
Heavenly Martial Dynasty

The middle-aged man breath heavily as he slowly calm himself. He knew that with his cultivation, he couldn't defeat Esdeath. Earlier he thought that with the help of the other three with him. They would have a chance to defeat this ruthless woman. But after what happened, he knew that it was already impossible.

Two were dead and Lady Song was crying in grief. He is the only one who could fight in the Crystal Pavilion. Even if Mei Jiao returned he knew that their combined strength is still not enough.

"Tell me, what is your real purpose for coming here?" the middle-aged man said. In this Crystal Pavilion, he had the highest authority. He was called Elder Hu by his colleagues and was considered as the most powerful person in the whole building.

An interesting smile appeared in Esdeath's face and said, "So now you want to talk, since that's the case let me tell you. I came here in the order of my Young Master to investigate your Crystal Pavilion. My Young Master is curious about the force behind your pavilion and what is their aim in creating a base of operations here in disguise"

Changes of emotions appeared in Elder Hu's face after he heard Esdeath's words. His face were gravely dark as he tried to think on how the other party knew of this and who is this Young master she was talking about.

At first, Elder Hu wanted to denies it but he understand that since the other party already knew about this. It was sure that they have already investigated this, so he can only tell the truth or else he was sure that he would be killed. "Before I tell you anything, can you answer a question of mine first?"

"Do you think your current position permits that" creasing her brow, Esdeath replied with an indifferent tone.

Sensing the cold attitude of the other party, Elder Hu felt angry and powerless. Clenching his fist he said, "If you don't want to listen to my question. Then I won't give you an answer either"

"I have my own ways to let you open your mouth and talk" seeing the stubborn personality of Elder Hu, Esdeath said with a sadistic smile, "Did you see those five, at first they also don't want to talk. But after I handled them, they become dogs who would bark anything I wanted to know"

A chill run in Elder Hu's spine and felt someone poured a cold water in his whole body. Looking at the five naked headless body on the ground, Elder Hu suddenly felt fear. He could still remember the scene where those five were walking in all fours like dogs. Their eyes were lifeless and already lost its light. Those were the eyes of someone who was broken. He couldn't imagine what kind of torture they met in the hands of this woman.

Without any choice and not wanting to be like those five, Elder Hu compromise and said, "Our Crystal Pavilion is a branch of the Crystal Palace in the Heavenly Martial Dynasty. This time our purpose was to create a base of operations here so that we can monitor what was happening in this empire. At first we wanted to create the Crystal Pavilion in the Imperial Capital. But we put it aside as there is a high chance that we will be caught and discovered by someone. So our next best choice were the Spring Breeze City"

"What is the Heavenly Martial Dynasty and the Crystal Palace? Why would they wanted to monitor here?" Esdeath impatiently replied. This old man in front of her was speaking so slow, and he doesn't want to explain it full. Esdeath thought that it would be much faster if she force him to speak.

Seeing the impatient expression in Esdeath's face, Elder Hu continues, "First, the Heavenly Martial Dynasty is a high-level empire in the East of the Sacred Cloud Continent just like the Azure Dragon Empire. This two were the current overlord of the eastern region of this continent and they were in constant war against each other. The main branch of the Crystal pavilion, the Crystal Palace is in the capital of the Heavenly Martial Dynasty. Our job is to gather intelligence report not just here, but from all over the continent."

"We are tasks here because of the prophecy of the Supreme Oracle. From the prophecy, it is said that a phoenix will rise here in the distant empire in East and its wings will cover the whole sky. With its rise, countless geniuses of the generation would fall in the hands of this phoenix. Then they would become the fuel that would burn bright the name of this phoenix"

"Though I am not very clear about our whole mission here. One thing is very clear to me, and that is to prevent that rising phoenix in coming to the Azure Dragon Empire. The Azure Dragon Empire and my Heavenly Martial Dynasty is almost comparable in terms of power. The war that has been going on between the two was the clear evidence that until now, nobody has managed to get the advantage. But if the Azure Dragon Empire get this phoenix, in just short years in the future the Heavenly Martial Dynasty would be put in an absolute disadvantage. Thus creating an all out war that would probably destroyed many empires and would kill millions of lives in the process"

After his words ended, Elder Hu stares at Esdeath who had a bright light in her eyes. He couldn't help but think what did he say that made this woman had this happy expression on her face.

Of course Elder Hu wouldn't knew that the reason of Esdeath's bright eyes were because of the war that he said. As a general, war is what she dreamed the most. 'War is it?'

Looking at the remaining people of the Crystal Pavilion, Esdeath revealed a cruel smile and charges forward. She decided to finally end this boring encounter so that she could relay her report to her Young Master.

The 5 chapters that I've posted today was the chapters I created before I took a break. I already created up until chapter 68, but i will not post it as I still need to do some changes to it. Maybe I will post it after I finished the second volume.

But for now I will write something just for fun.

Cpt_LickMecreators' thoughts