
Sunset: Monstergirl Harem

Auteur: madhat886
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Sunset after being abandon by his friends goes into the woods to find a source of magic. There he frees monstergirls who had been sealed away and now has a harem of monstergirls.

8 étiquettes
Chapter 11


Deep in Everfree forest a young man name, Sunset Shimmer is tracking down the source of magic that he had sense during the whole summer camp thing. Sunset frown at that memory, the girls who he thought were his friends all turn on him when someone began posting g things online. It was Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo who didn't like how their sisters and friend were spending so much time with him instead of them so they came up with a plot to break them up.

End result when it was discovered that it was them who also gave out other secrets, the girls families had a wave of lawsuits and charges brought up by the people who had their secrets exposed by the girls. Sunset cut his ties with the girls than and there, they just believed in the worst in him. And he decided to check out the magic he felt while at Everfree.

Sunset dressed in hiking pants his old leather jacket and a backpack with hiking gear. A survival kit that has a Compass, Survival knife, Wire saw, Whistle, Water Bottle Clip, Emergency Blanket, Firestarter stick, Scraper, Flashlight, Multifunctional card tool, Carabiner, Mini Carabiner, Tactical Pen, Key light, Waterproof Box, Climbing Axe and Nylon Rope. And a first aid kit, 4 bags of freezes dried Mac and cheese, two cans of bake beans, three water bottles, a battery pack that can be charge by the solar panel on it, and a cane he's using as a walking stick.

Sunset thanks to being an Equestrian has grown to have an impressive physique and that after he unlocked his magic during the summer camp event, he began working out so that his body be strong enough to withstand using magic now at the age of 18 he's now a solid 6'7" and 234 pounds, with muscular definition that was a perfect medium between swimmer and a bodybuilder's bulk. His wide shoulders formed an enticing triangle shape with his waist, and the area between was a landscape upon which delts, pecs and abs. Which made him eye candy for many of the girls at school, not that it matters all of them went with thinking the worst of him, all expect for Trixie who stayed with him. It paid off as he's able to use his telekinesis again but only is able to use it a couple of times a day before he's worn out.

Sunset continue on his walk, searching for the source of the magic he felt. He came to a pit in the forest, which looks like it leads to an underground cavern. The ground must had caved in exposing the underground cavern where the magic is coming from. Which explains why it's been hidden for so long, the entrance must have caved in.

Tying the rope he brought with him to a thick tree root, Sunset climb down the side of the pit. He did posted his location and took pictures of where he is, if anything happens. The Everfree forest has wifi thanks to the crystal cave near Camp Everfree, which Filthy Rich is using as a tourist trap. Which is doing real well as there's a gift shop and restaurant built near the cave, and a cell tower was put up so there be wifi in the region. So that calls could be easily made and Everfree could become a hotspot for tourist money. (1)

Inside the cavern Sunset used his flashlight to guide his way deeper into the cave, using the pull of the magic to guide him. As he walk Sunset noticed that the cave looked like someone had craved it out, which would explain why he's feeling a source of magic coming from the cave. He might have come across a magic laboratory from some long forgotten magic user.

Then he came to a door made out of gold that looks like a vault door by the sheer size of it. Sunset guess that the door is at least 20 by 20 feet and would be worth a lot of money. Gold never rust so while other metals would had rusted away, the gold just lasted. Touching the door Sunset could feel magic seals on the door keeping it lock. Sunset looks at the door seeing that the door has 7 round slots on it that he's guessing like in video games he would have to find the disks that fit in the slots which thanks to the magic seals placed on the door prevented anything but those disks to open the door.

Sunset took out his climbing axe and climbed up on the side of the door where the hinges that lets the door swing outwards and pry the hinges made out of gold out of the rock wall. Once all the hinges were pried off the door still stood upright, Sunset used his telekinesis to lift up a big heavy rock and struck the door on the bottom causing it to fall forward. (2)

Once the dust settled, Sunset venture into the chamber beyond the gold door. Once this venture is done he would come back here to get the gold. He would need to cut the door with metal saws to be able to transport all the gold, he already put the gold hinges and nails into his backpack. When he left Equestria he had taken all of the bits he had, as well as taking what he could grab on the way. It's the reason why he's able to afford living in his own apartment and buy what he needs.

Inside the chamber he saw that the walls are lined with magic runes which are now just art thanks to him busting the door open. That's the problem with most magic seals, they mostly only protect against magic and not against someone just using a hammer to break through. Whoever made the runes, made them when magic was still around, unlike it is now.

He remembers talking with the Dazzlings about Earth magic. The Dazzlings we're in bad shape after their amulets were in bad shape and with being able to use magic again he helped them. They told him that when they first came to Earth it was in the ancient past and there were non humans and magic around. Who all happen to be monstergirls, who mate with human males, with the daughters taking after their moms and the boys taking after their dads. The monstergirls are magical creatures who while they can eat food like everyone else, gain more energy on the sexual energy they gain from having sex. Which is where the myth of sex demons came from.

The human females fought a war with the monstergirls over the human males. The human females won where the female magic users sealed all the monstergirls away in a far away land and sealed them in a magical barrier, which the Dazzlings managed to discovered after they killed the leaders of the magic users who got rid of their friends.

A few monstergirls managed to escape but over the centuries they died out with the Dazzlings haven't seen a monstergirl since they befriended a harpy but that was hundreds of years ago and their friend was the last harpy she knew of before she died of old age. They have heard rumors here and there but if there are still monstergirls still running around they're all in hiding.

Using his flashlight Sunset felt like he was walking down a prison as there are doorways all along the hallway he found himself in. Each of the doorways have a gold door like the one he busted through. He tried one of the doors and to his surprise it swings open, he guess the doors were all lock by magic but thanks to what he did he broke all the seals. He remembers enough of magic seals that if all the seals are connected to each other, if one fails it could bring down all the seals at once. Like how old Christmas lights if there was one burnt out bulb, all the lights wouldn't work. (3)

Inside the room he found shelves full of scrolls, magic scrolls from the feel he's getting from them. The shelves filled the room with his light unable to reach the back of the room. Sunset went over to a shelf and open one of the scrolls. The scroll contained a detailed ink drawing of a group of busty snake women, whose upper body is that of a woman and the lower half a snake. The next scroll held a picture of a group of busty females with pointy ears, next a group of slime women, and the next, a flock of harpies, a group of spider women, a school of mermaids, and a single woman. All of them naked and very sexy like they're were drawn by some hentai artist.

Not wanting to stay any longer then he needs, Sunset decided to leave and return with better equipment now that he knows where the cave is. He grabs some more scrolls and puts as many as he could into his backpack. He had to take out his two of his water bottles, blanket, cans of beans, and the waterproof box to make room. He also had to leave some of the scrolls he picked up as well, leaving only 5 scrolls that could fit without risking damaging them. But with him knowing where to go now, he can just come back here tomorrow with better equipment, and he could bring his CRV with him, thanks to him putting off road tires on it. He just has to make it to the place where he made camp.


That Night -

The campsite that Sunset made is in a long abandon homestead, the cabin had long fallen apart but the barn was still standing. He parked his CRV inside the barn where he would be sleeping tonight. At the campfire he made, he looked over the scrolls he picked up all being the same of having a naked monstergirl on it using a rechargeable electric lantern. With how old the scrolls are, he doesn't understand why all the scrolls have a naked monstergirl on it and why he feels magic coming from the scrolls.

Sitting in front of the campfire, Sunset picked up a scroll that showed a pile of naked women. The picture has an older woman in the middle, having a thicker body, larger breasts and wider hips. The other women are slimmer, with smaller breasts and like the older woman with long hair, they all have long hair that hang will pass their shapely butts. From the looks of things their hair is all tangled up with each other's. Reminding him of rat kings, where their tails are intertwined and bound together in some way.

The other four scrolls, one was the one with a group of women with long ears. The second scroll had a group of women who have horns, ears and tails of cows, with very large breasts. The third has women with curved horns and lots of curly fur growing on their bodies. The forth scroll has women are like the last women but with straight horns.

The reason why he's staring at the scroll with the pile of women is because of the amount of magic coming from it. All the scrolls had magic coming from them, but the one with the pile of women is leaking magic. Then Sunset noticed that the scroll is ripped, probably from the gold hinges and nails he had in his backpack and darker skin tones.

"Wait, this is a seal," Sunset said to himself as he flips the scroll over and used his magic to make a rune appear on the back of the scroll. The reason why he felt so much magic coming from the scroll is because of the tear on the paper has damaged part of the magic rune on the back. The tear is in the middle of the rune, where the sides of the rune is still connected keeping the rune glowing. Not being able to help himself, Sunset picked at the tear making it bigger and filling more magic leak. Than the tear reached the sides disconnecting the rune and undoing the magic of the rune.

The scroll burst apart in his hands as the seal broke releasing a burst of magic, sending Sunset falling backwards. Getting back up Sunset saw something large looming on the other side of the campfire. Looking up Sunset eyes widen as he saw a pile of naked women, all of them have large breasts, large butts and shapely bodies. All of the younger women have pale pink skin, and their hair are actually long thin dark green leaves that are all tangled together. The older woman on the other hand skin is bright red and they all smell like strawberries. Which made Sunset realized that he's looking at the women drawn in the scroll.

"The scroll is a magic prison," Sunset said to himself.

"Yes it was," the older woman said as she stretched her body making her massive breasts jiggle.

The woman and the younger women all untangled themselves from the pile, giving Sunset a clear view of them. There are 19 women who made up the pile. The older woman has a thicker body, larger breasts, wider hips than the younger women who all are slimmer in build. The younger women all have breasts of J cups, while their mother has Q cups, and all of them stand around 6 feet tall. And all of them are looking at him like a piece of meat.

"Tell me young man who is it who released me and my daughters?" the woman asked.

"I'm Sunset Shimmer, I was out exploring and found the scroll you and your… daughters were sealed in," Sunset said.

"Hey mom look," one of the daughters said holding the four scrolls that Sunset also found.

"I found 4 more scrolls as well," Sunset said.

"Oh really," the mother said as Sunset was suddenly engulfed in the long leaves that are the hair of the women.

"Hey," Sunset said as he was brought face to face with the mother, being held up by the leaf hair.

"You have magic but," the mother said as she sniffs Sunset. "You smell very different from the humans. What are you?"

The mother touches Sunset's forehead activating his magic to sense others feelings, and memories. Which unlike what happen all the other times he had used it on others, it worked both ways. Allowing the mother to see his memories, of his life before he came to the human world and the reason why he came out to the woods.

"He's from Equestria like the those sirens," one of the daughters said.

"Yes he is, poor child having to deal with so much," the mother said as she pulls Sunset into a hug with his head buried in her massive breasts.

"Mmmmmugh," Sunset said as he was engulfed into the mass of soft flesh.

Sunset was let go and Sunset found himself surrounded by the family.

"These are my daughters, Ruth, Flora, Maeve, Isla, Bradana, Murdina, Alana, Oban, Ardbey, Fiona, Assie, Bonnie, Lorna, Mawina, Shona, Nora, Piesil, and Shanath. And I'm Euspeth, we are a strawberry dryad," Euspeth said pointing to each of her daughters clockwise.

"Strawberry dryad?" Sunset asked.

"Yes as you can see all of my daughters are all connected to me like the berries on the bush of our namesake. I'm the bush and once they are all ripe being the same color red as me, they be ripe and ready to be fully independent," Euspeth explains.

"Wait so you are all stuck together till then?" Sunset asked.

"They can pull themselves free after 3 years after being born. My daughters attach themselves to me so that they can feed on my stronger magic, to help build up theirs. Or to share all of our reserves together, so that we don't have to all eat. When we were sealed, we haven't fed for a long time. And now we need to feed after being sealed away for so long," Euspeth said.

"Feed?" Sunset asked worried.

"No it's not us tearing you apart and eating you. Me and my daughters are going to show you the love you deserve," Euspeth said as she wraps her arms and hair around Sunset. "Now Sunset just let me and my daughters pamper you and do all the work while you just lay back and enjoy the pleasure we give you."

"Alright," Sunset said as his lust is on overdrive.

With their mother holding Sunset her daughters went to work using their leaf hair together, lifted the car out of the barn placing it outside. The daughters put out the campfire and grab the electric lantern, grabbing all of Sunset's other stuff. They all entered the barn, and closed the barn doors behind them, stacking the items they brought with them in a corner.

As one they expanded their leaf hair around them creating a ball of leaves with all of them and Sunset inside of it. With the only light coming from the lantern hanging in the middle of the ball of leaves, Sunset found himself all alone with the family of sexy plant women. The smell of strawberries became stronger as he's now in a confined space with all 19 of them and it was getting warm as the space inside the ball is very small, with him on top of Euspeth and all of her busty daughters are all pressing their bodies against his.

"Don't worry we'll take good care of you," Euspeth said as she pulls off his clothes, helped by her daughters, quickly leaving Sunset naked. A small opening in the leaf wall open to allow his clothes to be toss out.

"He's big mom," one of the daughters said as she and her sisters drooled at the sight of Sunset's penis and balls.

Sunset blush as he did his best to hide the fact that he's much larger than human males. And thanks to all of the big soft breasts being pressed up against his body. Causing his penis to rise up as it becomes hard. Not help by the fact that he's still laying on top of the girls mother who has a even more busty body then them.

"He is a equine," Euspeth said as she moves around so that Sunset's head is resting up against her massive breasts and shoves her nipple into his mouth.

Sunset tried to ouch the nipple out of his mouth with his tongue but milk began coming out of the nipple. The milk tasted like strawberry milk, which calmed Sunset as he drank more of the milk. He could feel all the stress that has built up going away.

"Now girls time to show Sunset how grateful we are to him," Euspeth said to her daughters to dig in.

The daughters giggled as they piled on Sunset, all trying to get their mouths on his manhood. Euspeth smiled as she watches her daughters please their first man, watching them and making sure that all of them get a turn. And once her daughters all had their turns with Sunset it be her turn to show them how to please a man. Of course she has to make sure that Sunset won't be drain dry by the time it be her turn, which is why she's feeding him her milk.

With how her type of dryad, have their daughters attached to their mothers expect for sons. Seeing how many daughters a single dryad can have at once, thanks to the daughters coming out of seed pods. It's traditional for the mother to bring her daughters who are ready to start having sex a young man, the mothers milk are able to give men the energy and produce the cum for all of their daughters.

For Sunset he couldn't see anything as mouths, hands and soft breasts are all over his body. He could feel tongues all over his groin till, his cock suddenly was engulfed in warm flesh of one of the daughter's cunts. He groaned into the massive breasts of Euspeth as her daughter's have their way with him. And he couldn't be happier as he's finally have people who are grateful for what he did for them, showing him that they are thankful for his work.


Author's Notes -

1 - Admit it for those who go to parks and to out of the way places, a place that has a cell tower would be a huge draw.

2 - Doesn't matter how strong a lock door is, if the hinges are on the outside you can just pry them off or break them. Also seeing how most of the time people will go with the lowest bidder, you can have a state of the art vault door and the walls of the vault are dry wall.

3 - Basically the entire magical seals are a bad wiring job where because of one system being broken, all the power went out at once.


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