
Wolves are awake, and so am I

"Hah! I've barely broke a sweat!" Ashley smugly stated and proudly stood tall. "They're easy to beat." Hector said, agreeing with her while pushing the werewolf to the side, so it won't block the way. "Well, that's rather a pretty brutal fight." Celine said, looking at bunch of werewolf with many bruises and part of their body chopped off. "Doesn't matter. C'mon, we should take some rest. There's still 5 hours left to rest." Zeolite said with his eyes closed as he walks toward the camp they set up.

"Who's on guard?" Chiharu asked, looking for their responds. "Me." Zeolite said, eyes closed, arms crossed. "You sure? We've been the pilot before, aren't you exhausted?" Chiharu asked, telling him to double thinks. "Yes, besides. I have sleep when you guys were doing things." Zeolite said, opening his eyes to glances at her, convincing her. Chiharu sighs and nods, letting him to do whatever things he wanted to do, "Whatever. Up to you. I'm gonna sleep." She said and went in the plane.

"Oof, we failed." The man said, "You suck." The woman beside him said, glaring at him. "Aw, c'mon! it can't be my fault, right?" He said, trying to prove his innocence, "You're the one that deserves the blame." She sighs and goes back to her book, ignoring her brother's nonsense, until he said something that makes her stop reading.

"Then, why don't we face them face to face? Like a true fighter!" He said with full confidence. "…It's suicide." She said, suddenly feels gloomy. "What? Why? We can do it! They're just a bunch of mid-level Mage! While we, a frickin' high-level Mage! We cannot possibly defeated by them!" He said, trying to prove her words are wrong.

"No…They're not mere mid-level." She said and remembers Zeolite from her past, the one who killed their entire family, no, the entire town populations, doesn't even hesitate to kill children. "Pfft, you're getting funnier each day, big sis!" He said, laughing it off. "You don't understand! Don't underestimating them! They're not what they're looks like!" She snaps, surprising him with her sudden explosion.

"…Sis?" He asked softly, trying to calm her down. She gritted her teeth and ran away from him, "Sis! Come back!" He shouted chasing after her, but tripped on a rock and causes him to fall. "Damn it!" He scowled, annoyed and slammed his fist onto the grassy ground.

The siblings names are Eloise and Ezekiel Hilfreich. Both siblings have brown hair, and a pair of golden eyes. Eloise always wears black coat above her clothes, that almost make it impossible to see her clothes under them, while Ezekiel only wears it when Eloise says so, since he doesn't like appearing all gloomy.

3 hours passed, only 2 hours left for the sun to raise. All of them are asleep, except for Zeolite, he still had his eyes opened, without the sign of tiredness, just like a wolf guarding their pack from the night, until he see someone walking to him.

"Who are you?" Zeolite asked, wary of them, as his right hand rested on his sword. From the dark then, appears Ezekiel, he stop on his track when he is in front of him. "You…Were you the one that massacred the entire Ametano Town?..." He asked, angers reflected on his eyes, his brows furrowed, his nose were crunched, and his fists clenched. While Zeolite stares at him with no emotions at all. "You've got the wrong person." Zeolite lied, and closed his eyes, not even care about the man standing in front of him.

"You're lying! You're clearly that boy before! The one who singlehandedly killed the entire Ametano Town populations!" Ezekiel shouts, pissed by Zeolite's ignorance, "Then, why are you still alive?" Zeolite ask, glaring at him with his cold gaze, gazing down into his soul, Ezekiel feels chills down his spine when he glares at him as he feels his body froze by fear.

Zeolite recognizes his features, he is one of the two kids that escape when he assault Ametano Town, 7 years ago when he was still 11 years old. Though, he can kills them before, if their mother doesn't grab his leg. "Not going to talk? Then scram away from here." He said, noticing the quiet man in front of him, he steals some glances at him before turning around to walk in the plane, until he hears running steps, going in his directions.

Zeolite turns around and blocks his attack with his armored right arm. "Tsk. You really are him aren't you?" Ezekiel said, gritting his teeth, as he push his sword harder. "I'm not." Zeolite said, doesn't want to be recognizes by his past self that he hated. "Hmph, liar." Ezekiel said and leaps behind, summoning bunch of shadow wolf.

"I bet you can't dodge them!" Ezekiel said smugly and rushes at him the same time his wolves does. Zeolite stood there, doing nothing. 'Why is he not moving?...Meh, probably he's going to commits suicide in my hands.' Ezekiel thoughts, noticing Zeolite has not made any moves and when he was so close to him, he disappears.

'What?! Where is he?!' He thoughts, abruptly stopping and looks for his sign, when suddenly Zeolite reappears above him, both his hands gripping tightly onto his sword. 'Sh*t!' Ezekiel thoughts and hurriedly rolled to the side, avoiding his attack as Zeolite's sword hit the ground, causing craters to creates under him.

"Argh! You bastard! Face me like a true man! Don't disappears then reappears again you bastard!" Ezekiel protests, doesn't like what Zeolite does. "Alright then." Zeolite shrugs and rush at him, "Hmph! You fallen right into my trap!" Ezekiel said and bring his right hand out, ordering his shadow wolfs to ambush him, his wolves jump at Zeolite at the same time, their mouths opens wide, prepared to bite every part of Zeolite's body.

Zeolite eyes glances at the shadow wolf at his side and swings his sword in circle, as the shadow wolfs disappears into shadow dusts. "What?! How?! They're supposed to be invisible! How can you see them?!" Ezekiel shouts, cannot believes what he does. Zeolite raise his head to looks at him, "That's when you failed." Zeolite said before disappearing. Ezekiel eyes reflected fears, while trying to spot where he is and without him knowing, Zeolite reappears behind him, whispering. "Goodbye." And hits the back of his neck with his palm side.

Ezekiel feels his body froze, and the last thing he see is the dusty ground before drifting to unconsciousness. 'Am I gonna get killed too…?'

Meanwhile with Eloise. She's running onto the hills they're on before she run off. She panted heavily, since she hurriedly ran back up when she's getting worried about him. She raised her head from the heavy panting she does, only to see her dear brother is nowhere on there, just the camp they've set up before. "Zack! Where are you?!" She shouted, calling him by his nickname and hurriedly went to top of the hill, trying to look for any of his sign.

"Zack!!!" She shouted once again, hoping there will be any replies from him, but she receives nothing, just the night breezes swaying around her peacefully. She then quickly went inside their camp, looking for any clues and see a letter on her sleeping bag. She grabbed it and read the letter.

After she read the letter that is written by Ezekiel, she gritted her teeth, clenching the paper, she shouldn't ran away, she should just stand there, by her brother side. 'No, no…Brother! Wait for me!' She vowed in her mind and shoves the letter inside her pocket. She have decided, she's going to went after her brother, and if she can and not too late, she will protect him from that Monster.

Zeolite sit near the bonfire, glancing over Ezekiel who is unconscious across him and the bonfire. He sighs and grabs his book from his back pocket, reading on it.

The book that he reads is the same every times, since the book references his life so much, from the innocent little child that just seeks happiness, suddenly being an assassin without any purpose, just thirst for blood. And finally, wanting to have a normal life, without past haunting them, they who just wanted to seek happiness once again, just like their child self.

Zeolite has read the book repeatedly, at first, when he found the book, he doesn't like the book that much, until he feels tied into the book, he is amazes by the writer, that sometimes he wonders about their life, does they have the same experiences as his? Where does they got this ideas from? And other things, he wishes to meet the writer if he had the chances, if they're still alive.

"It's nighttime, peoples are asleep, the world are resting, wolves are awake, and so am I." Zeolite said to himself, remembering the quote inside the book, the one that he likes the most.

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