
Superman's Lust BOOSTED (Highschool dxd)

It's a Alternative Story of Superman where Unlike Others he is . . . Very lust full due to certain reasons. his life was getting frustrating since his breeding Instincts where telling him to claim the members of the Leage who where being cocktease to him. But a big boy scout and Being in relationship he can't do that. He prayed to Kryptonian God Rao to make his pain come at ease. But maybe Kryptonian God Rao really heard his prayer. Darkseide invades earth and He Dies protecting the Earth. But when he wakes up from his Dream he finds out he is in some Other universe. . . Filled with even Bigger Cock teasers. But This time he isn't Holding back~

Power_King_4153 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Calm before storm

Clark wakes up next morning feeling . . Extremely fresh.

{3 down My Lord, You have met a Kryptonian Nobel requirement!} Kelex said with enthusiasm.

"It's Not Krypton" Clark says as he looks at Akeno who is Sleeping peacefully.

Clark gives a Kiss on her Forehead as he proceeds to wake up.

Then a White light starts Glowing next to the Bed on the floor.

Clark wakes the Fuck up and Starts looking at the source of Light.

It was a Magic Circle coloured in white. Why does he feels like he has Seen this Somewhere?

Then a Figure starts spawning in the Room.

The figure was too slim and Thicc at the same time.

"Grayfia?" Clark asks.

"Hai, Clark-sama it's me . . ." Grayfia greets as her attention goes straight to the Bed where Akeno was Sleeping.

Her Eyes gets Sharper than It was previously.

{It's Okay My Lord, You get death By Snu snu} Kelex said.

"Hmm I see you can't keep your Thing inside your Pants" Grayfia says as She comes Closer.

Clark is 6ft 2 Obviously he is Much taller than Grayfia, She grabs his Head and pulls him down to her Height.

And Gave him a French kiss.

Her Kiss is much more Aggressive which indicates that She is Hungry for something. Also The way she uses her tongue also shows that she is Much more experienced in this Department compared to Akeno who never had a Man for herself before.

After a Few minutes both hungry couples let each other go to catch a Breath.

"Grayfia I-" Before Clark can say anything she silenced him with another kiss.

"Don't worry . . I know I can't have you all by Myself " Grayfia says as she licks her lips seductively.

"But you should also learn how to keep this Thing Inside your pants . . . Not all women deserve this Rod of Steel you know~ " Grayfia says as she gently rubs his Harden rod of His.

Clark seeing things Going out of Hands, he decided to be true to his Feelings.

Clark used his heat vision to burn her clothes away. She liked it very much,his powers,his charisma and how cute he was.

Clark grabs both of Her Juicy ass Cheeks and starts using them as His Personal stress reliever.

"Ahhh~ You are so skilled in this Clark-sama!" Grayfia moans as She feels the bliss caused by Clark.

His Superpowers are something else.

It's what He calls Super Squeeze, but This Squeezing Is Only applicable to Pleasing women.

"Just Call me Clark Grayfia, You belong to Me Either way there's No Need for Honorifications" Clark said.

"Ufufu~ You are Ohhhh~ Just a Hopeless Teenager Clark-kun" Grayfia said with a Blush on her face.

As Clark Fondles her Ass Cheeks He asked.

"So How did you found me I Was Here?"

"Hmm? Oh You have marked me, with this Mark we are pretty much Eternally together I will know your Location anywhere aside from Dimensional Gap and A Artificial Dimension made by some God" Grayfia Explained.

{Meaning she will know who you are Banging anytime anywhere, I should Take some Countermeasures} Kelex said.

'The fuck you are even Talking about? . . Looks like Akeno is Awake' Clark thought.

"Clark?!" Akeno's eyes shot opens as she saw the Big Titted Onee-san she admired is Totally melting in pleasure in her Boyfriend's Hands. Her Humongous K cup tits are pressed with his Muscular chest covering most of Clark's chest and Giving him pleasure that she isn't capable of Giving.

A spark of Jealousy triggered her Womanhood as she knows she has Shiranui for Competition and Now Grayfia who isn't only strong but One of the Most Beautiful devils in Underworld.

"Grayfia-san!? What are you doing here? . .W-with him?" Akeno shouted.

Grayfia just gave her sly grin.

"Well~ You aren't only one Clark has laid his hands on " Akeno's eyes shot opened in shock.

That strict and cold sweet Grayfia she knew is now Nothing more than a Moaning slut in Clark's hand.

Clark realising that there can be a Possible Cat fight between two of em he decided to to Take matters into his Own hands.

Clark extended his Hands and Groped her left Boob.

"Ahhh~" Two hearts appeared in Akeno's both of Eyes.

What he understands that women in this World has some short of sensative points all Over their Body.

Which he wasn't familiar with his past life. Maybe Lois had some? But whenever he Fucked her she passed out after a Few Rounds. Well he was afraid of breaking her Bones and Killing her if he loses his control over himself.

But he doesn't have to worry about that in This Life.

Even though he hasn't gotten into a Real Combat other than Valina? But He can remember she was Satan class or something and she should be one of the strongest. He should be fine in this world.

Cause he has now Realised that his Powers aren't just for Grinding his Enemies bones.

Shiranui's weak point is Her obviously Gigantic tits.

As For Grayfia it's her Nipples and Her Ass-cheeks which he found out right now.

But as for Akeno her entire body is sensitive to any Kind of Skilled touch.

Breasts,Ass,Waist,feet name it she doesn't only has Smoothest skin of he ever felt but also Being sensitive at the same time.

"Ohh!~ Ahhh!~ C-Clark! . . . WAIT! Ahhh~" her tongue hung out as eyes rolled up.

Clark was Massaging her Breast Up and Down. Squeezing hard and slow and Twisting up and Down.

'Ohhh!! I will Go Crazy! He never did anything like this Last night! . . Can't think straight' Akeno thought to herself as Her Brain melted in pleasure.

Super Massage? He should name this new Technique. Just how creative his Powers are?

Clark let's Grayfia go and Focused himself onto Akeno.

After making out a bit Clark stops.

"Sorry Akeno, I should have told you beforehand " Clark apologized.

"Hah . . . It's fine . . . I just didn't expected it to be Grayfia-san" Akeno said with a Visible blush.

{She is fine with it? Damn, that saves essays of Explanation I wrote here!} Kelex said.

"But Why are you here?" Akeno asks Grayfia.

"Ah~ I almost forgot . .  Clark-sama I would like to Borrow Akeno for a. . . . Few days" Grayfia said.

"Uhh sure?" Clark said.

"Grayfia? What happened?" Akeno asked.

"It's 'That' . . He is pushing it" Clark observed Akeno's heart beat gets faster.

'Fear? Or she is worried about something? Or both?' Clark thought to himself.

"I am sorry Clark . . But we have to Go to Understand for a few days" Akeno said.

"Underworld? You mean Hell?" Clark asked.

"No, Hell is Capital of Underworld and No it's not like you must have readen in Bible" Grayfia says.

Akeno and Grayfia wears their clothes. As they prepares to leave.

"Akeno, Grayfia if You have something on your mind please fell free to tell me . . I don't know How much I can Help but I can toss planets with my fingers." Clark said.

Both giggled a Bit.

"Thank you Clark . ."

"We will be needing your help soon" Grayfia says as Both teleports from the room.


Sitting in a comfortable red armchair, Rias Gremory, also known as the princess of destruction and heir to the Gremory Clan, was calmly sipping some tea in her comfortable living room. Which was decorated mostly by Victorian style furniture giving it an air of elegance and mystery.

Leaving the cup on the small table in front and then taking a small sigh, Rías placed her arm on the arm of the chair and rested her chin on her hand while she thought about what was happening to her nobility.

For a couple of years now I had noticed a couple of changes in Akeno and Koneko, but they were so minuscule that I didn't pay much attention to them, but now it was difficult not to notice them.

A little over two weeks ago he had noticed how Akeno seemed to be in a better mood, she didn't pay much attention to it because she believed it was just a one-day incident. But it was not like that, the following days remained the same. When Rias asked her the reason why she was so happy, Akeno had looked at her confused. It seems that she didn't even realize it herself.

It wasn't until a few days later that, to Rias' surprise, Koneko began to show changes as well. Of course not as obvious as Akeno after all she was still Koneko. But in those days he had seen her a little more cheerful? Happy? She didn't think those were words that described her but she was definitely a little different.

Intrigued by these changes, she decided to find out what the reason was. And she found it. When it appeared, there were several rumors that Akeno was dating a new exchange student. His name was Clark Kent. According to rumors, they had seen each other on several occasions showing his affection. She knew that she shouldn't believe most rumors since they almost always turned out to be false. But she had nothing to lose by investigating.

Akeno being his Queen and mainly his friend, she couldn't help but worry to a certain extent about everything that was related to her. So she couldn't help but be curious about this so-called young man.

That was why he had gone to Akeno's classroom on a lunch break hoping to find him. It wasn't after he came walking through the hallways that she was able to see him in front of her.

I had heard enough about him to recognize him. Tall, dark hair,Fair skin and too handsome for his own good, in addition to possessing an impressive physique. Seeing him from the front he could understand why he was so popular among women. But it wasn't until she looked into his eyes that she could see something more than just his appearance. Those cerulean blue eyes that showed neither lust nor desire upon seeing her like most of her. She only held his gaze in which he managed to identify a touch of curiosity, but as he looked more closely they showed incredible intelligence and mystery. So many mysteries that she didn't believe anyone could live long enough to figure them out.

His Energy Signature is Too big too be a Human. Unlike Reborn ones, Pure Blooded devils have special senses to identify who is Supirior to them. Akeno maybe also has Her own senses. She is a Full Grown fallen angel maybe she couldn't really take her accumulated boiling heat.

Like Issei Hyoudo the Red Dragon emperor she identified him before anyone else. And some things here and There now he is her Pawn piece. He is a Bit Perverted and She does teases him. Quite a Lot. Now Asia is Also there whom she also identified as Being a Sacred gear Holder. Issei is quite attached to her and now she is also her Bishop piece with Incredible healing capabilities.

But for individuals like Clark she just can't understand what is he? He is too buffed to be a Normal human and His Aura doesn't even feels like Human at all concidering how Large it is. And That makes him very hot~. Maybe she can understand Akeno she is the Type to be Submissive while needed. Maybe he will make a Good addition to her Peerage. Concidering how Buff he is A Rook will be Enough.

Cause she seriously needs a Larger Peerage right now.

"Rias-sama we have arrived" Rias turns around to see Grayfia and Akeno.

"Finally about the time you showed up. Hmm? Why are you both sweating?" Akeno and Grayfia both flinched a Bit.

Both are breathing faster their cheeks are red and their umm . . Breasts are swelled? Is it her imagination?

"Ufufufu~ your thinking too much Rias" Akeno replied with her cheerful tone.

"Hmm . . . . I don't buy it, Nee-san what's the matter?" Rias asked Grayfia this Time.

The fact she is Calling Grayfia Nee-san while she is on her duty indicates she is serious.

Grayfia sweat dropped a Bit.

*Sigh*"Well she committed the same act you were trying to do Last night" Rias's eyes shot opens.

"AKENO!WHO WAS IT?" Rias grabs Akeno and Violently shakes her.

"With My . . . Boyfriend" Akeno said with a Slight blush.

Clark was laying on the Ground at the Back of School yard.

He was Thinking about Why Akeno was in hurry and Such.

{My lord, Your thinking too Hard} Kelex said.

"I have nothing to do. Such Boring syllabus and Such." Clark said.

{I smell absolute Shit nearby} Kelex said which peaked Clark's interest.

Clark doesn't uses Super hearing Nowadays unlike his Past. Cause most of the work is Done by his robots.

He expands his Senses.

"HEHEHE! This new spot will be Very good for Peeping " Said a Dude with huge Glasses.

"Agree Matsuda-kun!" Said two more dudes with brown hair and Bald head same time.

Issei Hyoudo,Matsuda And Motohama the Perverted Trio very Infamous for Peeping onto Girls.

They are Doing it now Too.

"*Ahem* what are You guys Doing?" Clark called Out for them from Behind.

Matsuda and Motohama almost Shat onto their Pants as They froze into fear.

Fear from a Predator will be More Accurate for their Condition.

"C-Clark-senpai?!" Issei feeling nothing looks behind and Calls him out.

"Yeah It's me . . . What you guys are doing is Crime" Clark Said with a Cold Voice.

Matsuda and Motohama fucking ran for Their Lives. They are ready to get beaten up by chicks but they refuse to beaten by a 6feet tall Dude who has a 14 inch Long sword(Source: Aika).

Issei seeing this Decided to somewhat justify his deeds.

"I-It's has Nothing to do with a Pretty boy Like you!, Boys like You always takes away BEST GIRLS FROM US! AND IT'S A MAN'S DUTY TO PEEP ONTO GIRLS!" Issei somehow screamed and stated his Somewhat reasonable Argument.

Clark is taken aback from sheer cring. Kelex was preparing some ICBM but Clark told him to stop.

Clark scans the Fodder in front of Him.

'What the fuck with this abnormal testo level? He artificially pumped it? No it doesn't looks like that his nuts are also Too small for that.' Clark thought to himself.

{Magic? It explains his Physical Condition}

'Wait he is a . . .devil? What's that on his Left hand?' Clark thoughts.

He then scans his Brainwaves like in his Past he used to do that. Scaning always helped him to tell apart a Dude who's on wrong path and a Dude who's too Degenerated.

'Hmmm looks like he suffers from some short of Depression . . He is using wrong path' Clark says as He takes off his Shirt.

Issei's eyeballs almost pops Out of his Skull looking at the Dude's body built in front of Him.

Clark then leaked a Slight bit of Aura, Changed frequency of his voice to appear more intimidating.

"You want women? Look at me and look at yourself. I have everything to offer a woman" Clark said confidently

{Umm 3 I guess . . . And two more are on the line?}Kelex inserted his Humour.

"What you have?" Clark asked.

Issei was sweating madly what he told is absolutely true. Issei is Fodder even though he reincarnated as a Devil and Having one of the Strongest sacred gear never helped him at all.

The Person in front of him had a Physique made by Gods. Or Maybe he is a God himself. And a Overwhelming presence which is Nothing compared to Raynare who Killed Him in Past. He is Maybe as Powerful as Rias . . No She pales in Comparison to him.

{NIGGAAA!} Ddraig who was sleeping woke up and Choose N word.


"I- . . I AM SOOORRY!" Issei also ran for his Life.

"Did I scared him too much?" Clark asked.

{He was a Devil he is also Aura sensitive . . . Like Azazel explained This world Judges you based on Your Aura. You aura must have been equivalent of a Mountain crushing him} Kelex said.

Clark picked up his Shirt in mean time. . .

"Senpai!" Clark looks back at the female Voice.

What he saw was that all Females of Kendo club have gathered there.

The one who called Clark out is Named Murayama who is also a Kendo club member. She is quite good at it.

"U-umm W-we all saw what you did To them . . T-Thank you very much!" She blushed.

"T-Thank you sempai!" all of the Girls behind her also thanked

"Ah don't mention it" Clark tried to Play the Humble pie he was and Get out of there.

"W-Wait!" Katase this time

"Tell him!" "I-I can't it's embarrassing!"

They whispered?

Clark had a Question mark above his head not like He can't hear them.

"Umm Senpai . . . . W-well" Murayama said.

"Well?" Clark asked.

"Umm . . Y-You . . Can take a Peek while change" She said


"Ummm! What Murayama meant is You can Always take a Peek while we change our Clothes!" Katase said as she lifts her skirt to expose her Pink panty.

She ain't innocent as she looks.

Looking at her Murayama and One by one all of Girls of Kendo Club lifts their skirt to expose their Panty.

Clark: 😳

Kelex: 😏



Rias was sitting inside her room in her Own Mansion (Gremory mansion to be Precise).

Rias was quite Bothered by The fact Akeno did something like that without telling her.

"So . . He is Clark Kent right?

"Yes, his name is Clark Kent, he is in the same class as me," Akeno said calmly.

"I know that Much. What can you tell me about him?" Rias asked, wanting to hear what Akeno had to say.

"Ara, Ara, buchou, don't you have any interest in him?" Akeno said as she laughed and gave him a knowing look, causing Rias to look at her scandalized and blush.

"What?! Of course not Akeno I was just a little curious. After all he is the one you gave your . . You know, that's too outrageous even for you" Rias said after calming down. At the moment of saying this, Rias could notice how Akeno's face showed a little relief. Making Rias wonder if she had feelings for him.And then start talking.

"He entered the school three weeks ago on exchange, he came from the United States specifically from Kansas, I followed him once and he lives alone in a nice house" Akeno said without the slightest shame for admitting that she had followed him. "He is very intelligent and somewhat lonely, he is also very polite, humble and modest, so much so that he doesn't seem to realize how attractive he is" Akeno said with a smile that Rias could see clearly.

To then turn into a lustful smile and continue. "He has a body that seems sculpted in marble, broad shoulders, muscular arms and chest, and a well built abdomen as hard as steel," Akeno said as she brought her fingers to her mouth and gave them a lick in a sensual and perverse way.

Seeing Akeno act this way, Rias could only blush because of the suggestive tone in which she spoke, although she was already used to her personality, Akeno did it frequently to make fun of Rias.

"And . . . You did it?" Rias asked.

"Yeah" Akeno said without any hesitation.

Rias somewhat swear dropped.

"How is he alive then? What is he? Let's be honest even if He IS human he can't stay alive concidering how long you two did it" Rias asked.

Akeno pondered.

"He asked me to keep it a Secret~" Akeno says as she sticks her tongue out playfully.

Rias let's out a displeased groan. She knew it something was wrong with that guy. He just can't be a Human.

Then the door storms open.

Both Rias and Akeno were shocked to see the individual that Came inside the Room.

It's Koneko, without any hesitation she attacks Akeno with Ki coated fists.

Akeno swiftly dodges her punch.

"Koneko! What are you doing? Koneko!" Rias screams.

"Clark-senpai . . . I smell Clark-senpai all over Akeno-senpai" Koneko said with Visible jealousy on her tone.

Koneko imbued her fist with KI again.

'KI? Is that Ki? Koneko is using that? But doesn't she hates herself?' Rias thought to herself.

"Clark-senpai will turn into pervert because of You . .  I won't let that Happen I will puncher those Useless bags of Yours" Akeno gained a Tic mark on her head.

"Ufufufu~ Sure I would like you to Try" Akeno said as Lighting Crackled all over her body.

Rias just watched in Horror as the Cat fight began.

Akeno and Koneko fighting for same man? Can you believe in that shit? It's very much unbelievable to Rias.

Just who is this Clark Kent?





To Be Continued