
Summer Has Just Begun

Rachie_B · Histoire
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4 Chs

Chapter One

Leia was just stepping out of the house when her mother's voice called her back.

"Leia!Where are you sneaking off to again?" Her mum asked in her usual and calm manner.

"I'm going nowhere mother," she replied and moved back in to the palace as the palace guards Came running by.

Leia was annoyed that her mother had caught her yet again.She had that impulse when she wanted to take that route out of the palace that her mother would certainly know. It was her favorite exit route out of the palace to see the outside world and now,no matter how hard she tried to get out, mum's voice would always stop her ,thus alerting the guards that she had managed to sneak past.She always smirked at their clumsiness; because though they were very smart,she managed to always outsmart them.

Once in the previous year,when she was just seven years old,she had tricked the guards by hynoptising them with her magic powers which she had discovered while reading magical books and had skidded off on a pony.

She had gone close to the market where a feast was holding;all week long. She had heard about it from the guards and had asked her mum if she could go with the guards but her mum had refused as abruptly as she had possibly expected.

So she was left with no other choice than to hynoptize the guards and slid off on a pony. She however forgot that her aunt, Catherine who was a great witch with a fierce temper was coming over.

Aunt Catherine who was her dad's junior sister was a very difficult person as she never gets pleased. The Royal couple were organising her stay to be worth it and when she eventually arrived on a broom,she rode past all the guards making them frightened before she said,"Incoming".

Aunt Catherine would never apologize. She laughed at their supposed clumsiness and walked in a very influential way like the grand duchess which she was. The Royal couple had come running down to welcome her. They were so engrossed in the preparations for her visit that they forgot about Leia.

" Welcome back," the Royal couple greeted." It's a pleasure."

"Christopher and Leticia," As was her custom,she never addressed them as the Royal couple. They were still her dear annoying elder brother and wife." Where is little pumpkin?"

"Oh!"Queen Leticia began to sweat as it was obvious to everyone that the princess Leia was missing again. And of all the days to wander off why did she choose the day Aunt Catherine would come by?

" I'm sorry. I'm afraid your little pumpkin has wandered off .The guards would fetch her immediately."

"Don't worry, Leticia. Allow me." Aunt Catherine smiled. She was one of the best; if not the best witch and would never turn down an opportunity to display her witch craft.

On the other side of the village, Leia's eyes flickered. Whenever that happened, she was about to get into serious trouble. It was then she remembered. Aunt Catherine would be he and she was probably going to be bound home by a spell which would discipline her on the way home. She had to act fast.

She sat on a pavement and made an illusion of herself and immediately the spell caught the illusion and took it home. Immediately the illusion was dropped, Leia appeared.

" Hello, aunt Catherine,what a pleasant surprise," she said as the witch turned to see the princess and the illusion. " What do you think?" Leia said pointing at the illusion. Everyone was surprised. How did she manage to do that? Even aunt Catherine never anticipated it.

" Leia!" Her mum called."Is that the proper manner to welcome your Aunt? Besides,why would you trick her?" Queen Leticia scolded but deep down ,she felt like laughing as Catherine was checked in place.

Leia ran to the Grand duchess and rolled her cute little eyes in an adorable manner. " Aunt Catherine,do forgive your little pumpkin. I'm sorry."

"Ahem!" Her dad coughed to remind her of formalities.

" Oh,your majesty." She said and curtised and then rolled her eyes hoping to charm the great witch and surprisingly,she fell for it.

" You are forgiven, little pumpkin." Aunt Catherine said , oblivious that she was under the little girl's charm and even played with her.

The Royal couple heaved a sigh of relief but then it occurred to them that Leia must have charmed Catherine

"Leia!"Dad screamed as they entered the palace."Stop it now.!"

Leia smiled knowingly and stopped the charm.Aunt Catherine was shocked. She was tricked for the second time."You little imp." She ranted and ran into her room. But for the rest of her stay,she respected herself for she knew that little pumpkin was ready to keep her in check. But even that was all in the past now. Aunt Catherine had learned her lesson and now she behaved herself whenever she visited.

But that was not even the case now; she needed to get out of the palace and it seemed that mum's detecting magic was at work and she desperately wanted to get out.

Both her parents were magically possessed. Her dad,The King was able to fight and conjure magic spells and the same applies with the mother. And when they got married,the results was something they were never expecting.

At six,she was able to conjure all the magic spells and everyone was liable to fall under her charm, except her parents.All she had to do was roll her cute little eyes . How and however she was able to do that was a mystery but still,no one could escape it.

She took her magic book one last time . None of the magic spells looked fascinating.Yikes.It was as if all the magic spells had decided to make fun of her by not being useful