
Supreme Caos System

Tianwu continent         Dong Empire , Lin family   Young teenager with dirty face inside a wood house all messy decadent on a wood bed. The teen opened his eyes and look around "What fuck!!!!!! What am i doing here?was i kidnapped?" Lin cheng thought I try to get up but I suddenly felt pain all over my body. "Ouch!" I look down at my clothes is then that i realize that i was dressing like ancient chinese costume i was hoping  that the one who kidnapped me doesnt have a weird fetish. Knock! Knock! "Lin cheng get out here waste!" I hear a annoying male voice scream my name. Suddenly a burst of pain again exploded but this time in my head. I grab my head in pain and bunch of images And information ran though my mind "shit!!!!!" Apparently this was the legendary crosssing!!

DaoistS4DVbU · Fantaisie
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160 Chs

Chapter 2 Invincible heart

"Lin cheng dont think you want to tod eat swan you dont even deserve to see her or talk to cousin Qingxia iyou better do it now. And not embarrased yourself more."

Su lan said with cold voice while releasing the Qi realm aura as if supressing me.

I felt as if was about to explode every and every single bone was about to break it felt weird but for some reason my heart was calm as water. I look at her and tought probably I'll die here well i hope i get a better cross a again if she kill me even i hope god pitt me. But when i tought i was about to die from suffocation Su lan suddenly stop. Her aura

"Well whatever i already give you the chance is you problem if you sufer more humilliation ." Su lan suddenly sigh

After that she suddenly use a micro step technique with fast steps and Walk 3 step each step move forward 20 feet away disappearing out of my house in the walkway.

Inside a small carriage there is a girl with a hair like a water fall black and shiny and her face súper perfect nice eyebrows her lips were paint with green extremely stunning. With two nice mini Rabits , nice thighs and opposite of her was a sexy teenage girl that of course is Su lan got out of the Lin Family gate look Her cousin Su Qingxia arrive unexpectedly.

"Lan'ier what did i tell you to let me talk to him first not only you didnt listen to me but you also attack him you know he is always been Bully it would only get things worse!!" Su Qingxia spoke with a harsh tone

"I... qingxia i just didnt want him to talk to you and abuse of your generosity plus what is the big deal he is just a waste after all. " Su lan Said guilty

"Enough! Whatever whats done is done that crown prince is extremely cruel and the Lin family is about to lose face in the banquet let's rest in the new inn that was open i hear theres a king realm as owner tomorrow in the morning we leave im tired. " Su qingxia said

"You dont like crown prince eve doe he is súper handsome and has good spiritual root you could be a queen are you not tempted ? " Su lan ask

"To be honest i still want to be free and reach my limit im too young i dont want to be restrained with family matters for now plus he always give me a bad vibe with that gentle face" Su Qingxia answer

"Shh!! qingxia someone might hear us lets go."

Su lan said while the carriage keep moving.

Lin cheng crappy house

Just as Su lan left.

Lin tong couldn't follow her with his speed for more flattering.

So he suddenly decide to try to make Lin cheng succumbed so he won't open his mouth.

"Waste how dare you threaten me i think i better teach you a lesson"

Lin tong yelled and punch me in the chest.

His speed was so fast that i could not evade after all i have a mortal body.

I flew away and smash the Wooded Bed with my body suddenly i splurted a lot of black blood my face was extremely pale i got up with my Will.

Looking at him with my eyes extremely cold murderous intent. I ve never felt this way you must know i dont like violence.

But im not someone who cant adapt im no longer in earth where you could live carefree.

"You dare stand up kneel for me. "

Lin tong scream

What i hate most is someone making others kneel. I feel like someone wanted me to violate my heart i only kneel to god and my mother of course i dont have one but thats how i felt even if my biological father ask me to kneel i would kick his ass without hestitation. This was my bottom line.

Lin tong arrive at fast speed in front me putting his left hand on my shoulder using his 3 layer of budybuilder to supress me i felt pain in my knees that were about break, but for some reason my heart was calm as if no matter what physical pain i could resisted.

I felt mad sad angry and Roar in my heart "whyyyyyyyyy goddddddd why I dont want kneel i prefer to die!!! My heart is inviolable. " I thought

Lim tong was surprise but rapidly sneer and raise his other hand as if to slap me but at this moment.

[Ding! A ant is is trying to offend owner heart]

[Ding! Does owner want to activate the system?]

"What fuck dont tell me this the legendary system like the xianxia novel!!" I said in my heart excited

I couldnt think too much.

"Activate" i said.

[Ding! Supreme Chaos system activated]

[Ding! Since owner is in dangerously situation system would provide asistance for the first time.]

The indifferent and cold voice but is extremely enjoyable to listen from female voice again

[Ding! Scanning host body 1%,25%,78% 100%]

[Ding! scan succesful]

Host name: Lin cheng

Level 0/10exp

Realm: mortal body/

Spritual roots / God roots no longer useful

Blood line/ phoenix impure with toxing purity 000000.001%

Talent :Supreme heart


[Ding! Since is the frist time the host start and used the Supreme chaos system owner get a novice gift pack.]

[Ding! does owner want to open novice gift pack?]

Open i said in my mind without hesitation

[Ding! Congrats for opening the novice gift pack]

[Ding! Congratulation for obtaining 1000 experience point.]

[Ding! Congratulations for obtaining heavenly dagger shots 3/3]

[Ding! Congrats for obtaining wash marrow and bones pill]

[Ding! Congrats for obtaining 100 coins]

[Ding! Please make sure you get rid of the danger in front so you can let the system use upgrade your body]

[Ding! Without upgrading your body you cant consume experience points to level up]

[Ding! reminder you can use the heavenly dagger to get rid of it of the danger.]

Host name: Lin cheng

Level 0/10exp

Realm: mortal body/10upgrade

Spritual roots / God roots no longer useful

Blood line/ phoenix impure with toxing purity 000000.001%

Talent :Supreme heart


Weapons: None

Usables: Heaveanly dagger

Heavenly dagger info: each shot can take down even some body in last stage of emperor realm.

" What! So cool o god to think i need to use a shot to kill this little lackey,O well lets do it" I said in my heart a little regretful

Suddenly when Lin tong was about to hit my face dagger appear in front him just like summoning it.

Realeasing a extreme aura as if heaven was mad this pass through all Empire making it tremble.

All forces shake and even the emperor was alert as if something his soul saying danger.

Of course i would not know about it i just felt this was crazy this power even if it felt dangerously didnt nothing to me.

A white light suddenly lit the word and the world roar and in this light made Lin tong dissapear not only Lin tong dissaper the outer yards broke and even core yards tremble .

[Ding! Killing mosquitoes experiens 1×20]

[Ding! Killing Ugly duck Lin tong wining 100 experience]

[Ding! Congratulation on winning 20 mall coins]

I was speechles with the way the system Female voice name it but i like it.

[Ding! Reminder this place is no safe any more you must get out of here before danger aproach]

[Ding! Task offer go to Demonic forbiden mountains where special portal would be open when you reach the entrance cordinate 123x:72y]

[Rewards= cannot tell yet is clasified]

"What! But how im going to get out of here" I ask

[Ding! You wish to activate navigation map?]

"Activate" . I said in my mind

Suddently a map apeared like when playing battle royale.

This is crazy i thought. But theres a X Y and a line where to go.

When i look around theres nothing literally only a superhole where i used to lived everything everything turn to ashes.

[Ding! Danger aproaching Run!]

[Ding! By the way do you accept the task if you accept it granted temporarily clothes that hide your face.]

"Acept." I said i cant think too much i know i did a lot noise if i dont get out here i might get trap to and fill with questions im sure theres nothing good.

[Ding! congrats accepting the task]

Suddenly white robe as ninja cover me super cool the material look extremely cool nice quality.

"Are you serious big sister this is too notable probaly every gonna look at me with suspicion?" I ask softly after all the

[Ding! Dont worry this full proof plus when you equip you run as fast a Xiantian late stage treat it as equipment.]

The voice of the female sytem sounded but this time with gentle and softly tone I think it felt good after i call her big sister humm.

[Ding! Does host want equip escape ninja suit?]

[Ding! danger aproaching]

"Equip" without hestitation i put it on the suit envelope my whole body looking extremely cool with golden lines like spider webs.

Lin cheng run with the mask in hand as fast possible without puting on because he saw in the map dark red dot aproaching i bet those most be The patriarch and even the emperor i bet he came after something like this only some one above the emperor real might make shot like this. A they dont know if its a enemy.

Tang family a sexy woman was walking whe she felt tremble and her soul felt scare from this heavenly move that most be the power above the emperor realm.

Similar things happen the ancestor and the cheap grand father were scare mostly beacuse it was right they area they were hoping it was not something bad because that attack is something from that can make them scare most be something bad.

Su family

A middle age man and middle age woman similar to Su qingxia but with a charm of mature women a biggest plum rabbit.

The midlle age man look in his forty the actually the patriarch is 80 years old and his name Su bo you must know the he is in the king realm in the middle stage the women surprising is in the king realm as well but in the late stage.

And old man appear suddenly

"Little boy tha power was definitly above emperor realm lets go"

The old man said he is the ancestor the Su family he has been in seclusion for almost 1000 years after he is also a Emperor realm.

And Subo didnt have the sligest angry look acepted like a hairy boy. If people saw it will definitely laugh.

"Yes ancestor" Su bo said extremely respectful

"Yi ying wait here"

Su bo said.

Yu ying nooded extremely aware of the situation

Qin residence and old man with white hair he looks like normal person but it actuaclly give the vibes of inmortal. He is the Qin ancestor his age is more 5 thousand years like and old foxile.

Emperor palace of the Empire

The emperor

He looks like his age is in his 40 year but he is actually more the 5 thousand years but apparently he took a supreme elixir wich make him look more younger. Next to him the queen has the realm of late king she older than 500 hundread year exlude and extremey hot and sexy aura of mature women with big water melon and nice curves. With a supreme noble aura of no blaspheme .She also took heavenly elixir for her appearance something but it was a milk heaven of 1000 years wich let her beauty for 1000 years dissappointly she has no chance of breaking through of the the late stage of king realm to emperor realm becauss of her spirit root unless she find a extremely power and pure energy if not she will die and going to be replace.

Next to her is her daugther which the most mysterious figure in the empire people only about her beauty.

"Mom what you think it is? " Ask Qin xianer

"I dont know but seeem like big strong power house above emperor" said the empress with shock

"Above emperor ...." Qin xianer look with longing eyes people would be shock to see Qin xianer is exuding a super aura of king realm !! Yo must know thae she is only 19 years old omg!! Even the emeperor the reach the king realm at the age of 28!! And the crown prince is 21 years old and is only in the late stage of xiantian realm while Su Qingxia is only has 16 years old and is already in The early stage of xiantian realm

Dont get this a joke but from late stage to king realm is a super a big step since you are getting a full plus 1000 years of life you might have to wait for a decade at least.

In another room a guy extremely handsome but has cultivation of late xiantian realm while shaken happen he run fast with some people behind him he had a face arrogant face looking as if everything belong to him.

In a inc two beatiful girl were rushing out of the inc

"Lan'ier that came from the direction Lin cheng you didnt put something to kill him right?" Ask Su Qingxia

"What! I havent done anything plus sister that was so powerfull perhaps something else happen"

Su lan defended with great curiosity you must know that they are young even Su qingxia has curiousity after all the power felt like extremely above emperor

Suddenly a thing like talisman lit up in the waist of Su qingxia

"What happen Qingxia?" ask Su lan.

"Dad and the ancestor are coming they said the movement is from the Lin family but they tried to to use divine sense to what was happening but it hurt they divine sense so to be carefull and not get close." Answer Su Qingxia

"Wow but i want to see the powerose above emperor realm " Su lan said

"Yea let's go" Spoke Su Qingxia

Even Su qingxia who always calm and didnt care about anything except Cultivation agree and decided to go take a look

So the return to the Lin family gate just a s they were going to rush inside to gossip a white figure with golden like rush out the entrenance of Lin family.


The guards yelled but the white figure didnt stop and ignore them with speed of a late Xiantian realm.

While running Lin cheng keep going as fast possible to task after all he needs to hide.

[Ding!! Suggestion put the mask one so no one can recognize you]

"O sh*t i almost forgot" while putting in on he didnt noticed that 4 pairs of eyes were watching him.

"OMG! Isnt that bastard of Lin cheng and why is his speed so fast" Su lan exclaimed

"Is it him? Are you sure?" Su Qingxia suddenly ask

"Yes of course him no matter how he look i can still recognize him but whatever lets ignore it let go see the action inside"

Su lan said

"Wait why he ran from the same direction that just happen lets follow him."

Su Qingxia said because she felt this matter must be him and precise because idk why i feel like i want follow him probaly because he was running fast in matter second he disppaear out the gates.

"You want to follow that bastard?"

Su lan said

"But he is so fast like the crown prince might not be faster" Su lan said.

"It doesnt matter mom gift me the shufflge"

Su Qingxia said

Su Qingxia suddenly took out a machine like a star with 2 tube and she step in star plat form

"lan'ier hold to me"

Su qingxia said

Su lan suddenly hold her waist they shot with fast as half king speed.

100 kilometer aways

A figure in white keep running.

"Big sister aghh im getting tired im about to collapse. Agh"

Lin cheng said the speed is fast his consumation is bad is his about explode after all he is only a mortal body.

"Ding! Reminder people are following us and it speed is like half step king please do your best".

"What!?" I look at the map 2 dots super fast behind me show

"No this bad i need to keep running at least until the portal."

I knew if i got caught might get in trouble.

Fk if i was no weakling il kick they asses i tought.

Even though i didnt know it was my fiance following me.

[Ding! Online 20 kilometers until host reach the forbiden land]

Suddenly my body start it bleeding and the equipment was tainted with blood was droping and my body injuries gain from my previous owner were reopen you must know that if it wasnt for my mom pendant in this i might have die with that hit from Lin tong after all the owner die of deprresion thats sad but dont worry buddy im here il take care of it. For you kickc asses etc. And even that mf of empero il seduce and fuck his wife for trying give my fiance to another person. Even though i dont know her and I dont want to know her that something universal how tf he tried to do that shit. Humph.

Dozen kilometer in the back two beauties hugging like a couple in the air.

"Qingxia were geting close but you see there a lot of blood, Omg wtf happen to this bastard it look like pool"

Su lan exclaimed in a surprise tone

"I dont know probably in that explosion got hit or something"

Su qingxia tought and said

"But that was above emperor realm how can mortal resist. He has no cultivation" Su lan ask

Well i dont believe either but he is so fast and a mortal what that speed is definitely not some one without cultivation base " Su Qingxia said

Is now that Su lan remmeber that this little bastard was so fast he cant be xiantian is it? No she got a lot of mess in her head whatever lets catch him first humph it won't take too long after all he isseriously injured Su lan tought.