
Summoning Dinosaurs from my Shopping System

“This is not a summoning system, it's a freaking shopping system” Arthas screamed as he got scammed by the goddess. Arthas, a young man tired of his mundane life, leaps into a new world filled with dinosaurs and magical creatures. With his newfound companions and an insatiable desire for freedom, Arthas embarks on an exhilarating journey to unite this new world. Unburdened by the responsibilities and expectations he faced on Earth, he revels in the chance to truly live and thrive. Little does he know that his actions will shape the destiny of this new land and bring him face to face with unimaginable challenges. Join Arthas as he ventures forth into a world teeming with dinosaurs, magic, and endless possibilities. Will he fulfill his desires for adventure and conquest, or will he discover a purpose greater than his own? The rise of the summoner begins now, and nothing will be the same again.

Synergistic · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

The Impending Twist of Fate

It was late at night, the moon gleamed with its beautiful white glow. The peaceful atmosphere encompasses the surrounding area. The trees reflected it shadows from the moonlight that shined from above. And the stars that looked down upon the ground observing with their golden eyes.

The tranquility of the moon was soothing to the soul as it was pleasing to the eyes. Arthas slowly opened his eyes which blurred on its reveal. He felt tired but energized. It was a subtle feeling to the body.

'Yep, this is what having 8 hours of sleep feels like, although I didn't really sleep for 8 hours the feeling is there.'

He slowly raised his head as he surveyed the surroundings around him. His hands supported his weight as he brought himself into a sitting position, looking around he found himself in a cabin that was dimly lit by a lantern that was placed on a small table to his side.

Arthas recognized what it was. It was a small bed tray table that he usually carries around in his room whenever he wants to eat alone or wants to be stuck in his for a while. It was something that he kept close to him in his past life.

On top of the table, there were at least 5 pieces of bread and a water container that was clean and clear that it reflected the light of the moon. Not far from it was the lantern placed to illuminate the food as if to tell Arthas where it was and eat whenever you are ready.

He took his attention away and looked around, he found himself in a small with wooden chairs and a table much larger than the tray table beside him, it looks like a small family cabin dinner room where they eat and talk with one another. Thinking about this, Arthas suddenly felt guilty maybe the family that was in this place lost someone they loved or maybe died altogether, nevertheless, Arthas was grateful for the shelter they have provided him amidst the destruction.

Arthas supported his head with his hand as he received a small migraine that made his vision blurry and weak. He closed his eyes and went to take a deep breath that made it a little better. He was going to try and stand up when a loud thud made him flick his head forward, he was frightened by the abrupt door slamming open.

A happy shrill noise was heard in the doorway looking up he saw Maria's head sticking out the door with her was somebody else he didn't recognize. He thought it was one of the people in this destroyed village.

Going inside the small cabin, he was a tall man that was dressed in a torn tunic with a sheepskin cloak on top of it, he was also wearing leather boots covered with wooden patens. He had black hair and a scar on his cheek just below his eye. His face conjured a scary look that made it seem like Arthas killed his family, which he likely did if he had one.

Arthas was quite scared at the sudden appearance of the man, but knowing that Morpheus and Maria were there, he wasn't unfazed. The man slowly approached Arthas while he was on the bed, while walking forward the man casually grabbed the chair behind him and walked slowly dragging the chair on the ground.

'Oh boy, he sure knows how to make an entrance and an interesting one as a matter of fact.' Arthas thought about the movements that are man-made.

After a certain period of walking the man stopped just in front of Arthas's bed and place the chair down where he sat down with his hands on his lap. The man stared at him for a while and spoke nothing during the duration as did Arthas as he didn't know what to say or whether he would understand the person, considering that this is a new world.

'But I was able to understand the others in the Dominion right? I should be able to understand him as well. I think it's something Leah gave me as part of the reincarnation package.'

As Arthas spaced out thinking about unnecessary things, the man suddenly bowed down with his head lower than his waist. Grasping his thighs with strength as they supported his upper body while he was bowing.

"Thank you, Thank you very much, savior. If it wasn't for you, everyone in the village might have died…Thank you…." Tears started to rain as his head hung low.

"...." Arthas stayed silent as he wasn't sure what to properly answer in this situation, he was sure that this village would have continued to live if he didn't get reincarnated and mess things up.

"I am very thankful for everything, Summoner, I am grateful thank you…"

"Oh no, please don't bow your head, I am sure you did your best to keep everyone safe, you were brave enough to actually try and save everyone" Arthas tried to consolidate while being awkward.

"But still we failed.,... We weren't able to kill it or defend anyone and just let it pass through with ease"

"What matters is you tried, don't worry I wasn't able to kill it on my own, I had to bring a monster of its size just to kill it as well… By the way, what's your name?"

"I am sorry summoner, forgive my attitude for being presumptuous. My name is Moltar, I am the village chief…was the village chief until everything fell apart."

"I…am sorry for your loss…My name is Arthas…I am a wanderer, seeking to complete the quest that was given to me. If I may ask where is Alcemia located?"

"Arthas…that's a strong name fitting for your bravery and courage. The City of Alcemia is located near here, probably an hour's walk and less if horse riding."

Arthas thanked Moltar for the information and began to talk about the situation of the village and its current circumstances. Moltar readily agreed to a discreetly open manner. The village near Alcemia was flourishing with progress before the time they were attacked there were at least 1000 villagers that were living in the village, and now less than half remains.

The village was considered to be of a good size where there were a lot of people living and making progress in making their lives better away from the city life where everything was hard and difficult to live. Some people only want peace and tranquility.

Arthas inquired when the monster came to their village and attacked. It was shortly after they received a large cart of goods that were from Alcemia, where they trade and bring back supplies, it was hauled by a cart carrying many things that would be of service to the village. After that a few hours after the monster appeared out of nowhere and began to ravage their village.

Arthas thought that it was too fast for the monsters to locate this village, for him it was like the monster was lured here. Finding it suspicious he thanked him and asked Moltar to bring him to where the carts were last brought. Moltar was concerned about his health but didn't question Arthas decision and they both walked to where it was placed.

Walking past the village with Maria tagging along with them, Arthas saw the destruction that the scorpion made, it decimated countless huts, and bodies were placed in an area, their bodies covered with large blankets. On the way there Arthas saw Morpehus and called him out, but he gave no reply and continued sleeping. It was kinda ironic how he named him after dreaming and his rex likes to sleep.

There were hungry people lying down on the ground on whatever food they had left they would give it to their children and the elderly while the adults try their best to at least get some food for the others and not be selfish. Arthas would see that they would fight if they aren't getting anything soon.

Arriving at the destination, Arthas saw a cart of debris with wheels and its body destroyed, and beside it were the goods that were supposed to be for the villagers. It all seemed normal to him and thought that he must just overthinking it when Maria made a low growling voice.

"What's wrong with your summon, Sir Arthas?"

"Hold on, let me ask her about it" He replied slowly approaching Maria. "What's wrong did you find anything?"

As he got closer to Maria, the more the growls became intimidating and dreadful. He was close to Maria and briefly asked her what was wrong. Through their telepathic connection as summon and summoner he quickly understood what Maria meant. There was that weird smell again when he first came into the village.

"There's something placed in the cart right, Maria?"

With a growl of agreement, Maria agreed to the proposition that something has tampered with the goods as though they would be sabotaged. It made his blood boil thinking about how this sabotaged cart made a lot of people die. He felt his hands clenching from the idea that these innocent people were just buying supplies to continue their everyday lives just to be get killed due to reasons.

"Yeah, we don't have to tell them right now, it would kill their spirits even more." He talked to himself as he judged the situation. "Maria, call Morpheus we have to hurry. I feel like something bad would happen if we don't get immediate supplies anytime soon."

Arthas whispered to Maria and quickly turned around to face Moltar trying to play it cool. Moltar looked at Arthas confused about the sudden change of atmosphere around Arthas.

"What's wrong, Sir Arthas? Is there something bad about the goods we brought? Did the monster come here because of the food we brought? It shouldn't be possible right they aren't interested in human food."

"Yes, it's fine I was just looking if we had enough supplies for everyone since it seemed like they were hungry. Do you mind if I go out to Alcemia and buy us some food for everyone here?"

"Really Sir? That's wonderful please take this money, I appreciate the concern" Moltar made a 90-degree bow as he gave the money.

"Aren't you scared about me running off with this money?"

"If it's you, Sir Arthas, then I think that you would keep your promise just follow this road and you would arrive in Alcemia. But if you actually do, then I will just think of it as your reward for helping us escape this tragedy"

"...Thank you for trusting me," With that Arthas went off riding Morpheus as he rode at speeds that made him see the city in just a couple minutes after he departed from the village.

'Something is gonna happen, and I don't like the feeling about it'