
Supreme Warlock System (New Version Out)

William, an internationally recognized game developer and also the mafia lord of the underworld, was on every country's wanted list because of his unparallel hacking and large control over highly classified information and power.  Betrayed by his biological brother, who shot him to death, he was reincarnated in the world of warlocks.  In a world where magic reigned absolute, he was constantly abused for not having magical power and was eventually sold to some slave merchants by his new family, where life became even hellish.  Beaten to coma after being caught trying to escape, he woke up with a system which provided him with a second chance to prove himself.  Being granted the ability to copy other people's magic by writing their names in the ancient grimoire. Jerouch was set on walking a path where even gods have fallen. What end would be the path of a nobody who ascended with the system as his support in a world full of mythical creatures, gods, dragons, and demons… --- Check out the new version, ascension of the strongest warlock.

MKmanyr · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

7 Entering a dungeon

[New quest received.]

Build the strongest force.




' Is this system a stalker? ' Jerouch rolled his eyes while reading the notification.

' And just tell me what the rewards are,' he muttered, a bit annoyed.

He had already left that place that was brimming with battle, and he was currently some couple of meters away from a dungeon entrance.

Dungeons were said to be pocket worlds that served as bridges between this plane and the nether plane.

It was believed that there used to be no dungeon before, and their origins were still unknown to many.

What happened eons ago had been lost to history and no one fully understood the event that transpired.

Dungeons had monsters of different levels depending on the rank of dungeons, and they were to some extent different from the monsters of this world.

Each dungeon had different floors and the more the floors, the more powerful the dungeon is.

Jerouch could see a red monolith and on top of it was one star shimmering with blue light.

' I don't even know how one enters the dungeon. ' Jerouch could be seen hesitating in front of the monolith.

Even for the rankings of the dungeons, he had only heard the guards speak of it once.

As for how true it was, he wasn't sure either, and he could only trust his poor luck this time around.

His grey robe was now covered in dirt and even more blood stains, and he reeked of stench that made he himself squeeze his nose.

' Hmph. ' his face contorted as he sniffed himself.

It had been almost a week since he arrived in this forest, yet, he was unable to find his way out, and it even appeared that he was going even deeper than before.

Throughout his walks in the forest, he had not had his bath and he survived only on fruit.

One of the fruits even caused him to empty his bowel in a terrible manner and that added more to the stench since he had not cleaned up properly.

Luckily, he had not met any human yet except for the girl he met three days ago.

' I'll just walk closer and touch the monolith, let's see what happens. ' he shrugged and took a few steps forward, touching the red monolith.


Jerouch felt as if space itself was twisting and when he regained his consciousness, he found himself in a new environment.

He could see clearly again, after a few seconds that his eyes took to adjust to the slightly dim space.

The walls were made of smooth grey rocks and flame torches were fixed to them at reasonable angles.

The roof too was made of similar material as the wall, and only the floor seemed to be covered with damped sand.

There were scratch marks on the wall, and he could see rusty simple weapons littered on the ground.

' So this is how the inside of the dungeon looks like,' he muttered in a hushed tone, looking left and right to know ahead in case something was coming.

The air felt a bit damp mixed with decay, but it wasn't that suffocating.

Advancing forward, Jerouch walked in a slow and careful pace afraid to alert any monster nearby.

He had not walked for more than a few minutes when he saw a shadowy figure in the distance.

The figure was about a meter tall and had four pairs of legs and a thin string attached to his body from the roof.

It had a grey exoskeleton and its dried eyes were opened wide.

' A giant spider? ' Jerouch wondered from the distance.

' It hasn't noticed me yet… I've got this. '' he inhaled and called inwardly.

' Dash'


Jerouch felt many tines lighter, and he took multiple steps forward.

He instantly arrived in front of the spider and punched it head hard.


The spider didn't even have time to react before its brain content splattered everywhere, including Jerouch's face.

+5 EXP

He heard a new notification and breathed out, savouring the little sense of satisfaction.

Jerouch wiped the liquid matter on his face and continued walking.

He then saw the passage split into two but out of intuition, he chose the one on the right.

' Right is to heaven and left is to damnation. ' he reminded himself, half laughing at his childish thought.

Soon enough, Jerouch saw multiple figures in the distance.

This time though, they all belonged to that of humans.

Counting them, they were six. Four males and two females.

One of the males was a middle-aged man with tanned skin and bald head, carrying a rusty hammer on his shoulder.

The other three were both in their mid-twenties. Two had green hair colour while the other had messy brown hair.

The ones with green hair colour had sabres while the brown haired had a spear that was out of shape.

As for the females, one had short red hair holding a long bow and on her back were arrows kept inside a pouch.

The second lady had no weapons on, and she only held a white bottle with a clear liquid substance.

All of them were wearing old long boots and Jerouch could swear that they were not in a good living conditions.

From their auras alone, he could surmise that these guys were nothing to be wary of apart from their numbers.

Not only were they wearing old equipments, but they were also inside an F rank dungeon.

Going by logic, a high-ranking warlock had nothing to do with a dungeon beneath him in level.

This is simply because he could gain very little from such a dungeon. Be it honing his skills, materials, opportunities, low level dungeons could give little to nothing.

Jerouch was observing them from the distance, but since this place was an open passage, they could also see him too.

One of the boys with green hair squinted his eyes as he saw another human figure from the distance and called out.

'' You there, come here… '' he called out arrogantly.