
Sukuna x y/n

Ruby_loves_anime · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Sukuna x y/n pt.4

You open the door after the second knock and is relieved to see nobra who has a worried look on her face

"Are u okay also do you wanna come check out what we do today and what's the matter you look so scared when you opens the door and your shaking" nobra asked worried

" y-yes I'm fine and yes I would love to check that out with you "you replied

"Sukuna gonna be there " she said with a grin

You started to blush and playfully punched her arm

You started to walk to school and stoped and looked at nobra with a serious face

"Hey nobra are u my friend or faking because you feel bad for me" you said really fast

She raised an eyebrow at you and started to laugh

"Of course I'm you freeing I'm your best friend trust me "she said with a huge smile


You both laughed and smaller talked till you got to school and saw the others

Sakuna gojo and megumi ran up to you and started to apologise to you how they forgot and felt bad that you felt embarrassed

"Oh my we are so rude are you okay" megumi asked

"Plz forgive us" gojo added

" we're sorry I feel terrible I shouldn't have put you in that situation " sukuna mumbled

" no no it's okay it's not your fault it's mine sorry for running of like that " you said shaking

The boys exchanged a look

You got a text and it was the unknown person again

I can see you at school

Send pick of u and your friends

I'll wait for you at your house cutie ~

You start to shake more and take a couple steps back

Nobra grabs your phone and has a look at your phone she give your phone to the others and hugs you

"Who this"megumi asked

"Why is he calling you cute" sukuna demanded

You flinched by the sudden noise

"I- I - I don't know who it is " you whispered

They all watched you closely today and went where ever you went

It's the end of the day 3:30pm schools ended your all chatting out side of the school gate planning about y/n coming to there fighting club thing

Then sukuna says " y/n your coming to my house straight after because no way I'm having you home alone with a stalker"

"O-okay" you say blushing

"Why don't we all have a sleepover at yours Sakuna Tonight plzzzzzzz" nobra begged

"No" Sakuna said

"Plz"asked nobra

"No "Sakuna demanded

"Plz" pleaded nobra

"Fine" sukun huffed

Everton started laughing and headed straight to skaunas and decide to meet for there "club" another day

You all arrive at sakunas but you notice sukuna staring at you when you turn your head your eyes meet you both start to blush and look away

You head inside his house was so tidy and had lots of fighting posters everywhere and a lot of pot noodles apart from that it was clean you all sat in the living room tired you set you beds out on the floor you set yours next to Sakuna

"Let's order pizza " questioned sukuna

"Yes plz" replied every one else

You just finished eating and what hung a action film and was going to watch another

"Let's watch a horror film"asked gojo

"Sure" everybody agreed

You started to watch the movie and a jump scare mad you flinch and grab sukuna hand while nobra screamed and had megumi telling her to be quiet

Sensi was asleep

"S-sorry" you said shyly

"It's fine" sukuna replied

You went to take your hand away but he tightened his hand

You started to blush eventually the movie ended megumi and sensi where asleep you yawned and law down nobra went to sleep to

You woke up at 2:48 am and looked around the room to see sukuna staring at you

"Can't you sleep" sukuna asked

"No not really"you added

" sleep on me then "sukuna suggested

"Oh okay"you replied

You laid an sukuna and ended sleeping straight away he put his arms around you and you could feel his warm breath on your neck

Wait what am I doing know wonder I'm getting bullied at school it's bec- you wake up to a snapping sound it's sensi nobra and megumi standing in front of you talking photos of you and sukuna.