
Supreme swordsman wizard

In a world of magic and swords, only the strong are valued. Luke, son of the strongest ducal house in the empire, has never exploited his talents to achieve the strength that so many desire. He always ran away from responsibilities, until one day someone told him: "When you're about to lose those you love, regretting past choices won't save them." That was the advice that made Luke change his mind and start his adventurous journey. N/A: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.

Neox_Blad · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Imperial academy

Josedh left the training room and left Luke to clean up the mess. Scattered around the room were broken pieces of wood, blood, and water.

Luke went to the janitor's room, got a broom and a rag. Normally, cleaning up this mess would be quick, but Harvestz took longer than usual due to the wound on his body.

After cleaning the room, he plans to go to the gym's infirmary to have the wound treated. Possibly, there is a broken bone in the rib area.

After cleaning up, he left the training room.

It was still early, the cold of the morning was causing the warm air coming out of Luke's mouth to condense into a kind of smoke.

Harvestz looked to the horizon and noticed that the sun was starting to rise. If he didn't hurry, the academy classes would start and there wouldn't be time for him to go to the infirmary.

Knowing this, Luke marched towards the institution, the imperial palace is just a few blocks from the academy.

As he walked through the deserted streets of the city, the smell of fresh coffee entered his nose. Smelling the fragrance, Luke's stomach growled.

After a few minutes of walking, he arrived at his destination. The Imperial Academy is one of the largest buildings in the empire.

The institution is divided into the main building, practical training area and dormitories. Too, there is an area that is under construction.

Luke headed for the main building, where the infirmary is.

During the day, due to the presence of students, the corridors are noisy. But now, only the sound of Luke's footsteps echoes through the empty hallway.

Upon arriving at the infirmary, Luke realized that he had no staff working.

With no option, he decided to lie in bed and wait for someone. But first, he took an apple to cover his stomach.

After he finished eating, he closed his eyes and dozed off.

After a while.

Luke woke up to the rays of sunlight hitting his face.

He got up and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down. Luke was a little lost, having just woken up. Using the sleeve of his shirt, he wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.

"Good Morning."

Hearing the sudden voice, Luke raised his head. In front of him was a brown haired woman sitting in a chair.

From the location and the white clothes she was wearing, she was obviously the doctor in charge of the ward.

"Good morning. Can you help me?"

"Only a moment."

The woman said and started to write on the paper that was on the clipboard. After a few notes, she got up and walked over to Luke.

"What is your name?"

"Luke Harvestz."

 "Oh, I never thought I'd see you here one day."

The infirmary exists to treat the wounds of students suffered in practical classes. Luke is famous for not attending classes.

Even though he started attending classes two weeks ago, it wasn't enough to change his reputation on campus.

Due to this fame, the woman was shocked to find out who the boy in front of her was.

"There's a first time for everything... What's your name?"

"Analina. How can I help you?"

"I have a wound on the left part of my body."

Harvestz took off his shirt and showed Analina the wound. The doctor's eyes widened at the state of the area. The wound was purple and swollen.

"At least two broken ribs. What happened? Did you fight a bear?"

'A bear becomes a domestic animal next to my grandfather.'

Luke can only sigh as he remembers Josedh's monstrous strength.

"I fell down the stairs yesterday. I woke up this morning in pain, when I saw it, my body was like this."

Luke lied, he doesn't want people to know about training with his grandfather.

Josedh never accepted disciples in his life. Knowing this, Luke prefers to keep it a secret.

If any rumors reach your cousins ​​or sisters, a ruckus will form.

"It was a fall, huh."

With all her years of experience, Analina knew he hadn't fallen.

"Are you going to heal me or not?"

"All right."

Placing her hand on the wound region, Analine used healing magic. Luke felt a tingle and a pleasant sensation.

Quickly, Luke healed. The purple in his skin along with the pain disappeared, it looked like he had never hurt.

"I finished"


Luke got up and started to put on his shirt, Analina sat down and went back to writing something on her clipboard.

"Have classes started yet?"

"Not yet. Five minutes to go."

There was little time left. So, he had to run.

"Can I get an apple?"

This time Luke had to ask.


Luke grabbed the apple and ran out of the infirmary. Most of the students were already in the classroom, leaving the hallways almost empty.

This allowed Luke to run. If the halls were full, he would have to go through of obstacles.

Quickly, he arrived at the dorm. Glancing at the clock on the wall, Luke saw that class had already started.

"Now that I'm late, I don't have to run."

With the greatest calm in the world, Luke began to prepare. The uniform consists of a black blazer with the academy symbol, black pants and a tie.

The color of the blouse under the blazer is optional. Luke wears a dark gray, he thinks, that matches the rest of his uniform.

To top it off, he took the books and sword that the academy gives students.

It is a steel sword, a metal in abundance in the empire, which is why this distribution occurs.

In addition to swords, the academy distributes other types of weapons such as spears, bows, axes, hammers, and others. The distribution depends on how the student prefers to fight.

If a student prefers to use a spear, finds the battle style more interesting, or feels more comfortable using one, they will obviously be given a spear and trained with it.

At the academy, there are mandatory classes and optional classes. The options depend on the fighting style. Luke chose, fencing lessons.

These classes take place in the afternoon and the mandatory ones in the morning, and this one, in turn, has already started.

Luke, wasting no more time, left the dorms and headed for the main building.

After a few minutes of walking, he arrived in front of the living room door.

The door, when it opened, made a noise, causing everyone present to look in the direction.

The class interrupted because of him, and many students shot him an angry look.

"You're early, Mr. Harvestz."

Seeing the professor's sarcastic tone, Luke scratched his head. He was the one who overslept and lost track of time.

"I'm... sorry."

"Sit in your seat."

Following the teacher's orders, Luke went to his place. This one, in turn, was in the corner of the last row.

The academy propagates the idea of ​​meritocracy, so it is divided into classes from E to S.

Those who deserve it are promoted to the upper classes, those who don't are demoted.

In the passing exam, Luke assigned to Class E. Although he got an excellent grade on the written test, his magic power was very low.

A person's magic power is divided into ranks, the higher the Rank, the greater the magic power. Luke is an F Rank when it comes to magic power.

Upon entering the room assigned to him, he immediately chose the seat in the back.

To try to make up for missed classes, Luke decided to give his full attention to classes. So, in the present, he regrets it.

The current professor is called Oswald, he is in his early thirties, has red hair, is tall and wears a monocle over his eye. He is responsible for teaching the body's mana points.

Mana is magic power, and it's one of the most important things. If the mana core is broken, the person is considered crippled by society. Typical of a society that values ​​the strong.

 This is one of the reasons some nobles despise Luke.

Professor Oswald's class passed quickly, so the class on mana control began.

In general, all classes passed quickly for Luke. When an individual focuses too much on something, he loses track of time, making it seem like it went faster than usual.

At the end of class, Luke went to the cafeteria.

Upon arriving, Luke found himself in an unexpected situation. This time he arrived a little later in the cafeteria, and he had nowhere to sit.

'Where am I going to sit?'

Practically, all tables had some group formed. There was a group of seniors, freshmen, and seniore along with the freshmen.

Having skipped most classes at the beginning of the year, Luke didn't fit in with the other students.

He knew most of the nobility who were in the mess hall, but most didn't like him.

Some say Luke was unworthy to be born into the Harvestz family, and less worthy when it comes to Imperial blood.

Ever since Luke started frequenting the mess hall, he could clearly see the division in the group of commoners and nobles.

It is rare to see a noble and a commoner eating together.

Currently, only the hero group has both nobles and commoners.

If an ordinary individual becomes a hero, he will be immediately valued by society.

The Goddess of light herself, the supreme entity of humans, chose him. Not even the highest noble can despise the chosen one.

Luke glanced at the table of heroes, a feeling of disgust beginning to overwhelm him. All heroes have become arrogant, and that's the fault of society that spoiled them.

The one most affected by this arrogance was Luke.

After a while, Luke noticed that a girl was looking at him.

When their eyes met, Luke immediately looked away, he didn't look away in embarrassment at the girl's beauty, but for another reason.

It's hard to define what he feels for her. Does he still love her? It's hard for him to answer.

Luke embraced the only possible option at this point.

"Can I eat with you?"

The question directed to a girl with black hair and white skin, she would be the female version of Luke.

"Usually you eat alone, what made my little brother want to eat with me?"

The girl is Isis Harvestz, Luke's older sister. The age difference between the two is one year and nine months.

"They stole my corner."

"What about your childhood friends?"

"OUR childhood friends. And I don't eat with them for the same reason you do."

Isis shook her head as she laughed.

"You're right. Feel free, eat here whenever you want, after all, we are a family. I will never deny my brother's company."

Luke smiled, members of the Harvestz family taught from an early age to value their bonds.

Luke sat next to his sister, and Isis introduced him to her classmates. Everything was going fine, until the girl who had been watching Luke a few minutes ago stopped beside him.

"Let's talk."

She's Rebecca Rosier, your fiancée.