1 Sara

When she woke and opened her eyes, all she saw was an endless darkness. She stared long and hard into the darkness, waiting for something to show up, and wasn't surprised when she did find a light. At least not until she discovered that the light had the faintly recognisable shape of a person. Of herself? She willed to go closer and she floated over. Her surprise growing, she looked down at her feet and realised she was floating in the darkness that stretched on endlessly even beneath and above her.

'Hello,' the light greeted in a soft voice. 'I'm Sara.'

'Sara,' she replied. 'A nice name. I am,'

She meant to reply with her name, but she couldn't remember. No, that wasn't exactly it. In the end, she couldn't give her name. She looked at the light, enthralled by the sight of the outlines around the light solidifying rapidly. The light was taking the shape of a girl, the shape of Sara.

'You can be Sara too,' Sara offered when she had the shape of a young girl, but she was bathed in light so bright her features were indistinguishable.

She thought Sara was a good name. But she couldn't accept it as hers. It would be too confusing. Also, while she was considering Sara, she remembered her name.

'I'm Celia,' she said, beaming radiantly. 'Yeah. I'm Celia. Hello Sara.'

'Celia,' Sara said, with a smile. 'Meaning heavenly. A nice name that suits you well.'

'What does Sara mean?' Celia asked.

'Princess. It's what mother decided to name me. I'm her princess.'

Celia nodded, but her face was blank. She didn't really understood. And even though she intended to ask, she didn't think she had the words.

'You don't understand,' Sara said. Nodded. And continued. 'I can explain. A little. Not as if I understand entirely. Only bits. I'm weak. Sort of. I need more strength. You were floating freely. I linked to you. Brought you over. So, here you are.'

Celia was still nodding. Still blank. 'Here,' she said plainly. 'Where's that?'

'Here,' Sara answered, a little confused and a little troubled about how to explain better. 'Here is here. Where we are.'

'Where's that?' Celia persisted.

'Here is inside mother.'

A flash of understanding dazzled across both faces. And then, they were smiles. They were relishing the feeling, the warmth and the indescribable feeling of togetherness.

'So,' Celia asked after a while. 'Inside mother. What now?'

'I don't know,' Sara answered nonchalantly, with a shrug. 'Just stay.'

'Well, isn't that a little boring. And a little tiring.'

'We could talk about who you are. Who is Celia?'

Celia closed her eyes while she thought long and hard, and drew a blank. 'I don't know,' she said, troubled by her own answer.

Sara wasn't as troubled though. 'It's alright,' she said easily. 'You can just be me until you do. I can't forget, because I am nobody still.' And then, she burst out laughing at her own hilarity.

Celia didn't understand what the joke was. Didn't understand the laugh. And certainly didn't understand the conversation. She wasn't too bothered though. She felt a little tired. And very lazy. Turning onto her back, she was floating as if lying down, she clasped her hands underneath her head, gently closed her eyes, slowed her breathing, and welcomed sleep. Yeah, she thought. She was tired. She could definitely use a little sleep.

Sara floated by Celia's side, sitting cross legged, and looking over the sleeping Celia. Sleep well my friend, she thought. We'll have so much fun after you wake.

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