
Chapter New Stage

Austin felt a warm sensation as the sunlight pierced through the tree leaves hitting his face. In such a bright day his expression wasn't looking too good.

He had woken up two minutes ago and realized that he was in an unknown place. Not only that but the dream of him dying, actually happened. Waking up he heard the familiar voice of the bootleg rpg game he was playing. It said to him.

[Hello awakened please defeat the demon king. Once defeated you can move to the next stage.]

"What a bastard!" Austin cursed. He still had no choice but to do what it said. He already gave up the idea of finding a way back to his world since he wasn't sure if he was still dead or not. He was suspicious of this because he wasn't in his original body but the body of his game character. Either way his main goal was to defeat the demon king.

He still had no idea where he was even supposed to start, along with the crazy idea of fighting the demon king. Let it be known he still didn't have any magic skills yet. The bootleg rpg worked on getting skills from spell books that drop from monsters but Austin didn't know if it was his luck or not but he never got one spell book in his 7 month of playing.

This was one of the reasons why it took him so long to beat the first boss. He was just using his magic staff as a beating stick since he only had basic attack. But like light bulbs lighting up, Austin thought of a great idea. "What if I could use mana even without skills since this is real now."

Although Austin had no idea on how to use mana to activate a spell he could at least try to coat his body and magic staff with it to see if it had any positive effects. The only problem was he also didn't know how to control mana. Thinking of all the fantasy games he played he decided to give one of their techniques a try.

They first say to feel the flow of mana in one's body. Austin closed his eyes and sat crisscrossed. He also started humming for added effect. Concentrating very hard Austin tried to feel some mana in his body. His focus was extremely good since his game characters intelligence stat was 169 which was very good.

He searched around for about 2 hours straight before he felt anything. His searching lead him to his heart. Austin felt a strange energy flow through his body every time his heart beat.

After getting used to this feeling Austin began to try moving the mana from his heart into the reset of his body. Once every part of his body was filled with mana he slowly tried to release the excess out of his fingertips. Feeling a cool and hot energy escape out and cover his finger Austin grew excited.

After hours of training Austin was finally able to cover his whole arm in mana. Testing out it's effect he swung his arm multiple times and learned a few things. First his arm felt a lot lighter. Second his arm felt a lot tougher. Third his swing speed had also increased. Thinking about all these effects Austin smiled knowing he had stumbled onto something useful.