
Chapter 25 - The Phoenix Clan

Chapter 25 – The Phoenix Clan

A few hours ago. Phoenix Clan, Gyling City Branch. Located at the inner district (2nd Layer) of Gyling City, were 100 tall buildings with a big phoenix emblem at the top of each building. The phoenix emblem was the mark of the Phoenix Clan, one of the five S-Rank Clan in the Petrian.

In Petrian, many clans were given ranks based on the clan's full power and the number of members. The ranks were C, B, A, and S, where S-Rank was the strongest while C-Rank was the weakest.

There were rules in creating a clan. First, there needed to be four different families to form a clan. Second, the total members needed to exceed a certain threshold. Third, the clan needed to have something they specialized in. Without any of the three, they could not form a clan.

Having a clan was advantageous to everyone in the clan. They would have many backup to help them when they were in danger. Many people would help them if they needed it. There were many more advantages. Although competitions and rivalry were happening in the clan, when facing an outsider, the clan member would usually support each other.

In Petrian, there were five S-Rank clans. They were the Dragon Clan, The Fairy Clan, The Griffin Clan, The Phoenix Clan, and The Fenrir Clan. They were specialized in what their clan name was.

For the Phoenix Clan, they specialized in Phoenix species. The Dragon Clan specialized in Dragon species. The Fairy Clan specialized in Fairy species. The Griffin clan specialized in Griffin species and the Fenrir Clan specialized in Fenrir species.

All the strong tamers in these five clans would have one or two of their specialized pets. Usually, these specialized pets were their main and strongest pet. When they called out these specialized pets, their opponent would know that they would be highly likely to lose unless they had some kind of trump card.

It was not an exaggeration to say that, because the five clans' specialized pets were all naturally strong and monstrous. The Dragons, Phoenix, Fairy, Griffin, and Fenrir all were strong naturally. The weakest of them all was Tier 7. That was more than enough to defeat many other tamers.

These five clans resided in the capital city but they had many branches in many other cities. The residents in the capital city were usually the strong and super genius of the clans. There were a few strong and super-genius at the clan's branch but they were there mostly for training and when they had become strong, they would go back to the capital city.

The Phoenix Clan was made up of four different families. They were the Wang Family, The Lu Family, The Lee Family, and The Xiao Family. Lu Qin Yun was part of the Lu Family. He was from the capital city but was moved to Gyling city for training. Once he had made many achievements in Gyling City, he would get back to the capital city.

The old butler was Lu Wen Tian. From his name, he was part of the Lu Family too but he was not strong enough to become the core members (the one who made names in public and made the clan's name soar all over the world) of the clan and thus, he ended up becoming a butler for the family.

Even so, his position as the butler of the family was high. He knew a lot of secrets of the Phoenix Clan. One of the biggest secrets of the clan was the cheat system. He knew it thanks to his butler position.

Once Qin Yun and Wen Tian arrived at the Phoenix Clan residence, Qin Yun went straight to his room. After he lost to Lucas, his mind was a bit chaotic. He needed time alone to calm his mind. As for Wen Tian, once he arrived at the residence, he was called immediately by the elders and patriarch that control the Phoenix Clan Gyling City branch.

He was brought to the meeting room and once he got to the massive meeting room, he saw a few old men and women stood there restlessly. In the middle of them was another old man wearing blue clothes with a golden phoenix emblem on it. He was the Patriarch. As for the elders, they wore different kinds of clothes but had gold phoenix with silver wings emblems on them.

They had no specific clothes they needed to wear as elders and patriarch. The emblem was proof of their status in the clan. Once Wen Tian got into the meeting room, all of them glanced at him. Wen Tian was slightly stunned but he regained his composure immediately.

Wen Tian walked to the middle of the meeting room and bowed towards all of them. "Greetings, Patriarch and Elders," said Wen Tian respectfully.

"Is it true? Is that nursery a system?" The Patriarch asked. He looked restless, excited, and worried too. He was worried that Wen Tian was wrong.

Earlier that day, he was called by the patriarch from the capital city that informed him of the nursery. He was shocked and did not fully trust the news. Be that as it may, he followed the order from the capital city without much thought. The one given the order to him was the strongest person in the clan after all. He had no power or ability to say no or refuse the order.

"Yes. I did not dare to ask them but from all the magical things happening in the nursery, I am sure that only the cheat system can do that," said Wen Tian confidently.

The elders were in an uproar and the patriarch was in deep thought. "I have seen how much talent has increased from their care service. I have also seen how powerful the healing power of the nursery's nursing service is. I have also seen how fresh their pet foods are," said Wen Tian.

He took a deep breath and continued, "I am sure you have seen the video of young master Qin Yun's Seven Stripes Cat battling the White Furball. You have seen how strong that White Furball was. A Tier 1 pet defeated a Tier 3 pet without taking any damage. You can see how formidable and effective the training service the nursery has to offer."

"All of those made no sense if the nursery was a normal nursery. Even if the nursery is a good one, it will not be that effective. Many other things happen too. For example, a door that appears out of nowhere in the nursery that leads to a big arena," said Wen Tian.

Upon hearing all of that, everyone was amazed. They had not seen it but they knew it was highly likely to be true. The reason was because of Wen Tian's reputation. Other than the ignorant young members in the clan, everyone knew how loyal, capable, and truthful Lu Wen Tian was to the clan.

Lu Wen Tian had nurtured many super-geniuses in the clan. No matter which family they were part of, he would take care of them to his best ability. He was trusted by all the higher-ups in the clan. Even his authority at the branch clan was at the same level as the Patriarch.

"Then, we will do our best to support this nursery. Even so, are you sure that this system is helping us? Aren't the systems selfish? They only care about their master and those related to their master. Anyone else does not matter to them. They will even do their best to destroy someone they dislike," said the Patriarch with a frown.

"Well… That might happen but from what I see, this system's power is to help many people. I don't think the system is selfish. I have seen how effective all the services are. There is no flaw, backlash, or anything funny happens to the pet after they went through the service," said Wen Tian.

"Hmm…" The Patriarch was not convinced. There must be something fishy from all this help the system was given to them.

"Pfft! Hahaha!" Suddenly, one of the elders laughed. Everyone looked at the elder and saw her laughing with watery eyes. She realized that it was silent around her and saw all of them staring at her. "…" The elder was stunned.

"Ehem," the elder cleared her throat and said, "I don't think there is anything to worry about this system. The system did gain something from us and I am sure there is something selfish this system does too but it is unknown to us. Even so, why do we care about that? We already know there is nothing wrong with the services provided by them," said that elder.

"All we need to do for not getting anything bad from the system is," the elder stopped and she rubbed her fingers, "Money. As long as we pay, we will get the benefit. No need to bribe them or something like that. Pay for their service and we will get the benefit. As long as we take care of our relationship with them, we will not get blacklisted."

Everyone's faces lit up. "That's right! The system did get something from us. That system gets our money!"

"Hohoho, so, we don't need to worry about anything as long as we pay," said another elder.

"Hmm~ Even so, only our pet will get stronger. We need to rely on ourselves to become stronger too. Also, even if the pet is stronger, they still need fighting experience, coordination with tamer, and many more. The nursery will help us increase our pet's raw power but we will be the one that will determine the true power of our pet," said the Patriarch and everyone agreed.

The Patriarch was right. Even if the nursery raised the pet��s talent, stats and skills, fighting experience, tactics, and many other things could not rely on the nursery. Even Lucas needed to enter the dungeon with Fury to gain battle experience and learned tactics.

"This system is still new. For now, it looks like the system is only capable of helping Newborn Stage (Stage 1) pets. Once the system grows stronger, more stages will be available for training. Not only that, but I am also sure there will be more services available in the future," said Wen Tian.

The Patriarch, Elders, and Lu Wen Tian continued talking a bit more about Pasken Pet Nursery. They talked about Lucas and Katheryn. How both of them were weak and they were susceptible to danger. With that kind of magical and successful nursery, they were bound to attract unwanted attention.

They were discussing what they should do, how they should protect them, and many more. Also, while they were discussing, they got a call from the elders from other branches. The news seemed to have spread within the clan.

Not only that, but the elders from the capital city also contacted them and told them that the safety of the Pasken's family was the highest priority. Since they did not know who was the possessor of the system, they were afraid that they would be killed and the system disappeared. That would be a huge loss to their clan.

More to that, they had decided to send one Stage 9 and two-stage 8 tamers to Gyling City to protect the city… That was the reasoning they put in public if someone questioned them but their real reason was to protect the 'gold mine'. Moving those powerful tamers to a C-Grade City was sure to attract the attention of the other clans.

Not only that, but they also planned to send some of the genius young members of the clan to Gyling City so that they could raise their pets to the maximum with the help of the nursery.

Since the Phoenix Clan was the only S-Rank clan in Gyling City, they had also decided to take over the whole city under their clan. Not like having a war and conquering the city. More like expanding their influence in the city.

The Phoenix Clan was moving stealthily fast. They were afraid that other clans would catch wind of the nursery and make their move to Gyling City. Once their foothold was strong in the city, none of the other clans would be able to step into the city.

The Patriarch and Elders of the Gyling City Phoenix Clan branch were petrified with all the orders they got from the capital city. It looked like they wanted to exploit all the benefits provided by the nursery.

"Huu~" The female elder who was laughing earlier sucked in a cold breath. "I don't think we can exploit this all to ourselves. The other clans will know about this too."

"This city will change soon. Perhaps, once everyone finds out about the nursery, all of them will open a branch to this city. No. It is also possible that they will move the whole clan to this city," said another elder.

"Not only that, but this city will also give birth to many powerful tamers. All those with low potential will have the same potential as those with normal potential. Those with higher potential will reach new heights leaving all the past genius in the dust," said another elder.

"… All because of a single pet nursery," said Wen Tian.

They continued talking and planning. While they were busy, a woman barged into the meeting room. The Patriarch was mad, "What are you doing?!!" He shouted.

The woman was petrified but she collected her thoughts immediately and said, "I am sorry Patriarch. Elders. There is an emergency!" The woman looked worried. She continued, "Three Veteran Stage and Two Master Stage monsters appeared suddenly nearby Shenty City!"

Everyone was stunned. "Shenty City is calling for SOS. The monsters are headed fast towards the city!"

Thank You~

Seriously, way to ruin my mood. I know I am not that good at writing. My grammar is super bad, I don't know how to elaborate something properly, my vocab is shallow, my characters fall flat (i tried to make them better but it is not easy), the story is stupid too. I can accept all of these kinds of comments/reviews because I know I am not good. Even so, I hate it, I really hate it when someone accusing me of deleting reviews and comments. I never do that. if your comments or reviews are not there, I don't know what happens. When I saw comments I dislike, I will not like it, that's it. I will never delete them. Stop accusing me of that because I hate those types of people that delete comments and reviews too. No one wants to leave a review so, don't accuse me of not getting any reviews ;(

RoadBlock92creators' thoughts
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