

Arya and Sansa looked heartbroken, the younger girl biting back her words though. Ned kept a calm look about him as he'd speak up. "My lord. Nymeria is gone. She ran off after what happened and hasn't been seen since. I doubt we'll ever see the wolf again..."

"Yet we do have another," Cersei spoke up. Seeing the woman's small cold smile, Jason knew what the woman had in mind. "If Nymeria isn't around to pay the price then, Lady will. It is a hard choice, yet a fair one."

"NO! YOU CAN'T!" Sansa cried out, tears already showing in her eyes as he looked pleadingly to the King and Queen, yet focused on Joffrey. The young prince looked back at her, unsure of what to do or say. He seemed to mutter something to her mother yet she quickly answered back in a hushed tone. Yet his expression said enough, a sorry look to Sansa.

"So be it," Robert muttered as he'd rise from his seat and moving forward to leave the inn, making Eddard and his daughters move aside. "A wolf isn't a proper pet for her anyway. Get her a dog." He'd mutter to Ned. Eddard gave a pleading look to his friend, yet the large man didn't look back at him. Just as the neared leaving the hall, Eddard spoke up to get the King's attention

"Is that your command…your grace?" He had hesitated on the last word, no doubt refraining calling his friend by his name instead of title.

Robert glanced back, one hand clenched tightly in frustration. Yet he said nothing as he hurried out of the inn, followed by a few guards. Sansa cried and sobbed more while Arya spoke to her in a hushed voice, yet the older sister seemed to ignore the younger's words.

"Where is the beast then?" Cersei said, a smug look showing on her face.

"Chained in a pen outside your grace." One of the King's Guard answered.

"Good. I think Sir Payne will do the deed. It is his duty as executioner."

At that point, Ned stepped up and spoke sternly to her. "No your grace. I'll do it."

Cersei gave a curious look to the Northern Lord, a hint of amusement showing in her eyes. "Oh? This isn't some trick is it Lord Stark?"

"No. Lady is part of the North, so it is my duty as its Lord to settle this matter." He calmly explained.

For a moment the queen was silent before nodding. "Very well then. I expect the deed to be done within the hour."

Eddard grimly bowed his head as he'd turn to leave, ignoring the muttering pleas of his daughters as he moved to leave the inn. Jason gave a low growl of anger at what he had just witnessed. He realized just how cruel and petty Cersei was. She hid it well under loving nature for her family, using her position to torment anyone who slighted her or her family. Quickly the Surgerbinder followed Ned, catching up to him just outside the inn.

"Lord Stark, listen to me." He started before Ned turn about to face him.

"There is nothing else to discuss." He bluntly stated back to the Surgerbinder.

"You have an hour. Give me a chance to…do something."

"No. You saw how the King's mood was after that outburst of yours. He and the queen will suspect you or me if Lady somehow escapes that pen."

"You could very well be killing one of the last few dire wolves this world has."

"Do you think I don't know that?!" Ned muttered harshly back. "Sansa doesn't deserve this punishment nor her wolf. Yet Robert has made his choice…and my honour I must follow it."

Jason realized he couldn't argue any more, yet Ned was right. Any escape would be drawn to them and who knew what punishment or conflict it would cause. "Fine then. Make it quick for her. Clean stab for the heart always works." With that he'd move along to the caravan camp, leaving Ned to do his troubling task.

Entering the camp, he'd find where his packs were stored and quick get his bedroll out for the night after finding a secluded spot. Resting back, he'd sigh as he'd quickly fall asleep, trying to ignore the frustration he felt after the day's events.

Sleeping into the late morning, Jason got up and shifted through his pack to get a fresh change of clothes. Ever since reaching farther south, the weather had become warm and summery, making it quite hot for him with the northern leathers and fur he usually had on. Lucky he had come prepared as he had packed lighter clothes for the south, just a white shirt and leather trousers. He fit on the mix of his champion bracer and the studded wolven glove along with his usual boots. He had his sword on his back once finished, leaving his wolf cloak tucked away in his pack.

He'd head for the inn, needing a good meal to start the day. Besides he wanted to know if this place's food was as legendary as everyone said. The main hall of the inn was back to normal after last night's 'trial'. Inside, he'd notice that Tyrion and Bronn were at one table, eating quite a hearty breakfast. The dwarf quickly noticed the Surgerbinder and wave him over.

"Rest well Jason? I heard about what happened yesterday…" He'd ask as the Surgerbinder upped up a short stroll and picked a clean plate and cup set aside on the table.

"Yah…your sister and nephew are becoming hard to like." He muttered as he'd pick out the last meat pie they had, making Bronn grumble.

"Wanted that…" Course seeing Jason's sharp eyes made him not argue the case.

"Yes. I heard what my sister demanded and the story Joffrey said. My nephew does have bad…habits. I blame it on his upbringing and her overprotectiveness."

Jason shrugged, not caring on such excuses as he'd started eating. Just a few bites and already he was half-way down with the pie, unable to deny that it was the best one he had in years. "So…any news to share with me?" He'd asked the dwarf after a while eating.

"I have been talking with the servants. Asking them about my sister's plans and habits during her stay at Winterfell. I can confirm that she wasn't at the keep when Bran's fall happened." The dwarf said in a low hushed voice.

"Interesting. Anything else?"

"More of rumours than anything. Since I know you know history, there has been talk of a historic marriage across the Narrow Sea in Essos. The banished children of the Targaryen line have revealed themselves after so many years missing."

"Targaryen's I thought they were all wiped out during the rebellion?"

"Ah, not these two. They were smuggled away by loyalists during the fall of King's Landing. The last male heir is Viserys and the last daughter is his sister Daenerys. Anyway, the rumours go that Viserys arranged for his sister to marry Essos's most powerful Khal of the continent, Khal Drogo."

"Khal? Sorry, you're going to have to explain a bit about Essos culture. Haven't spent much time reading upon them."

"Fair point. A Khal is a warlord of the Dothraki, a culture of warrior horse raiders. They control a loose empire of sorts among the inland of Essos. They mainly plague the villages and towns out of reach of the Free Cities, yet every so often they attack them every few decades." Tyrion explained. "Point is Drogo is a legend among his people. Young, strong and leading a horde rumoured to be a hundred thousand strong."

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