
Chapter 1

The soft kiss of death brushes against my skin as I stare down at the hard jagged surface beneath the bridge I stand on. My head tilts as my fingers begin to tremble and my teeth start to chatter. I hardly feel the bite in the air compared to the numbness that is settled in my chest. I can feel my heart beating, but it's more of an afterthought as I focus on taking the one step forward to end the feeling of emptiness that surrounds me.

The thin fabric of my night dress pulls in the wind, demanding my body away from the edge. Faint irritation sparks inside of me, so I pull the dress over my head and allow the fabric to float away in the wind behind me. This leaves me in only my underwear and I focus on the feeling of freedom my body hums back to me. The gentle caress of the icy breeze flows freely against my skin, goosebumps creeping across my body.

I take a seat on the cold stone beneath my feet and allow my legs to dangle into the long, airy drop. My usual fear of heights replaced by longing and I can't help but be excited for the ending that will swallow me whole.

No more pain. No more suffering. No more judgmental gazes. No more pity.

I look out into the distance, trees outline the small canyon spread out in front of me, the moon lighting every divot and dying blade of grass. The only sound is the rustling of wind in the trees.

Leaning back I rest my hands on either side of my hips, most of my body is now numb to the cold, my chattering teeth the only sound breaking the darkness around me.

An icy spiral of discomfort races down my spine as the sudden feeling of being watched washes through my every nerve. I ignore it and tilt my head up to admire the stars, the twinkling lights distracting me from pushing myself into the free air below me.

"Are you goal oriented on getting arrested?" A low, penetrating voice asks. Their voice seemingly comes out of nowhere.

"I'm more goal oriented towards suicide, but by all means, call the police." My voice comes out soft, but holds a touch of annoyance.

Slow footsteps sound behind me, but still, I ignore them and keep my attention on the nature that I'm surrounded by. A man stops beside me, his posture so straight it seems unnatural. I lean forward, moving him out of my vision and look down to the bottom of the canyon. I make out a small stream glinting in the moonlight, smiling at a memory that pushes its way forward. I force it back down before it can completely surface and focus my attention on how many wild animals would get to me before the police can preserve me. Just the thought of becoming one with nature eases my memories back to the box resting in my mind.

"What's your name?" He asks me.

I roll my eyes, annoyed at the question. "Why does it matter?"

He sits next to me, causing me to look over at him. The wind rustles his dark curls, his movements quick and precise as if he's done this a million times. "Because a name holds power. It holds personality and humanity."

"Look, I'm not here looking for humanity. I'm here looking for death and loneliness and nature. So kindly fuck off," I snap at the stranger.

Silence sits between us for a moment, until his laugh rings out and echoes into the canyon. His laugh startles me, I look at him with a frown. He still stares out into the dark, his brilliant white teeth bared in a smile. "I've never had someone like you talk to me like that." He gives another low laugh and shakes his head, "Its refreshing."

I breathe out a sigh of irritation, "I really don't give a shit, just go away."

He gives no sign that he heard a word I said, "My name is Emery."

"I don't care."

We sit in silence for a few minutes, me wishing he would leave, and him continuing to annoy me with his presence.

"I came out here at three in the morning to be alone, so leave." I finally manage to get out.

"Why this place?" He asks with genuine curiosity.

My eyebrows pull together at his words, "It's a long drop. No chance of survival."

Emery nods, seeming to accept my reasoning. "You are very fascinating."

"Great!" I exclaim sarcastically, "Can you fuck off and let me die in peace now?"

He stands, relief settles in my chest as I assume he's leaving. Instead he grabs my upper arm and pulls me up with surprising strength for a man of his size. He keeps ahold of my arm and forces my chin up painfully to force me to look at his face.

"You're not dying today, I have a better use for you." Although I know I would be panicking under normal circumstances, I am very calm as I stare up into his eyes. I can't quite make out the color in the darkness, but there seems to be a force floating through my mind telling me to stay calm.

Under to forceful calm of my mind irritation and disobedience spark, slowly creeping back into my senses, "I don't give a shit about your use for me. I am not yours to command."

His head tilts and his eyebrows furrow as he studies me, "How are you fighting me?"

I don't respond, I only glare at him, annoyed with the calm that continues to try and take over.

"Give me your name."

My name sits on the tip of my tongue, I bite down to stop it from coming out of my mouth. Defiance radiating from my every pore. His hand latches around my throat, his features are relaxed as he searches my face for an emotion unknown to me.

I swallow my name, finally sure that it won't come out, "Fuck you."

He lets out a slow sigh of disappointment, "I really wish you would stop cussing."

With his hand keeping a hold of my throat he leans me back over the edge, causing me to smile at him. "So you are giving me what I want?"

He exhales loudly and throws me back onto the bridge, my knees and hands hitting the stone in a painful crack. This makes me aware of how bare I am, how naked I am with little care. The pain is only there for a moment before I forget it and stand to look up at Emery. He seems to be less of a threat from this far away, he's not much taller than I am, maybe a few inches and has a skinny build. He threw me twenty feet away with what seemed to be no effort; yet I feel no fear.

Warmth oozes from my knees, blood drips down coating my legs in the liquid. Emery slowly turns, distracted by the sight of my blood. I take a step toward him, his eyes dart from my knees to my face as he takes what seems to be a forceful step away.

"Unless you want to di-" He stops, considering what he was going to say. Knowing I want to die making him rethink his choice of words. "Unless you want to be slaughtered, I would stay where you are."

I take another step forward, "I'm really not picky with the how."

I look around as sirens sound nearby, looking for the source to the sound. When I turn back to Emery, he's gone.

Police cars come around the bend in the road to my right, I try my best to look frightened, to look like I was scared for my life.

The last memory I have of this night is telling police officers, "I was attacked by a man."