'd shoulder his wolf fur cloak before leaving the office, Luwin following close behind on the long walk to the feast hall. Looking out the window, he would see honour guard that had come with the dozen lords who had arrived in the last few weeks, with far more camped around Winterfell's wall. Robb knew the men of the North would obey the call, yet even he didn't expect such a large show of force.

The arriving at the Great Hall, he could hear the yammer of deep voices as the lords talked amongst each other. Food and drink were plenty, yet little had been enjoyed considering the matter they had been invited for. Everyone quickly quieted down as he entered, countless gazes locked onto the young man as he'd pace around to the head table. Robb soon stopped once he had a full view of the hall, looking over everyone gather. The silence remained until at last, he'd speak.

"Lord Eddard Stark…the Warden of the North and my father has been injured in battle. He has lost the ability to move or talk. He has been fully crippled. "

The declaration brought an uproar of voices, yells of anger and shock followed by demanding remarks. It was like a boom of thunder as dozens of fierce warriors snapped out.

"How is it possible!?"

"The Lannisters lied!"

"It was a mistake for Lord Stark to have left…to have trusted them!"

"Quiet all of you!" One voice spoke out, an older yet unyielding that brought silence once more to the hall. Everyone's gaze moved to a tall and gaunt man with thick greying hair and beard. Everyone recognized his House symbol, the white sun on black background, the mark of House Karstark. The Karstark was a cadet family to the Starks, who have always been loyal to them over a thousand years. Lord Rickard as always stuck to that loyalty. "When did you learn of this news and from whom?" The old lord formally questioned in a gruff manner.

"From a man you should all know very well, Jason the Surgebinder." The name quickly drew more muttering as many knew about the Surgebinder, either from his encounters with the Wildlings or his exploits at the tournament in King's Landing. A few had even been at the Melee, being a guest or fighter, letting them see the Surgebinder's unmatched skill. "We all know how he intervened during the trial, trying to save my sisters and father. Eddard was fatally wounded during their escape, but at least it was better than under the blade of an executioner."

Lord Karstark nodded in agreement. "Hope he got into this while fighting." The old lord gave a small growl of anger, these events no doubt reminding him of what happened to Robb's grandfather and uncle.

Someone else stood up from the tables, a pale-skinned man with long black hair and grey eyes. His expression the whole time was blank, lacking any hint of emotion. Robb had heard of Roose Bolton, a cold and calculating man whose House had long been a rival to the Starks, the conflict has broken out between them in the ancient past. They were one of the strongest Houses in the North, but also one of the most brutal considering their old history of torture and flaying their enemies, which they had supposedly abandoned long ago.

"I have a question of my own. Where are this Jason and your sisters now? It's obvious they had outside aid in escaping King's Landing, someone who has much to gain in all of this." Roose calmly stated.

The last statement did have a small sinking feeling come to Robb. After all, Stannis was the rightful heir to the throne and right now he needed as much support of each ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. He could easily use his own family to force Robb's submission…or force him into conflict. "Lord Stannis is the one who has taken my sisters under his protection. He owes that much since my father put his honour forward in supporting his right to the Iron Throne."

Everyone started to mutter about once more, sharing mixed feeling over this.

"What of Renly? I've heard he is staking his claim and has a lot of support behind him."

"But he's the youngest! He has no right to the throne!"

"It's the Lannisters we should focus on, not the Baratheons!"

There were already hints of arguing building up but before they got out of hand, yet the loud slam of an iron flagon quickly had everyone become silent. Everyone's gaze focused on the man who stood up, being at least over seven feet tall and the most muscular man among the gathered lords. Lord Greatjon Umber, the man many proclaimed as the strongest in the North. House Umber's territory was the closest to the Wall, making them the first line of defence against any Wildling raiders that snuck over. Like the Bolton's, they had a history of being rivals with the Stark in ages past, yet they were now one of their most steadfast if boisterously fierce allies. A lord looked right at Robb, a strong look of judgment showing in those eyes as he sized up the young man.

"Here's what I think of our two 'kings'." The large man then thickly spat into the nearby firepit, the mix of thick ale still in his mouth making the flame flare slightly, drawing amused laughs and chuckles from most of the gathered lords. "Renly Baratheon is nothing to me, nor Stannis neither!" He'd pace about, as he spoke with such fierce passion. "Why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the South? What do they know of the Wall or the Wolfswood?" People nodded in agreement as he took a pause. "Even their gods are wrong!" The added remark drew another round of laughter. "Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? It was the dragons we bowed to and they are long since dead!" He'd turn to face Robb again, large hand pointing out towards him. "You may be Lord Eddard's son, yet how am I to know you'll have what it takes to lead us all in this coming war!?"

Northern independence has long been an ideal by most of the Houses of the North, ever since the days the Targaryens forced them under their rule. History showed that they had endured plenty of hardship with the countless conflicts that broke out, with the events before and during Robert's Rebellion taking a personal toll towards them.

"I question if you have the strength to lead us on the field since you haven't had the taste of a real battle, much less a true war. How can I…no…all of us be certain you have the will to face any hardship and put your people first"

Robb didn't answer at first, knowing he had to answer carefully towards Greatjon. House Umber had one of the largest numbers of bannermen, along with sizable influence with the minor Houses. If he didn't agree with Robb, the man could easily thin the North's numbers by a dangerous amount. He knew what he had to say to the man and show that he had the strength to be the new Warden of the North. He'd glanced at the letter in his hands, knowing right now this was a key moment that decides what would the course of the coming war.

"Lord Umber…" Robb approached the towering man, stopping once he stood before him. For a tense moment, their gazes lock, both showing unyielding determination. "I understand if you doubt if I'm prepared for this war, but I've been preparing for this moment all my life." The young man's voice calms and carried stern command to it. "I won't let emotion dictate how I will act, for I won't rashly make enemies as you suggest."

"Stannis can easily be an enemy to us. As you said he has your sisters, your father's remains and even your family sword. More than enough to try forcing you to bend the knee and submit to any demands he has." Greatjon remarked deeply back.

"Aye, he does, however, I know he won't try to force me into an alliance with him."

"Heh…are you that gullible to have such trust?" The mocking tone drew low voices of surprise as the older man spoke in such a way to Robb.

"No, I simply understand that Stannis needs the North more than you think, just as we need him more than you claim." Robb gazed around the hall, looking over everyone gathered. "The Lannisters already have a head start in this conflict. By now they'll be digging into the Riverlands and working towards forcing House Tully into submission or wiping them out. You all know how hard the battles in that region were during the Rebellion, only this time we have an enemy that won't make the same mistakes as the Mad King."

The remainder of that civil war had the voices quiet down and even Greatjon give a thoughtful look. None to deny how bloody that conflict had been, even if they tried to forget it all by focusing on the heroes and victories from that time. "So what do you expect us to do? Agree to serve alongside Stannis and let him rule us if he takes the Iron Throne?" Lord Umber question, speaking more formally for now.

"No…if there is one thing I do agree on it's the fact that our kingdom has faced too much hardship over the last few generations because of the southern Houses. The unity between us and the Iron Throne is faded, even more so with King Robert now dead." Robb paused for a moment to let those words sink in. "I plan to invite Stannis for a meeting at White Harbor, where he will return my sisters, father and Ice. I will offer an alliance to bring justice to the Lannisters and those who betrayed our trust towards them. When all is done, I will then press for the North to have independence."

The declaration drew a surprised look from Greatjon, easing away from that judging stare he had been giving. Most of the gathered nobles seemed just as taken aback at Robb's promise, a mix of hope and doubt soon being silently shared. "What your suggesting won't be that simple, even if you show such confidence." Lord Umber muttered. "Stannis won't be swayed so easily, even if we hand the Iron Throne to him."

"Better to try diplomacy before throwing more lives away," Robb answered back. "That's why I need you at my side and all the Houses of the North." He'd hold out one hand towards the older lord, their gazes meeting once more. "Let's bring a stronger future for all the people of the North."

Greatjon chuckled, his amusement soon turning into a deep bellow before he'd strongly grasp the young man's arm. Both shook firmly, Robb showing quite the strength as Lord Umber gave a wide grin. "You got the same strength and spirit your father had at your age. You will have me and my bannerman at your side, though I will hold you to your oath this night."

"Good, I expect that of you."

Cheers filled the hall as everyone was pleased with this settled unity, a more boastful mood filling the air with food and drink was being enjoyed properly. Robb leads Lord Umber, Karstark, Bolton and the other major lords back to the main table to begin discussing plans. They had to march the main forces southward to get their foothold in the Riverlands, along with trying to coordinate with the Houses in the region who were allies of the North. They had a lot of work ahead of them, yet the mood throughout the Great Hall showed pride and confidence for whatever may come.

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