
Superman's Lust BOOSTED (Highschool dxd)

It's a Alternative Story of Superman where Unlike Others he is . . . Very lust full due to certain reasons. his life was getting frustrating since his breeding Instincts where telling him to claim the members of the Leage who where being cocktease to him. But a big boy scout and Being in relationship he can't do that. He prayed to Kryptonian God Rao to make his pain come at ease. But maybe Kryptonian God Rao really heard his prayer. Darkseide invades earth and He Dies protecting the Earth. But when he wakes up from his Dream he finds out he is in some Other universe. . . Filled with even Bigger Cock teasers. But This time he isn't Holding back~

Power_King_4153 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs


"What have you done?" sighed a Mighty being

This being was what it looked like made by Fire of creation itself.

He was none other than Kryptonian God Rao.

Bathed in Fire a mighty being with no hair on his body.

The creator of all Earth boud Gods and Creator of Kryptonians.

He held the body of Superman on his palm.

He was alive but his body was destroyed.

"You used solar flare a Very rash way son, without even preparing yourself." Rao said in a genuinely concerned tone.

"Well, the universe you were from is Doomed, without Hope of this universe this universe will quickly fall into despair. Well this one will be destroyed" Rao said to himself as he crushed the universe with his bare hands.

"Yet I can't let your sacrifice in vain, You deserve another chance" He said as he gathered a Lot of Cosmic energy in palm of its hand.

"Hmm? What is this magic on him? Is that magic that woman casted on him is still bounded? Well I should Get rid of it, . . . Or . . . No . .  I think I should see what you do this time, Hahahah, and I have a Perfect universe in my mind." Rao said as he laughed a Bit.


Draconic Desus(DXD) Earth 69

It was a morning in the small town of Kuoh, the Sun was shining and a few white clouds could be glimpsed that covered the sky, this town is famous for its school, the Kuoh Academy, a large school with large buildings with everything necessary for the students. students including a large gymnasium, a large student dining room and different fields for various sports is what makes up this great school; But this is not the only famous thing about it, previously it was only a school for girls, being easily appreciated by the large number of these and the lower percentage of men who study there, being the fantasy of any pervert.

On the other side of the City and a little away and surrounded by an extensive forest, there is a house; not very big but comfortable enough for its inhabitant.

Inside the house, in the living room, you could see the owner sitting in a comfortable three-seater armchair, in front of the armchair, a small table and a flat screen television attached to the wall, as well as the door that leads to a small corridor that leads to the kitchen and the entrance of the house, on the left side of the room there is a dark brown wooden bureau with a lamp on top of it, in addition to a window that overlooked the garden of the house, on the right side of the room there was an armchair for a single person and a door that leads to the corridor for the bedroom and bathroom.

The man who was currently having a cup of coffee, this man had an appearance between 20 and 25 years old, 1.88 cm tall, medium complexion, dressed in a purple raincoat that reached his ankles, two black lines on the sleeves to the wrists and above the elbow; in addition to two belts at the waist as the only one that supports him, leaving part of his chest exposed, set with black pants with two -similar to shackles- on the ankles, with purple shoes.

This was a handsome man with gray eyes, black hair with blond bangs and a black goatee; This person is none other than Azazel, a fallen angel, but not just any fallen angel but the most powerful of all of them, expelled from heaven for having lustful thoughts, shortly after he founded the organization of fallen angels "Grigori" where he became its governor General, leaving his post after ordering the Fallen Angels to withdraw from the Great War, after losing many of his subordinates. Now dedicating himself to his investigation of the sacred gears and objects related to them.

" This is boring " These were Azazel's thoughts, as he sipped his coffee and looked out the window, he had come to the human world because he was tired of being in the underworld and avoiding angels, angels. fallen and demons kill each other and generate another war, a meaningless action according to Azazel's thought, being a pacifist who prefers to solve problems by talking.

" At least I still have my research on the sacred gears " I reflected while thinking about them, their faction about these objects is well known, even going so far as to be different inventions related to these and even artificial sacred gears.

But at this moment he had nothing to do, a certain gear had caught his attention that was possibly in a boy, but he had already sent someone to investigate it and confirm its presence, he pointed out with boredom.

"I wish something interesting would happen, so I would have something to entertain myself" was what was going through his head as he prepared to take a sip from his cup, when suddenly...


An explosion assaulted his ears. " What was that ?" It was her first thought of hers as she put down the cup and stood up from her seat, while she looked out the window of her living room towards the forest, and then frowned when she felt something..

Two great energies that had appeared at the moment the explosion was generated.

"I'd better go investigate" He said after not recognizing what type those energies belonged to, to then disappear in a magic circle.


A few moments ago.

"Agghhhh! Haaa! Haaa!" Our protagonist Clark Kent finally woke up from his Slumber.

"Shit! Shit Shit! Huh? What?" Clark looked around him to find out he is inside some short of forest.

"I am. . . . Alive? Yeah AGGGGHHHH!" The muscles of his body suddenly started to cramp and twist and turn.

It took him some time to realize the type of problems he was in, he woke up in what seemed like a forest with a terrible headache, he noticed almost immediately when he woke up that he had no powers, not a single one. It was as if they had disappeared. He felt as if his body had been put into a blender and torn to pieces and taped together, every muscle and bone in his body ached like hell, he wondered if this was what human beings wear out. .

Ignoring the pain in his body, he had managed to get up and walk, looking for the slightest sign of human activity. After walking for a couple of hours he came across a warehouse that seemed to have been abandoned, he had forced his way in and looked inside.

He was lucky to find some clothes inside some boxes, they were old and dusty, but they were better than what he was wearing. Superman's uniform was in tatters, his pants barely covered his masculinity and on his chest only half the symbol of El's house remained, it looked like he had been through hell. He would draw a lot of attention if He walked the streets with it, and it was something He didn't want to do.

After putting on the old clothes he found, a brown jacket, pants, and work boots, he went out in search of something that would tell him where he was. I follow a road that he found a few minutes away and was finally able to figure out where he was by reading a sign.

Kuoh City, Japan. That's what was written in Japanese, it was lucky that Japanese was one of the many languages ​​he was fluent in, but how the hell he ended up on the other side of the world is something he had to find out.

He walked through the streets of the city, being careful to avoid those that were very busy, although he was sure that his presence turned a couple of heads, mainly women. More than one smiled or winked at him making Clark smirk at them a little embarrassed.

Finally I get to a place where I could find all the information I wanted, the library. He had walked in and asked the receptionist for a computer with a kind smile, making her blush. Farm boy charm, Lois had said once as a joke.

It worked and a few minutes later he was in front of a computer looking for any information about what happened in the metropolis.

Literally found nothing. No Darkseid, no Superman, no alien, super hero or villain, no Metropolis even existed, or Gotham.

"The fuck?" The cursed words get out from his mouth.

"Is there any problem?" The busty receptionist asked.

He can clearly see that she opened a special Boob window just for his view.

C cup that was her size.

'Shit what I am doing' He rubbed his head as a 8th level Intellectual being he should think things more carefully

"Ah the thing is . . . I forgot where I live" He starts to rub his head out.

"Huh? W-What are you saying?"

"Yes . . . I sometimes forgot things . . And sometimes I see things" In Clark's arsenal acting skills was one of his passive skills.

He has to act as Clark Kent the one guy who wears over sized clothes, with a Goffey aaa Glasses and a hump on his back, who is always awkward.

"Ah! You mean you have Amnesia!" She said.

"yeah yeah that one . .  Even these clothes I am wearing aren't mine!"

"I think we should Call police"

"No no, No Need to worry " Clark said as he ran off from the Place

The females here, something is different about them. They are . . . A lot more attractive to be even Japanese citizen.

If he has X-ray vision.

"Wait? What?" he asked himself As he felt the burning sensation in his eyes. Like the moment he learnt how to use X-ray vision.

Yeah Now he can use them. Let's see he was running in a Speed of Fastest athletes he stopped in a Park removed his shirt and started to do Pull ups in the Bar.

Yes his powers were Coming back. He can feel the solar energy pumping in his blood. But this sun is definitely different from his earth's . The energy feels kind of Funny.

"My Gosh" he heard a womanly voice not so far away from him.

No she is a Milf. She isn't the only one there are three more.

She has a very large buttocks and compared to that she had smaller tits. B cup, Clark is damn sure she will make a really good wife. His husband is a Lucky son of a Bitch. And she is around 42 years old. But her looks and her age defies logic. Just how good will those Ass cheeks can tank force? Just how good it will feel if he went up close to them and Spank on her ass?

Next to her was also a woman who appeared a bit short. But her most notable trait was her large bonkers. I cup from what Clark can sense. Her nipples were already hard and erect her breathing was Ragged. As if she WANTS something. He can hear her licking her lips, just how good they will feel around his cock. Just how soft will those tits will be?

Next to her is also a Woman who has both her chest and Her ass her, Tits are Solid G cup she was compared to other two was quite young. Yet just how hot she will be when she bounce on a Cock? How loud she will moan if he were to slap on those fat tits.

All that information came to his brain in matter of seconds from their Blood streams in their veins and Heart beats.

What he noticed different that his thoughts were way more perverted than they originally were. Something is wrong with him.

These women here are definitely built different. They had High Estrogen count than any human women he met in his Own World.

Their Libido also Surpasses that of a Normal woman. And it's crestal clear that their husbands hasn't properly claimed them.

And he knows why.

Clark scans 5Km Area Within his vision to found out that compared to Females their male partners has less Testosterone in their body. Causing them to have smaller Swords and Even less stamina.

They can't fulfil their wives/girlfriends desires which are at their peak.

And most of the guys looked like they have been sucked out of their soul.

Of course either they are married or they have a Sex partner.

Well Clark only prayed that if these guys had 10% of a Depowered Kryptonian's Testo their women would have been reduced themselves nothing more than their beloved playthings.

"Ahhhh~" he can hear a Moan from not more than a Kilometre away.

He can see a Young boy, around 17 years old who has good muscle frame, maybe Karate Practicer?

He is railing his cock inside a Much older woman than he is. He is feasting on her tits like he has never seen such large pairs.

And on his back a Much younger girl maybe 18 years old, she is a. . . . What Japanese call Tomboy? are having a mother- daughter threesome.

He is lucky as shit!

So anyone with high testo count has more than One sex partners here. Huh?

Yeah that's REALLY the case here.

"Hey, he is soo handsome, how about we have him for ourselves?" The woman with big butt said after watching Clark doing pull ups for a while.

She can smell, the overwhelming ammount of Testosterone flowing inside his blood. Her pussy is dripping love juices giving her a sign that her breeding Instincts are still top notch even after being a almost middle aged woman.

"Yeah, is he American? I heard Americans sometimes migrate to Japan so they can enjoy . . Japanese pussy" the woman who was shortest there commented.

"So. . . . You guys are saying we should show him our . ."

"Hospitality" those two women replied.

In response the big breasted woman just Jiggled her breasts and opens the two buttons that was barely holding those tits.

She had full confidence that she can win over any man with her charismatic nature.


"Where did he Go?" Of course Clark wasn't there. He ran away he is running in Mach 1 speed without getting noticed.

There is something wrong with this town. Everyone here is lustful.

He can see Wives going around with their husbands who just got milked last night or someone just 5 mins ago having a very good time.

None of them are very rich. But all of them are Financially stable judging from their appearance. He can see these wives looking at their husbands eyes filled with Love and Desire.

Some of them are even Rubbing their PP to rise their swords again. Some of them are even Milked dry not so long ago.

These helpless men can't resist the temptations of their wives. Even if they had passion in their emotions life but  . . . It's just their body is built to commitee sin.

He understands.

He can see a Guy is fucking a very busty woman in a Empty ally.

The woman had a tan skin short hair but her tits and  . . . Uhh they are just unnaturally big.

And those two who were fucking in the Ally weren't even Humans.

No they can't be their DNA is very complex.

So there is something beyond humans here?

"Interesting" Clark smiled as he felt a Unknown shiver running down in spine.

Excitement? Maybe.


A missile, no A Punch came straight through Out of no where and Punched on his face.

Clark went flying to nearby mountains.

Clark shrugged his shoulders and got up very quickly almost no visible damage.

"So who are you?"




