During my college, the motivation I had was, I can do this I started it so I can finished it. The thought that motivate me during college is: I passed the general entrance exam, I passed the entrance exam for engineering, I passed the interview and another written exam during that. I persevered the best that I can..... I thought that's the end of my struggle. I did it! I have the degree that I always wanted. But.......... Where do I go now? Discrimination of being a woman......... Having no experience to work.......... Lacking of qualification fit for the job... I haven't started yet but I am already tired. I can't stop but, who I would ask where am I fit to be? I want to rest but time is pressuring me to go on... "Please, Who Do I ask?!"
They say that if you have a degree it will be easy to find a job.
Then why am I still unemployed.
Why do I still don't know where to go.
I have dreams before I graduated but where am I now?
I am so much proud the day I finished my degree.
But why do I feel stupid?
I haven't received to any call back from the company I applied.
I feel so worthless.....
The time work hard in college become nothing to me now...
I am being pressured by my mom, by the people around me find a job but they don't know that I am trying to hard?
They don't know I am doing my best to apply but everything is just wrong.....
I don't want to do it but I always think of giving of giving up even though I haven't started anything yet.
Is it always be this way?