
The Blast

Laying on the floor of the wagon Cameron focuses on controlling his core energy, as he does light winds flow out from him to occasionally nock things over. Slowly the winds return to Cameron and peacefully enter his body. Slowly his eyes began to glow with a soft green light and looking around Cameron can see waves of green energy floating around him. Not enough to blind him but making everything around him appear in various shades of green, floating above him a section of the energy takes the shape of a owl which floats in the air silently.

George's yelling and the wagons shaking as it comes to a stop breaks Cameron focus, as it does the owl disperses back into green energy. Feeling that he is beginning to lose control of his power Cameron twists his ring for good luck before directing all of the energy to release upwards where no damage can be done.

With a great ferocious sound a large blast of wind strikes the wagons roof, as it does the canvas breaks away from support to fly through the air dozens of feet before landing on a neighboring wagons horse.

Clutching his head Cameron feels a splitting headache as if someone had just clocked him with a hammer. With the complete lack of focus winds began to act up whistling around him, but it seems their energy is spent as they are unable to harm Cameron. As his eyes return to their normal blue color the world around him regains its shades of color.

"I guess I know what the green energy is now, must be wind element." Cameron groans to himself after several minutes when his pounding head subsides. Grasping his longsword and using it as a cane Cameron stands slowly and looks around the caravan. George is no where to be seen, instead surrounding the wagon are boss and his men.

Stepping forward out of the crowd John with an arrow to his bow yells "explain yourself boy are you the one who use magic here?"

"Yes, not on purpose though!" Cameron yells tiredly back to the waiting crowd, his vase visibly pale.

Several discussions break out between members of the crowd.

"You can use magic on accident? That doesn't make any sense!"

"I thought you needed special items to use magic, maybe it's that sword he's carrying doesn't it look high quality?"

"If he accidentally used magic then what's stooping him from using it again? Isn't he extremely dangerous?"

Boss towering over all other men bellows "silence!"In an ear breaking loud shout. The chaotic mess of whispers and voices immediately silences.

Pointing towards the wagons canopy now laying on the ground boss says "you see the holes and ripe's in the canvas, you did that which means you can do it again. So your gonna come with us and deal with whatever stopped the caravan or i'm gonna assume your a part of it."

Climbing slowly over the side of the wagon Cameron lands roughly on the dirt road. Leaning heavily on the side of the wagon for support Cameron answers boss. "I'm not a part of it and if I could help I would but I don't have the energy to use any more magic, not today anyways."

Returning his arrow to the quiver John steps in between Cameron and the crowd. "He has telltale signs of overtaxing his mind, a common ailment of new mages. In other words he's telling the truth and wont do any good in a fight."

Suddenly from both sides of the road the sounds of yelling and weapon clanging echoes out as two groups of sixty bandits rush out from the forest towards the group. John quickly shoots an arrow taking down a lead bandit while boss charges towards one of the groups with a feral scream. As the two sides clash a huge crunch is heard as boss smashes bandits with his clubs, the shear wait of which broke limbs and sent men flying. Following boss are his mercenary band only a few steps behind boss and behind them the men of the caravan with makeshift weapons.

"Fools!" John angrily shouts "if you all focus on the right side like that then the attack from the left of the caravan will hit you fully in the back!" Setting four arrows to his bow string at once John rapidly empties his quiver into the rushing bandits. With only twenty arrows in the quiver though he runs out after only a short moment. Drawing two daggers from his belt John rushes towards the second bandit group all alone.

Watching all this happen Cameron tries to activate his magic to help, but in his already drained state it returns his headache from before, only this time even louder and more intense shutting cameron off totally from the outside world. After an unknown time Cameron clearly sees an green owl formed of energy before him. Unlike before where it was only a vague shape this time cameron can make out intrinsic details and the bird seems to carry a hint of intelligence. Before he can more closely examine it a sharp pain enters his chest and green light dimming from his eyes Cameron sees a bandit standing over him with a spear, now dripping with his own blood.

Clutching the hole in his gut with his left hand Cameron draws his sword slashes it across the legs of the bandit. Screaming in pain the bandit falls to the ground, dropping his spear in the process which rolls away from him. With a burst of adrenaline Cameron moves away from the supporting wagon to stab the bandit finishing him off.

Looking around Cameron sees about ten bandits covered in blood, some from their own dripping wounds others from no visible source. Taking one step towards the closest bandit a large man carrying a massive battle-ax he prepares himself to fight. Then a dagger flies from one of the bandits to the side of Cameron and unable to see it the blade strikes him clearly in the side sinking deeply into his waist.

Ignoring the blade Cameron knowing he does not have long left takes his sword with both hands and charges towards the axe wielding bandit. Obviously surprised by his stubbornness the bandit takes a moment to late to respond and only swings his axe once Cameron is almost in striking range. The axe blade hits clearly nearly cutting Cameron into two pieces, but at the same moment Cameron's sword pierces the bandits chest stabbing into his heart.

Laying on the ground about to die with the axe still deep inside of him the world quickly begins to fade to black. Then light green and the image of an owl appears for a moment before it all vanishes to nothing.

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