
Super God Level

_Legit_gaurav_986 · Romance
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18 Chs

Super devil soul

Akash wakes up early in the morning because he knows where he has to go today, he has to go titan planet he was anything and sad too. He was happy that he was going to do something for his uncle and aunt. Sad was that he would have to risk all his life.

khurana was coming to his friend's house because he came to take akash with him Anil will say that, "you have come to my house since morning, what happened, is there anything Well, everything is fine, isn't it"?

"No there is no such thing the boy who is living with you right now I am going to work because the one who used to live in America also I thought that if he works there then he will get some expenses".

Khurana lie and say that after a while Akash comes out of his room and says that,"I am ready, let's go".

After some time, In Akash Khurana's research lab, Khurana was explaining many things to him and Akash is listening to his words carefully.

Khurana cuts him an ID dete says take care of this id card if this id card is lost then you will not be able to come back to earth.

"I will always take care Lata, it is time for me to leave, I am going bye".

Akash reaches Titan Planet using the teleporter from there. There in a big mansion which is in another planet, a old man is sitting there in the chair sitting. A man comes to the mother who was the assistant of the old man, the assistant says that "sir boy will Titan, he has reached. Sir what is your order".

Aakash is unaware of all these things that who is keeping an eye on him, while Aakash teleports to his room where he keeps some things like cooking utensils and a bed and some history and a table and a check Many old-fashioned things are kept in it.

"Uncle was right, still now the process of development has also started here and he also said that be careful on the aliens here".

"Let's go out first and see if I can't think ahead of anyone, what should I do"?

He goes out of his room and looks around to see that there are other human assistants like him, some have swords, armor and other weapons, there are also many shops from where some people buy devils soul and other weapons.

After seeing these things he thinks that for now he wanted to hunt in the forest by going out of Dev Ashram, if he stays there he will not be able to do anything and will not learn anything, so he will have to go out and hunt‌ and to level yourself up quickly.

After coming out of Devasam and walking ahead, he sees a black turtle going ahead and he thinks that it seems to be the weakest one, kill it quickly and devil soul. He quickly takes out whoever he is standing next to and wants to run straight to you and kill that agent in one shot.

He felt that the day was very weak and this is taken advantage of, but he was wrong there, that alien had seen the sky coming towards him, and with his quickness, he escapes from his dagger.

After seeing this, Akash gets very scared, Akash runs away from there, even there he was following him, at this time I also do not understand that he is telling us who is the hunter and who is the victim.

"Hey, if you manage, the alien will stop chasing you, I will die from work, I will do anything to kill the right".

He was the weakest alien titan planet and anyone could have killed him, but it is a matter of great difficulty for Akash.

"Today I cannot die in this way, if something happens to me today, what will happen to uncle and aunt, today I cannot die, I will write my own fate".

Akash Dies quickly behind and loved ones bring that alien's neck with a dagger. He is chasing the sky very fast, so he does not get time to reject. After killing that alien there is a robotic gathering that voice says,"you have hit the black turtle, You will not get any devil soul, you have reached your gene points to the maximum level by eating its meat".

After listening to this voice, Akash is convinced that he can do even more like this, later suddenly another day, black turtles start coming in the same way, they are coming straight like Akash to kill him.

Akash first looks in his dagger sees those aliens on the other side and very fast he is going to kill them all again and again a voice was coming in his mind you killed the black turtle you didn't get any devil soul not found you confirm the meeting of this alien that consume today's life energy.

Till now he has reached the maximum level of points by killing common aliens, now it has been 3 months, he is still sitting in that stone and thinks about all those things, which is also these 3 months.

"3 months have passed today I am the same as before in I only have a 1.5 year Understand quickly, after earning money, go to the earth and save your uncle and aunt. Hey, from where can I get all your money"?

When Akash Titan Planet came 3 months ago, he harassed a very big gang leader and he saw the gang leader harassing a girl that's why Akash didn't see it and Akash raised his voice against him so it happened that had defeated him very easily and he was also beaten very badly, that gang leader had said that," if this boy, who would help Or even try to do any business with him, then that person will come in my black list, whatever happened to him, it can happen to all of you too".

After this accident, Akash could not find any partner, so Akash always used to hunt alone.

"Tomorrow I will go to a place where no one comes and goes and kill the aliens there, so I can have a devil soul And there is no other way, I have to survive here".

The next day he wakes up early in the morning and leaves Devasam and goes to the nearby forest. He knows that if he does not wake up early, he will be in trouble. He quickly goes to the jungle, after going there, the aliens are not found after It was afternoon yet he had not found any one yet. He was thinking to take rest and then he saw that there was a red colored tortoise in that cave.

Chasing him, he reaches the cave, he tried his best not to make a single sound, at this time I left him with him, by mistake he makes a sound. The alien quickly turns back and sees a man standing behind, Akash quickly summons Sapna's dagger and wants to kill him in one go. He felt that he had the weakest lesson on his hand, so want to cut him down But his dagger breaks, the reason for breaking the bald was his hands and feet, his hands and feet are so strong that he could not even cut his hands and feet.

He also does it on his neck and cutting Akash's shoulder, drags him inside the cave and he goes straight and crashes into the roof of the cave. He says in his mind, "I am going to die today no I will not kill today Won't kill without trying".

He stands up and shouts very loudly that today you will stay or I will stay, today I will kill you and he runs fast and recites the punch of his opposite hand to kill him.

The same ranger realizes that Akash has recovered, he quickly extends his neck, hits his stomach with his head, this song is sung, blood comes out of his mouth and Akash falls backwards again. Tries to stand up but can't but he was feeling that he will die today He sees out of the corner of his eye that there was a sword behind, a huge sword that was carved into stone.

This time he stands up quickly, alien is also surprised that despite the Akash being in such a bad condition. He quickly turns back and takes out the sword from both his hands and shouts that, "I will kill you today". After saying all this, Akash quickly runs away from you, the alien quickly raises his neck And was going to hit his stomach again with his head, but this time he failed, he did not line the sky, quickly swung the sword and cut his neck in one turn.

Suddenly a window pops up in front of his eyes that robotics voice tells says that, "you have a super alien red turtle killed, please get its life essence, you cannot get the body of this alien".

Akash becomes very shock of it and says in his mind that, "uncle had told that there are only fourth categories alien, where did this fifth categories alien come from and what is a life essence".