
Super Recharge System

Lin Hao has received a charge money system in a magical land. What? you are saying your pill forging skills are invincible? You say that you are unparalleled in equipment forging? You say that your inscriptions are unrivalled in this world? All of you, eat my dust! as long as I keep charging money, None of you are my rivals! I am the Almighty

the_gamer_8106 · Oriental
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50 Chs


"What is this?" Lin Hao seized the feather that came to him and said, "did the flat animal throw out his feather?"

The next moment, thousands of feathers, like arrow rain, fly from the huge wings of the soul chasing Eagle! All of a sudden, Lin Hao's eyes filled with plumes, each plume is flashing metal light, shooting towards Lin Hao.

Can't get away! However, within minutes and seconds, the plumes were already overwhelming. Even if Lin Hao wanted to avoid, he could not escape.

"Come on, let's see if your feather is strong or my water sword is strong!" Lin Hao also knew that he could not avoid it, so he changed the light on the sword into a deep blue, mysterious and elegant.

Lin Hao chopped in front of him out of thin air with his sword. In the jungle these days, his sword skill has played a great role! Lin Hao is faced with an overwhelming number of plumes, each of which is different in strength.

However, with his sword, Lin Hao blocked every feather that might touch him! A strange picture appeared in front of people:

no matter how hard the soul chasing Eagle flapped its wings and flew out more feathers, it couldn't get close to Lin Hao's body within three inches!

Water sword potential weaving sword around, as if, that's a forbidden zone! Water and fire do not invade, evil retreats!

However, Lin Hao is completely fighting at the moment, focusing on all the spirit to deal with the most difficult battle! Lin Hao is like walking on a steel wire. As long as Lin Hao fails to let one of his feathers enter his own defense circle, he will lose everything!

Pressure! Concentrate! go to all lengths! Now Lin Hao's operation has reached the limit, as long as there are any mistakes, there is only one end, the body is dead!

I don't know how long later, plume storm gradually weakened, from the beginning of the overwhelming, to fine as gossamer. It's completely stopped!

Lin Hao stands in the same place, even if the powerful and violent plume storm can't blow out Lin Hao's proud sword! Lin Hao's sword, always full of blue light, makes people feel more mysterious and solemn!

Looking at the scattered piles of steel feathers, Lin Hao knew that he had won the battle. Lin Hao no longer thought about it. The blue light on the sword dissipated and the scarlet light lit up again!

"It's over!" Lin Hao burst out at full speed, and the red sword passed the black eagle's head covered with steel feathers!

"Poof! ~"This time, it's no longer the sound of metal collision, but the sound of long sword piercing into the silk!

Lin Hao drew out the sword and just waved the sword in his hand to remove the non-existent blood. As if to hear Lin Hao's signal, the huge head of the soul chasing Eagle fell down!

Soul hawk, death!

Until the death of the soul chasing eagle, Lin Hao felt a sense of detachment from his heart. Although the battle was not lasting, until the death of the soul chasing eagle, Lin Hao's nerves were as tight as a string! In the face of plume storm, Lin Hao's skillful operation blocked plume, and his spiritual consumption was no longer comparable to that of ordinary combat.

It's a hundred times more energy than killing monsters in the mountains these days. But the harvest is also proportional to the effort!

Lin Hao feels that a breakthrough in the realm of martial arts is imminent! After this decisive battle of life and death, the shackles of Lin Hao's Wutu realm have been broken!

Lin Hao immediately dug out the crystal core of the soul chasing eagle, and then put all the corpses of the soul chasing Eagle into his personal space. The treasure of the soul chasing eagle is more than the crystal core.

"Come on! It's up to you whether you can be promoted to a warrior or not! " Lin Hao is holding this crystal core full of steel light. He doesn't want to do it any more. He swallows it.

At the moment of swallowing the crystal core, a small vortex of aura suddenly rises around Lin Hao's body. At the beginning, the speed is as slow as a tortoise's speed. Then it turns to devour the aura of heaven and earth and grow stronger. The faster the speed is!

Lin Hao sat down on his knees, closed his eyes, seriously felt the change of the aura of heaven and earth, and began to try to communicate the aura of heaven and earth step by step, capture it and turn it into his own use!

And Lin Hao's aura small whirlwind is also turning faster and faster, reaching a height of more than ten feet!

"This is Reiki storm! How can it be so huge? It's more than ten feet high! This is the only way for a gifted person to be promoted. Everyone who causes aura storm has the weakest achievement, at least King Wu! Master once said that his promotion as a martial apprentice when he was a child also caused a aura storm, but the highest was only ten feet high! Now the aura storm caused by Lin Hao is more than ten feet, and it's still growing wildly! " Dan Taiyue has been stunned. Lin Hao's promotion is terrible.

Within the radius, no one dares to stay. In the face of this powerful aura storm, all the monsters bow down and worship the majesty of heaven and earth and Lin Hao!

Reiki storm is still growing! One Zhang, one Zhang and a half, two Zhang, two Zhang! Continue to grow, non-stop growth, tantaiyue is no longer just surprised, but panic, what kind of existence! Promotion can trigger such a powerful aura storm!

Lin Hao did not think that he would trigger such a magnificent vision!

"Something's wrong. The vision of heaven and earth caused by Lin Hao is too strong. How can it not stop! It's eight feet old! It hasn't stopped yet Dan Taiyue's heart beats with fear when he sees it. Is it true that the legendary master of martial arts appeared in Wannian?"Maybe my master can be saved! As long as Lin Hao can grow up, the realm of Emperor Wu will not be his end at all! Even the legendary wuzun is very likely! I may have to make a choice! "

Tantaiyue thought of what, a pair of beautiful eyes have swept away all the melancholy, only infinite determination and determination!

At the moment, the aura storm has grown to the height of nine Zhang, and the scope has covered nine Li. If someone looks down on the mountains from above, they will see the storm at first sight.

Within a radius of nine Li, all the flowers, trees, insects, fish, birds and animals have experienced the baptism of the storm. In the center of the storm, tantaiyue seems to feel that her seal has been broken by the storm. She feels like she has been lured to break it!

"No way! The seal set by Emperor Wu has also been eroded? " Taiyue is numb.

The storm has grown to the extreme number of nine feet, and has not grown any more, as if it had stopped.

"Is it over at last? Is the storm over? "

Next moment! Storm center, came the voice of Lin Hao overbearing incomparable!

"Break it for me!"

In an instant, the storm shakes and swings, and then directly breaks into the sky, connecting with heaven and earth.

However, in the eyes of tantaiyue, the only thing that exists is this aura storm that breaks through the sky.

No, it should be called aura tornado.