
Fourth Fusion

Looking at Shen Yu who was currently smiling, Leng Ning had a bad premonition about it. A creep crawl into his skin and a tingling sensation was in his heart.

Just as he expected, Shen Yu who was on his knees with a blood red line in the center of his body suddenly burst into power. Pillar of violet Qi emerged from his body and reaches the sky. The tremendous pressure from it makes everyone around breath a cold air.

Leng Ning knowing that something unexpected happen immediately yelled out, "Quickly! Carry me and retreat!"

His words were not focused in only one, but on all the people who came with him. Great Elder Shen who was stupefied of what was happening in Shen Yu came to his senses when he heard Leng Ning's shout. He instantly understood what happened just by looking at Leng Ning's troubled expression with fear in it. He quickly move his feet and arrived beside Leng Ning and carry him before running away.

When the others saw that Great Elder Shen retreats with Leng Ning, they stands with great difficulty and followed after them. They even forgot their mission as they run away in an unorganized manner. They are mouses fleeing away from the ferocious cat.

Sakazuki who wanted to chase after them didn't move. He believe that everything is under his young master's control. So he stand at the side waiting.

Inside Shen Yu's consciousness, he knew he was dying. With that powerful attack that seems to carry the might of the world. The current him stood no chance.

Earlier, the moment Leng Ning appeared and mentioned that he came from a high-level empire. He knew his plans had to change. He guessed that with Leng Ning's attitude and place as a disciple of an elder, he might have some powerful abilities that could test his current strength to the limit.

But after knowing from the system that Leng Ning is only at the peak of Martial general, he felt disappointed. But that disappointment instantly disappears into thin air the moment Leng Ning brought out that bronze sword. Even him who was a realm higher than Leng Ning feels threatened by the ancient aura that the bronze sword was releasing.

So, he quickly thought that with the use of this bronze sword he can break his limits and transcend. At the first attack of the bronze sword, Shen Yu decided to test and blocked it which he succeeds in doing. Next, he attacked Leng Ning so that the other party would be provoked and feel desperate. Then Leng Ning didn't really disappoint him and was quickly angered by what he do.

Shen Yu then watched and wait as Leng Ning uses his final strike with that bronze sword. Without any thought, Shen Yu welcomes the attack with open arms.

Right now, the 'dying' Shen Yu awaken his deepest desire to live. The large and long wound from his body was giving him an extremely painful feeling.

The hogyoku inside him reads his heard and knows his desires to live. With the hogyoku having a will of its own, was 'pissed' off. The hogyoku's will can't allow any that with all the power he had given to Shen Yu, it was still not enough. So, with its own will the hogyoku forces Shen Yu into transformation. And that is what was currently happening to Shen Yu.

After a few seconds, Shen Yu's appearance was vastly different from before. Shen Yu has a hole in the center of his chest with a cross in the middle of it. His clothes were different and was changed into a long fitting white clothes. His byakugan was still the same but his eyebrows had vanished. There is a diamond-shaped object embedded in his forehead, and Shen Yu has gained three sets of butterfly-like wings.

Standing up, Shen Yu notices that he was directly brought into the fourth fusion of the hogyoku. With this, he gain several more abilities like immortality and teleportation, as well as greatly enhancing his strength. At the same time, he became one with the shinso and was now attached to his hands.

*Ding... Host successfully achieve the fourth fusion. Aside from that, host can freely transform to the first and third fusion but not the second. If host wanted to transform into the fifth fusion, host must break his limits!

Hearing the voice of the system inside his head, Shen Yu asked, "System, you mean that i can freely transform now?"

*Ding... Yes, host can freely transform now!

"System, show me my current status" eager to see his new strength, he asked the system.


Character: Shen Yu (FOURTH FUSION)

Identity: Holder of the System, Owner of the Abandoned Castle

Realm: Rank 8 Martial Ancestor

System Points: 1,500 System Points

Summoned: Sakazuki (Admiral Akainu), Esdeath

Summoned Group: 11th Division of Gotei 13

Weapon: Shinso



Shen Yu was lost for words when he saw his current realm. He was even more powerful than Kenpachi if he was released from his sealed form.

After several seconds, Shen Yu was finally brought back to himself and his eyes turned to the direction where Leng Ning and the others escaped.

He then turn to Sakazuki who was staring at him with an unknown expression on his face. Even the tobacco in his mouth had fallen in the ground without him noticing. He said, "Stay here for a while, I will just chase those insects that escaped!"

After that, Shen Yu disappeared using his new teleportation.

Just after Shen Yu disappears, Sakazuki was brought back to reality as his eyes flicker with resolution. Earlier when he saw Shen Yu's form, he couldn't feel any aura coming out from his body. He thought that it was only because Shen Yu still didn't organize his strength properly. But when he realized him disappears, he knew that it was not because Shen Yu still doesn't organized his power. It was because his power had reach an unfathomable level that even he couldn't feel it.

Multiple emotions started to appear inside his heart. First he was happy to know that his young master had become even more powerful than before. And the other he was sad, he felt that his young master won't be needing him anymore with his current power.

But that thought disappeared quickly and was replaced by tough resolution. All he needed to do was to become powerful so that he will be of use to his young master.

The 5 chapters that I've posted today was the chapters I created before I took a break. I already created up until chapter 68, but i will not post it as I still need to do some changes to it. Maybe I will post it after I finished the second volume.

But for now I will write something just for fun.

Cpt_LickMecreators' thoughts