
Suffering Under a Drunk Man's Decision

In a very drunken state, Mason decided to trust a stranger and take a leap of faith. Whether of not that was a good decision was up to debate, but now, he had better things to worry about. Like whether or not there was an actual cult trying to summon demons from hell or not. RWBY AU, Gamer fic

balls_1124 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

[System Initializing…]

[Boot Program Started…]

[Transferring "Wish" Gift Item…]

[World Selected…]

[Race Selected…]

[Identity Grafted…]

[Inserting in… 3…2…1]

The birds were chirping, the sun was beaming, and my head was beating like a fucking drum. Pain pulsated with no rest in sight. I must have drunk way too much last night, fucking hell. Did past me really have to challenge the old dude to a drink off? Damn bastard didn't expect the boomer to hold his own weight in alcohol.

Shaking my head, I clutched it with one hand and used the other to get out of bed, shifting my weight as I noticed something off. I wasn't on my room, nor was I at a friend's place. No, it looked more like a camp, with not a single ray of light penetrating the inside. Scanning my other surroundings only confirmed my suspicions, discovering that I had a bunk buddy laying in rest just above me.

Okay, so I was kidnapped, that wasn't good, not one bit. Did I suddenly get the attention of some mob boss? Didn't expect there to be one in a relatively safe city, but nobody ever knew what happened in the background. Rubbing the side of my head, I stood up from the bed, further observing my environment, finding several things of note.

First, my fellow men and women slept with animal ear head bands. A disgrace if you would ask me, but if they(or the person who kept us here) were into it, who was I to judge. Second, and most concerning of all. There were children here. Around three or so rows ahead, kids ranging from around eight all the way to thirteen slept, each with similar features to the others who were here.

It was then I got curious. My brows furrowing as a thought entered my mind, hands drifting to the tip of my head, finding a pair of rods sticking out of my skull. Giving it a little tug instantly proved that fact, a shock of agony sending ripples throughout my being.

My frame instantly fell to the ground, regretting my impulsiveness immensely, my sight blurred by liquid. Then, a hand touched my shoulder, snapping me out of whatever I was doing, my attention shifting at the figure standing above me. "Shh~. You'll alert the guards with all this noise." A masculine voice soothed, massaging where it hurt the most. "Idiot, why are you trying to remove your antennae? Don't your kind need that to see?"

'They were antennae? What the fuck?' I inwardly grit, attempting to ease my breathing. "This… it can't be real. None of this is happening. It's all just a bad nightmare. Yeah, a super bad nightmare. I'll just have to wait until I wake up, and it should be any mi-."

"Look, we all lost something during the cave in, but you have to keep it together. Or else we're no better than the animals those humans compare us to." He chided, pulling me to the bed. Letting out a shaky breath, he sat me down, taking the space to my side, an arm over my shoulder. "Your older brother, he was among those blocked off when the tunnel came crashing down. I wouldn't say I knew him personally, but I knew him enough to where he considered me a friend."

'Was he… trying to get sympathy from me? And what the fuck does he mean by older brother?' A multitude of questions came running at me one after another, my mouth left agape as I got a good look at the man, his figure distorted by the watery lens filtering what I could see.

He was fairly tall, about enough to tower over me. His complexion was as dark as chocolate, somewhere between brown and black. "I know, mining day in and day out can be tough, especially after what we've been through, but suicide isn't the answer. We just have to patiently bide our time, and eventually, we'll be able to get out without a hitch."

The tone of his voice was more than optimistic, endearing in a sense. But I barely knew what he was talking about. Last I checked, I didn't have an elder brother. At the same time, I don't remember people having animal-like features. Shutting my eyes, I let out a sigh, my current situation left a mystery.

I knew naught of the method I got here, nor why. Then again, answers wouldn't merely just come to me because I asked, that was a simple fact of life. No, I had to work for it. But, asking too many questions at once would also raise a lot of heads.

"Just, be safe, alright? Get some rest, you'll need it for the shift ahead of us, especially now that we have to pull more weight." He bid me farewell, returning up top without so much as a sound, not even the mattress creaked under his frame. However, with his exit, I now had time to organize the material laid out for me on the table.

Aching, my head wrought with pain when I pulled on the "antennae" on my head, that much was obvious. Everyone else had appendages similar to those of animals, and the gentleman who approached me seemed to acknowledge them as well. I might have used a little bit of guess work, but it was all I had at the moment. But either my whole life had been uprooted and I was transported into another world as demi-human mining slave number five hundred sixty-seven. Or my mind had built an intricate world for me in my drunken state, idly passing around ideas without a care in the world.

Both were on the "extreme" side of things and were hyper fantastical. However, there was no other answer showing itself to me at the moment. The best I could do was wait and see if anything else happened… Or I could experiment with my "new" body. On second thought, that sounds more like a euphemism for jerking off.

I really need to get out of this place before work starts, lest I get reprimanded by the higher-ups.

Alright, I might have gotten more than what I bargained for- "Get in line you filthy animals!" Morning call wasn't pleasant, not in the slightest. Groggily getting out of bed, I barely had a minute of rest before they came a' knocking. "Head to the courtyard, the superintendent has a few announcements for you all."

Ignoring his racist remark, the guard's words were clear, with a tinge of nervousness tickling the back of my mind. Though, they did help narrow down where I had been transported to. Complying with my new orders, I marched along to a monotone tune, each step just as gray as the first. A few minutes in and I was already bored. Then again, this was a mining facility, nobody said it would be entertaining.

Walking out of the building I had been housed in, we entered a vast open field, with large construction and mining vehicles lining portions of the land in the back while a stage stood in the center, with several holding cells just tucked off to the side. Frankly, the situation looked worse and worse by the minute. A taste of the "fantasy, demi-human slave" experience. One where the hero either grew up in or liberated later on.

"Report to the courtyard immediately. Those who are not found in attendance will be forced to take reeducation lessons at 3PM. I repeat, those who are not found in attendance will be forced to take reeducation lessons at 3PM. Thank you for your cooperation." A feminine voice stated through the blaring speakers embedded into the dirt. "Repeated offenders will suffer harsher punishment. Your actions have been warned."

Okay, that was new. And it also brought the world up the timeline from medieval fantasy to circa nineteen- sixties in terms of tech, with the possibility of it being the two-thousands being the next best guess. Glossing over the information presented, I shook my head clear of those thoughts, allowing myself to live in the present for a moment longer, to take in as much information as I could.

"Timothy. Hey Tim." A voice whispered from behind, probably talking to someone else. "Asshole, I know you can hear me." My head snapped back, receiving a smack to the back of the dome in return. "Keep straight and don't look any other way. They don't want to see any of us conversing with one another."

"Who's the 'they' in this conversation?" I asked aloud, a hand massaging where I had been hit. "And not to offend or anything, but who are you? Don't exactly have the best memory when everything seems to just vanish from right under my fingertips." If I had any other option at hand, I would have said something else. A prodding question that would get me a straight answer. But I had none of that. Right now, I did what I had to.

"Wow, didn't expect for his death to hit you that hard." Taking a deep breath, I sucked in as much air as possible, smoothly exhaling as my expression shifted to a deadpan. "Come on, Tim. You can stop playing around now." The person behind me poked at my back, irritation building up by the second as my eyelid twitched.

"Seriously, I have no remembrance of anything that happened before today. In fact, I was pretty surprised to even have antennae on my head. Speaking of, why are they there?" I attempted to explain, gaining not even a shred of sympathy from the girl behind me.

"Yeah, and we have a cult of grimm worshippers trying to summon a horseman into our little patch of atlas- Quit it already you brain dead buffoon." The person squawked, a particularly sharp object poking at my back, flinching each time it made contact with my skin. "Then again, the idea of a Tim completely under my control? Now that's something I wouldn't mind dipping my toes into."

Barely audible, she whispered those words under her breath, the meter in my mind reaching its boiling point, exploding outward. "Listen here you little shit. I'm not joking, I can't stress it enough…" I paused, collecting both my thoughts and composure. "I didn't ask for this, alright? I didn't even know my name until you said it. I don't have the slightest clue what to do. And now, I'm at the mercy of whatever higher being exists out here."

'Mason, that was my real name. How it suddenly became Timothy, I hadn't the slightest clue.' Trying to wrap my head around the logic would prove pain-inducing, too much effort. Once more, I dismissed those thoughts, continuing my walk, this time in relative silence. It was deafening. Blocking out so much noise that, even the speakers were phased out of my hearing, white noise replacing it.

Static buzzed, all until the group collectively came to a halt, splitting off into sections as a fair man with orange hair stood on the platform at the center. His eyes were sharp, scrutinizing the crowd with a scowl on his face, displeased by something. "The accident that occurred two days ago was tragic." He uttered, not even missing a beat, keeping the same expression on his face as he held the microphone closer to his lips, close enough to hear him them smack against one another.

"We lost many to the cave-in, and much more in the subsequent explosive discharge. I can only give my condolences to those whose loved ones perished in the accident." He paused, his stance shifting, changing to a pose which emphasized his lean figure and delicately sculpted muscles. "But, we must work hard to make up for such. I know it may be tough, however, I believe we can catch up with our monthly quota."

It was entirely silent, not a single man, woman, or child cheering. The superintendent cleared his throat, eyes glossing over the crowd as he straightened himself. "And with this, I bring more news. The CEO of the Schnee Dust Company himself will arrive here personally to pay his respects." Bringing a hand over the mic, he whispered into it, as though to tell a secret. "Not only that, but I also heard his daughter would be joining him. So I expect each and every one of you to be on your best behavior. Do I make myself clear?"

To that end, all who were here shouted "Yes, Sir!". The look of disgust on his face intensifying, his gloved fingers and suited figure taking a step back. "Then you are all dismissed. Your shifts will be waiting for you as per usual." Performing an about-face, We all left just as quick as we entered, taking all that we could from what was said, and leaving not a minute later.

Still, it more than just bothered me that the person in charge of the facility was a thinly veiled racist. It would have been funny had I seen the events unfold through a television screen, how cartoonishly black and white he was. And yet, all I felt was a sense of pity. Pity for the fool who acted like a dumbass.

Crossing a sufficient distance away from where we once were, the person who was talking to me earlier perked up, her head tilting back all the way, unnerving in her movement. "Huh, you really forgot about everything." She commented, flinging her head forward to walk normally again, her torso now twisting to face me.

She was a woman, that much I could gather. Somewhere around the same age as me, and with a head of dark-red hair, just a shade or two lighter than black, with a pair of cat-like ears resting on top. But, before I could analyze any further, a window popped up in my peripheral vision, somewhat similar to those typically found in… dating sims of all things.

[Suitable Target: Located]

[Triggering User "Wish" Skill]

[Waifu Scouter Has Been Activated]

[Name: Erza Scarlet

Title: Fiery Hot-Head

[Attractiveness: 7(8)]

[Personality: 6]

[Versatility: 4]

[Strength: 6]

[Potential: 9]

[Alignment: Dark-Law]

[Overview: A "humble miner" from the Schnee Dust Company's southernmost mining facilities, she is as brash as they come. With the possibility of death ever looming over her shoulder, she's had to overcome a great many challenges to get to where she has today. She's capable of outperforming her peers in most physical tasks despite being of the fairer sex. Erza holds great potential within her, should she cultivate it, only the toughest of grimm will be able to stand in her path.]

A novel feeling wriggled its way into my mind, half parts disgust, and half parts intrigue. My mouth clicked, as a grimace formed on my face. While I wouldn't disagree with the assessment, she was certainly pleasing to the eyes, muscles and all. But the fact that it was listed as a "wish" skill felt wrong. I knew there were a lot of people out there that would jump at the prospect of having something like this, but I wasn't one of those people, at least, I didn't think I was.

Though, with no knowledge of how I got it, nor a remembrance to even choosing it, the event must have likely occurred whilst I was about to pass out, something likely in all actuality. A stupid decision made by an equally drunk man. Thankfully, it did answer the question of how I got here in the first place.

"You've been… staring at me for quiet some time now." Adopting a sly grin, she slowed her steps just enough for her to get closer to my body. "Finally come to your senses and see something you like? Perhaps even something I can help you with?" The now named Erza inquired, haughtiness practically dripping from her tone. "Don't worry, I'll help you remember everything~."

A chill ran down my spine, grabbing a hold of her shoulders and pushing them to face forward, leaning my body into it when she tried to retaliate. "Let's talk about this later when we have the time, alright?" I suggested back as all signs of struggle ceased entirely, a soft chorus of giggles leaving her lips.

"I'll take you up on that offer, Tim~. See you at seven." Returning the favor, her shoulders relaxed, a sigh releasing from deep within me. "However," She uttered, the antennae atop my head twitching. "I think we're going to need more time if I want you to remember everything clearly. Somewhere around six-thirty would suffice, don't you think?" A barely visible cloud of hot air exited her lips with every word, stimulating my senses by a great amount, my already tight pants only growing tighter. "Till then, Tim. I'll be waiting for you."

Without another word, she vanished from my sight, leaving the restraint of my arms and heading off into a different crowd. For the most part, I had been stunned, a flurry of questions hitting me all at once. Each new on answered damn near opened up fifty more, most of them left unattended.

Shaking my head, I looked towards the dimly lit sky, the view swiftly replaced by the dark underbelly of the mine's entrance, droves of demi-humans lined up awaiting to clock in their shift. First day on the job, it can't be as bad as movies and media make it out to be, right?


[A/N: Word of warning, if you're expecting a light hearted fic, I suggest you leave now. Sure, it will have its moments of wholesomeness and handholding. But for the most part, a good portion of the new world building stuff will be 40k flavored grimderp, expect human sacrifices and Slaanesh's horny vagina.With that being said, let's get back to wat I was going to say.

If you're worried about Erza being a one-dimensional horn dog, you can rest easy knowing she won't be. Oh right, if you're here for the system aspect of the gamer stuff, sorry to disappoint, but I won't be flood people with numbers. As much as possible, I will try to keep that shit as dialogue. Though, with a good number of skills, they'll still be system flavored text, that goes with some items here and there, I want my weapon flavor text dammit. Anyways, copy and paste stuff below.

Anyways, if you find anything wrong in the fic, let me know. I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and what I could have done in place of what is present.

Join discord server. I have one.: https://discord.gg/eTb2kPab4z

I now have Kofi and Patreon at "https://ko-fi.com/balls1124" and "https://www.patreon.com/balls1124" respectively. You can support me for a dollar or more.

Experiment: Sending me any amount of money on Kofi with anything about this fic will boost its priority over anything else I happen to be writing.

With that being said, back to work.]