
Duel with Professor

Wasting no time Cameron rushes forward stabbing with the sword in one smooth motion. Seeing the blade Professor Sword dodges lightly to the side before striking down onto the sword with is own blade nocking it from Cameron's hands.

Jumping backwards Cameron's eyes flash green as a gust of wind pushes against the professor. Unmoving the professor stood solidly as if enjoying the breeze, during that moment Cameron rushed and snatched the second short sword off the ground.

"Good effort, but lets see what your limit is now " Professor Sword says before he sprints towards Cameron. Slashing fiercely at him but Cameron blocks the blade with his own creating a fierce screeching noises as the two blades scrape against each other.

Swinging wildly Cameron start a barrage of attacks against Professor Sword. Each strike is easily deflected to the side, then seeing a opening the professor steps forward and punches Cameron in the nose. Stumbling backward Cameron swings his blade wildly without a target in front of him as he touches his nose with his free left hand feeling the blood flowing from it.

"You got to do better then that!" Professor Sword says before running forward ducking underneath the blade before hitting Cameron in the gut with his sword pommel.

Coughing hard with his wind nocked out of him Cameron slashes towards the professor's left arm. Seeing the blade coming the professor reaches forward as his arm swells in size catching the blade with his bare hand. Squeezing down on the blade the short sword shattered leaving only the pommel in Cameron's hands and the shards lying on the floor of the platform.

Focusing intently bright green light shines from Cameron's eyes as the wind elements gather around him. After a few seconds a whirlwind forms around Cameron rotating faster and faster. Seeing this Professor Sword stabs his short sword towards Cameron but the fierce wind deflects it nearly pulling the blade out from the professors hands.

"Oh so you want things to get serious huh?" Says Professor Sword before he begins to grow in size. After several seconds he has reached over twelve feet tall and the short sword now only a dagger in his hands drops to the ground. Walking over and slowly picking up the large broadsword Professor Sword turns back to face the whirlwind where Cameron once stood.

A fierce gust of wind shoots towards Professor Sword but the professor only casually swipes with his blade to disperse the wind. He then charges towards Cameron slicing the blade in an overhead arc. A loud boom rings out as the two clash, the blade is chipped and has several cracks running through it. The barrier around Cameron has completely dispersed leaving him standing alone in the still wind.

"Good fight kid! Tell you what you don't even need to defend the platform all make you a student directly. The rest of you lot, turning to look at the small crowd. I will accept four students from all of you, decide amongst yourself who those four will be." Having said this Professor Sword then walks away heading back towards the school buildings.

Chaos ensues as the crowd begins to attack each other in an every man for himself fighting style. The only ones working together are the pair of twins, every one else is swinging wildly towards those around them. Several screams ring out as blood starts to drip from gashes and cuts along their bodies. A few individuals run away in fear while others jump onto the platform loudly declaring challenges to those around them.

Seeing the chaos Cameron turns and jumps of the platform before rushing back towards the school buildings steering clear of the fighting individuals. After running a few hundred feet he turns to look back seeing flashes of red and blue from where the twins were previously fighting. From another part of the crowd around the platform earth shakes and boulders and hurtled towards others, and lastly he notices white streaks of energy shooting out nocking individuals down.

"Magic is really powerful, especially when compared to a group of only melee fighters." Cameron mutters to himself. "Although they appear to be using weapons as well, still even if its just support magic or whatever its causing havoc amongst the group."

Turning away from the chaos behind him Cameron begins making his way to his next class, magical theories.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!

TylersWritingscreators' thoughts