
Strongest In the Apocalypse

*Read ten chapters before deciding to quit!* ... The end of the world didn't come in a way anyone would expect. Dungeons tore themselves out of the land, monsters littered the world and the Earth was put in a global trial. The shadows were no longer safe. A being that called itself the System appeared to help the people of Earth, carving out a path to power for everyone. Prince was taking a hike when the apocalypse arrived, leaving him stranded and stuck in a dungeon that had spawned on him. The multiverse is watching, and he'll be damned sure to give them a show. Perhaps even knock out a god. ... [Disclaimer: You Might Get Addicted] Chapter word count guarantee [1000-2100] What to expect: - Long series, massive world. - Battle Maniac MC who isn't ridiculously addicted. - Daily Uploads, 12:30PM EST.

TheOneWho_Asked · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

To Kill a Goblin

The goblin released a grunt. "I.... I will eat your legs first, kekeke!"

Prince had realized something when he kicked the goblin.

It was really only a child with claws. Its defense and speed were nothing special, really. The goblin was also quite stupid.

Prince found himself grinning.

The goblin lunged once more, a predictable movement. It swung madly.

Prince darted forward, enduring the claws that raked across his arms and legs. They couldn't tear through his hoodie and sweatpants, anyway. He extended his fist into a straight- a completely instinctual movement.

It connected cleanly, ruining the goblin's face even further. Prince didn't stop there. He pressed his advantage, swinging fists, focusing on the goblin's face. Each punch, something creaked under his knuckles.

Prince's body moved without him moving, a primal, battle-ready mind pushing its way to the forefront. Prince kneed the goblin in the stomach, leaving it shaking like a leaf in the wind.

Another punch. Another kick.

So what if the goblin tried to claw at him? It was useless. 

As long as he killed his enemy.

Prince delivered an uppercut.

The goblin's jaw snapped. What weak bones.

The goblin jerked backward, somehow having gone limp during the entire beatdown. It fell backward onto the floor, chest still.

Prince blinked.


The pain still hadn't surfaced yet. The lower part of his hoodie was shredded, but the claws had never once actually made contact with his skin.

Prince stared at the dead goblin, heart racing.

Level-up! You are now level 2.

First-kill bonus! 

You have received the skill: Unarmed Fighting (I) (Passive)

Unarmed Fighting (I) (Passive): Enhances reflexes, durability, and observation skills related to unarmed fighting. 

Prince felt a surge of energy enter into him. It seeped into every cell, improving him in the most relaxing way possible. He felt lighter, faster, healthier. As if he was one step closer to perfection.

It was an addicting skill.

Prince ignored all the screens for now- he already understood what had happened.

He clenched his hand into a fist. Suddenly, he felt like an amateur martial artist- he knew the basics and the motions, but had yet to integrate it into his muscle memory.

That's so trippy... How did the System teach me stuff instantly?

Prince then finally glanced at the System notifications. A skill, unarmed fighting... Hmm. Makes sense, if the System is following game logic. And I leveled up.

Prince willed the screens away and summoned his status screen.

Attribute Screen - Prince Collins

Species: Human

Faction: N/A

Class: N/A

Titles: N/A

Grade: F

Level: 2

Strength: 8

Endurance: 7

Dexterity: 6

Vitality: 6

Mental: 8

Wisdom: 6

Free Points: 3

Stat Points, Prince's eyes lit up. And it also seems as if my stats rise by themselves by one as I level. How convenient.

Prince placed two stat points into strength and one in endurance. He was half-expecting it to do nothing, but he felt himself become stronger- physically, like a more concentrated effect, rather than leveling up which seemed to improve everything.

What are the limits to this?  Prince's eyes widened. Could I become a superhero? Magic?

Parts of Prince's brain still worried that this was a hallucination. But it couldn't be- it was too realistic.

Prince's eyes fell back down to the corpse.

Now that his rational mind was back, Prince could feel the throbbing of his knuckles, still wet with the goblin's blood. He'd just killed something. With his bare hands.

He felt nothing except for a heavy relief. Prince wondered how the rest of the world was faring right now. 

He had been taking a walk when a dungeon spawned around him. The only thing to do... 

Is to power level my way to the top.

First things first, though, I need to find water, shelter, and food- in that order. Prince thought. I've never ventured off of the main trail, but there should be some streams around here...

Prince could last weeks without food- water, not so much.

Prince stared at the wall of trees, the beams of light from the sun casting an eerie glow upon the forest. Prince shrugged, and walked in before he could second-guess himself.

Then he remembered that there were two other monster groups to be wary of.

It was too late now. He had already stepped off the main road, and was now in the woods. 

Before this place had been turned into a dungeon, the natural land had looked... Almost tended to. Now, it was different. Wild and unruly.

It felt as if no one had come to check up on this mountain in a few decades, and nature had reclaimed everything. While walking, Prince stared intently at squirrels and birds, but nothing appeared.

Maybe it only works for monsters?

A flash of orange passed by him.

Fox - Level 1

Foxes are omnivorous creatures that inhabit-

The fox vanished.

So it does work for other creatures,  Prince thought, eyes wide. Though I could've sworn that there were no foxes in this forest before the System.

Prince wandered aimlessly, darting behind bushes and trees whenever he heard anything remotely suspicious. 

And then, finally, after an hour, he came upon it.

Staring at him was a pristine stream. It was impossibly clear and clean, and exuded a faint chill. Behind it, the mouth of a cave yawned open.

Rejuvenating River (E-Grade)

A river containing immense healing properties. Clears the mind, relaxing the drinker. However, the more sips one takes, the more exhausted they feel.

Prince grinned. Jackpot.

And the place seemed completely untouched by hands, human or otherwise. 

Prince carefully stepped out into the open, gingerly moving toward the glittering stream.

This went against everything he had ever learned. You couldn't just drink water from a random river anymore- it didn't work like that. 

Prince cupped the water into his hands a took a sip.

Prince's muscles relaxed, his whole body undergoing wave after wave of soothing energy. It was an amazing feeling as the cool water slipped down his throat. But with it came exhaustion.

Damn, I need a nap,  Prince thought. This water was cool and all, but he couldn't afford getting sleepy every time he needed to quench his thirst. But the taste was addicting... 

Prince released a content sigh and stood. He had found shelter and water. Now, it was time for food.

A giggle made Prince sharply turn around. 

A goblin stared straight at him, naked.

Goblin - Level 2

Goblins are the standard monster in any Integration. They are usually used as fodder for a nation to train up its young ones. Goblins are extremely evil and hold no emotions other than amusement and extreme lust.

This one is also level 2. Hmm.

The goblin cackled, opening its eyes to drink in the sight of its prey-

Prince already stood before it.

He clasped his hands behind the goblin's head and brought its face to his knee, simultaneously raising his knee up in the process.

With a crunch, it connected.

The nose is the weak point for the goblin, Prince thought. He pulled his knee back to deliver another strike, and felt something scratch his back.

Prince let go of the goblin and immediately darted around it. The goblin fell back, disoriented, and Prince whirled to stare at his new attacker.

Another goblin?

Goblin - Level 3

Goblins are the standard monster in any Integration. They are usually used as fodder for a nation to train up its young ones. Goblins are extremely evil and hold no emotions other than amusement and extreme lust.

The goblin was currently grinning at him, ignoring its brethren which squirmed on the ground.

These descriptions are getting annoying.  Prince willed away the description, leaving only the name and level. No need to deep-scan them every single time.

Prince raised his fists, watching both goblins warily.

Can I take them?  His eyelids felt heavy. He really was tired.

The damaged goblin stood, its nose deformed. It released a battle cry.

Prince smirked at both of them. "Come on then, you little shits."

They lunged.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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