
Supreme swordsman wizard

In a world of magic and swords, only the strong are valued. Luke, son of the strongest ducal house in the empire, has never exploited his talents to achieve the strength that so many desire. He always ran away from responsibilities, until one day someone told him: "When you're about to lose those you love, regretting past choices won't save them." That was the advice that made Luke change his mind and start his adventurous journey. N/A: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.

Neox_Blad · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Visiting the mansion Harvest

Luke left the headmistress' office satisfied, at first he thought he wouldn't get her help, but ended up going against his expectations.

As he walked to his dorm, Luke began to plan his routine for the next two months.

Josedh's journey will last this period.

The routine will be: Wake up early to do the exercises given by Josedh, attend mandatory and optional classes at the gym, and in the late afternoon focus on increasing magical power.

Luke plans to increase magic power to at least medium E rank. Something very difficult to do in two months.

At the moment, he can only increase his mana through the breathing technique.

Amelia, Luke's mother, sends him a sum of money every month. If Luke spends it all on pills and elixir, he'll starve for the rest of the month.

The Harvestz family mansion located in the imperial capital, and is responsible for administering the provinces in the center of the empire's territory.

It would be all too easy for Luke to go home and ask for more money, but he prefers to live for the month with the resources his mother has made available.

The same goes for Isis, Luke's sister.

Knowing he won't be able to buy the pills, Luke decided to go over to his family's house tomorrow to pick up a book on how to absorb mana from nature.

Luke is sure that if he asked his sister, she would teach him. However, he doesn't want to occupy her time with things he should already know.

These techniques wad taught to Isis when she was younger. Luke also had the opportunity to learn, but he missed classes.

After a few minutes of walking, Luke returned to the dorm. Then, he grabbed the towel and went to the men's room to shower.

Without delay, Luke returned to his room and slept.

It was a good night's sleep, but due to his biological clock, Luke woke up early.

Half drowsy, Luke got dressed. This time he can eat something before training.

After having breakfast, he left the dormitory with the letter his grandfather had left.

The first instruction was to do stretches.

It is a series of exercises that aim to increase muscle flexibility. Stretching is a fundamental practice for the proper functioning of the body, which, in addition to preventing, offers more agility and elasticity to the body.

After performing the stretches, he read the second instruction in the letter.

"Holy shit, is this a joke?"

Luke couldn't help but complain after reading the second item. He had to run, the problem was the distance. He must run to the city walls.

Luke's current position is ten kilometers from her. It's not such a big number when compared to the total area of ​​the city.

"I still have to strengthen my muscles with mana."

Luke clearly remembers how tired he felt the first time.

"Let's start."

Following instructions, Luke began to run.

After ten minutes of running, he fell to the ground with difficulty breathing. He got up, breathed for five minutes and started running again.

This process wad repeated a few times; if anyone were present, he would think Luke was crazy. Due to the morning chill, he was wearing a hood that hid part of his face.

It's still early, because of this, most people are sleeping. If anyone saw a hooded individual who every ten minutes fell to the ground breathing heavily, they would think he was a crazy drunk.

In the end, Luke ran three kilometers.

'I won't run anymore. If I run, I won't be able to do the other exercises.'

He opened the list sheet and read the rest.

'The rest can be done in the dorm.'

Sighing, Luke returned to where he'd started.

When he got to his room, he read carefully what he should do.

The first exercises are for the arms and chest.

"Keep your head in line with your torso and your hips in a straight line. Then bend your elbows and practically return to the starting point of the movement, without touching your body to the floor. Take a short break and repeat the movement."

Luke wad impressed, all the exercises were detailed. Something that caught his attention was that they were all in his grandfather's handwriting. In short, Josedh wrote this personally.

He could have asked for a butler, but he did it himself.

This only increased Luke's motivation.

"Thank you, grandfather."

Wasting no more time, Luke began.

In the end, Luke got tired. His muscles were all sore, he did arm, leg, abdomen and back exercises.

Luke wad so tired that he fell asleep during classes.

With half the day wasted, the only thing left was to increase magic power. As planned, Luke went to the Harvestz mansion.

In the mansion's office is a woman with black hair that reaches down to her back, her skin is white and immaculate, her eyelashes are long, eyebrows outlined, a nose that appears to have been molded, cherry lips and a look that conveys authority.

She is Amelia Harvestz.

She was dealing with some documents, until someone knocked on the door.

"You may come in."

The door opened, revealing it to be one of the maids. The woman entered and bowed, saying. 

"My lady, the young master has just arrived." 

Amelia wad surprised, the last time she saw her son was two months ago. The same day that Josedh, her husband's father, visited them.

"Where is he? I'll go right away." 

"He's in the library, my lady." 

Amelia got up and quickly left the office.

In the Harvestz family library, Luke running his finger through the estate's books. As he walked, a nostalgic feeling washed over him.

It felt like just yesterday that he and his sister were here, in this library. Most of the time, Amelia and Thomas told them stories. 

After a moment of searching, Luke finally found the book. 

"Using the diaphragm..." 

"What a heartless son I have. He didn't even say hi." 

Luke's reading wad interrupted by the female voice behind him. He knew very well who owned the voice, he spent his whole life scolded by it.

"It's been a while, Mom." 

"Yes. Come on, let's talk.'' 

Luke went with his mother to the garden of the house, they sat opposite each other at the table.

"Coffee without sugar, young master?''

Luke jumped at the sudden voice behind him. 

"Jonah, one day I'm going to have a heart attack because of you."

"I'm sorry, young master, it's a habit."

Walking in silence is normal for assassins, and Jonah being one of the best, it's nearly impossible to detect his presence.

"Please, no sugar."

Luke answered Jonah's earlier question. 

"What brings you here?"

Amelia asked. "I came to get a book."

"You are looking to increase your magic power."


"After so many years of insisting, have you finally decided to take a direction in life?" 

Amelia said with a smile on her face, she was happy. She spent years of her life insisting that Luke train and attend classes, but he always ran away from everyone. 

In addition to Amelia, Luke must have made his father lose a few years of his life because of the stress. In the end, they gave up. 

"In a way, yes."

"I'm really surprised. And how's life at the gym going?" Luke spent the rest of the afternoon talking to Amelia.

Unfortunately, Luke's father had to stay at the training ground, he was going to train at night with the soldiers.

After saying goodbye to his mother, Luke started walking towards the exit. However, Jonah stopped him. 

"It will help you regain your energy this week." He said, handing over five vials.

Luke confirmed that they should recover energy.


"You're welcome, Young Master."

Then, he said goodbye and left.

Seeing Luke leave, Jonah moved into the garden, Amelia still there.

"Lady, can I ask you something?" 


"Some nobles, most of the time, kick their children out of the house when they don't have talent or don't fulfill the family's wishes. Why didn't you do that with the young master?"

 Jonas saw this situation happen many times during his years of life.

"What kind of mother would I be if I did that? Luke is my son, my blood, and I love him regardless of talent or not."

"Most nobles care about their family's reputation. For them, having no talent is a sign of shame."

"Jonah, I will never be ashamed of my children, no matter what the situation."

"Huumm... I understand, ma'am." 

 In a society where the strong are valued, the geniuses and the talented reign, Jonah confirmed once again that the Harvest family is different.