"Are we there yet?" Isador said while getting ready for his next victim.
"No for the fifth time. Please use your eyes child. Do we look like were there!? You know your eyes aren't just for decoration, right?" came back as an answer.
(You know what are the cons of having an asian mom is. They are savages.)
His mother was so sick of hearing the same question. Even her Despresso did not renew her energy. (Which is exactly what I wanted. I hope it tastes depressing. Don't get me wrong. I'm not doing this for fun, at least not completely.)
Taking advantege of his grandmother's loud snoring, (Well you can't say that I'm the only annoyence here now.) he trew the dead spider (Which I find it under my seat) into his sister's lap.
Jiyi fiercyly shook away the dead(squished) spider from her lap while saying" That was the last straw you dwarf.(Which is rude. I'm just a little shorter than my peers.)
"Look I might be a bitch but I'm not one of those quiet ones. So you can take your shit and shove it back in your ass!!".
"Well I think my job is done here. After all you said yourself tha-" while Isador was talking he was cut of abruptly.
"Of course I can help guiding you through the process.(she said with a sickening sweet tone) İf my kids can shut the fuck up.(with a crazy look in her eyes.)
Their mother was at her limit. As she looked back at them a cute little squirrel jumped on to the road.
Forget about hitting the breaks, by the time their mother can look at the road, the poor little thing had already exploded under the car with a "pop" sound.
While everyone was shocked, a happy tone rang in Isador's head.
[Congratulations host. You have completed your first mission.]
{Ruin Your Mother's Day} ✓
[10 coins have been sent to your account. ]
[You have earned one right to use your skill.]
{Summuning Technique For Newborns}
[Would you like to use it now?]
[And host I think we kind of ruined that squirrels day too.]
" You think?!?"
Isador was almost a teenager at the age of twelve. He had good grades, a slightly shorter stature for his age and a sick father.
His father was diagnosed with cancer two years ago. Although his father resisted, he was getting weaker, and a week after he divorced his wife, he had a seizure and was hospitalized.
Their poor mother was trying to keep her job while her two kids were being a pain in the ass.
Isador, who celebrated his twelfth birthday with his father in the hospital was not sad at all (unlike his fake sister Jiyi). In fact he was even a little happy.
(What? It's interesting to see other people's suffering.)
He didn't like having contact with people and he couldn't even remember the last time he talked to his sister Jiyi. They were born on the same day with a difference of 2 years. They were siblings, but they didn't look alike at all.
Jiyi was like a copy of their father Neil Ingram with her blonde hair and blue eyes. She was cheerful, fourtheen and very loud. Jiyi was the popular girl type in the school and she called herself "A bad bitch."(Which is not true. I can say that she's not the coolest person you'll meet.)
While Isador was similar to her mom Min Xiuying with his black hair and brown eyes. He was twelve this year and one more step closer to gaining his freedom.
As he was still in the hospital, Isador began to feel a twinkle in his eyes. At first he only heard some whispers but overtime it started get real loud. Just when he was starting to get annoyed a voice appeared in his head.
[Welcome to the system 616 host. We can finally communicate. You don't have much time. We need to get you to level up asap.]
[I'm so sorry host. I spoke without thinking. You must have been so shocked. You probably don't even understand what I'm talking about. You don't even have your core power. I sho-...Wait "Okay". What!?]
"Yes. I said okay. Let's do it before I get bored even more. "
[You are a weird kid host. But I like the enthusiasm. Then let me tell you the rules host.]
[Rule 1: You can't tell anyone about the system. Unless they already know or they are chosen for a new system.]
[Rule 2: You can't start a main mission without your core power.]
[Rule 3: Once you have started a main mission, you can't leave the quest until it is finished.]
[Rule 4: Additinal rules can be added according to the begaviour of the host.]
[Do you approve of these rules host?]
"Yes."said Isador without even thinking.
Isador was planning to see a few some gore in the hospital after his endless birthday party. But contrary to his hopes other than some old peoples love drama everything was stagnant and boring.
While his family members are having a "touching" moment with his sick father (for his money of course)
he prefferred to sit in one of those empty corridors of the hospital and this opportunity suddenly throws itself to him. Of course his gonna say "YES!".
[That's good host beacuse you don't really have an option. I was just being polite. Then lets not waste time anymore and find your core power.]
Isador suddenly felt a small pain in his brain. His head was getting heavier and the surroundings were starting to blur. Isador hurried to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face.
Suddenly the bathroom started shaking and in the mirror he could see his eyes shining like headlights.
His eyes were so dence and hot that he almost screamed. Luckly it was stopped quickly.
[You did a good job for a kid host, I thought you would fail and I'd have to hop on to someone else. You know, most people die with burning eyes or go blind at this stage.]
[Anyway you have gained "Summoning Technique For Newborns" but you can't really use it now, your level is too low host. We better start doing missions.]
[Host are you listening!?]
Isador was laughing like a crazy person. His stomach was starting to get hurt from laughing madly.
"That was a very interesting experience. Maybe your not as boring as I thought, my little headache."
[Okkk...Maybe I should come back later host. See you later.(You little freak)] The system runned away for his life
"Oh very nice. Your doing great." said Xiuying when she got rid of her shock. Her hands were still shaking too much. So she pulled the car to the side of the road.
"Okay. There was some trouble on the way, I'll call you later " she said and hung up the phone.
"How much worse can it get today!?" she yelled tiredly.
"Umm... Like this?" replied a mishievous girl voice, poinfi g at her grandma.
And the worst thing happened. The old demon Esther Ingram woke up.
"We still not there Xiu? You drive like an old fart."she said stammering.
Less than an hour after they set off, grandma was fed up with Xiuying's slow driving and drank a few cans of beer at the first stop and was passed out.
Now that she was awake, no one could stop her. Before anyone could understand what was happening, Xiuying had been thrown into the back seat like a small animal, and grandma Esther was behind the wheel.
"I didn't go to military to die on this road." was all she said and the car took off like a rocket with startled screams.
Leaving little traces of blood behind.
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