
Strongest female leader

Yulia Candra Winata is a typical girl who has a lot of pain; to escape this pain, she frequently engages in virtual reality games. She is renowned in the game as a general of the white tiger empire and feared by many for his strength and brutality. However, she accidentally encounters a mysterious character while playing in a virtual reality game that transports her to another world and is later reincarnated as Emilia Viscount. a princess of noble birth who lost her life due to the betrayal of other nobles in her kingdom. The nobles tried to rule over Emilia's territory while she was a slave. "How dare they treat me like this, I will take what is rightfully mine." Will Yulia be able to reclaim her kingdom? In this book, Yulia struggles to regain her strength and honor.

Tasiya_Putri · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

main scenario

[Welcome to the game Acadica world, please choose your destination]

Just logged in, Yulia was welcomed by the system, Yulia immediately rushed to give her destination location to the system because she didn't have much time to remember that she had killed her father.

"Kingdom of white tigers"

[Understood, starts teleportation]

After that, Yulia immediately teleported right in front of the white tiger kingdom's gate, in front of the gate 4 guards were on the left and right of the gate. Yulia didn't care about that and immediately walked into the white tiger kingdom, no guards stopped her let alone asked about her identity card. all because the guards already know who the real Yulia is and they even pay respects to her.

Many people were walking around the city but no one dared to approach or find trouble with her. It's all because Yulia is the general of the white tiger kingdom, she is famous for her cruelty and extraordinary power that even the kings of other kingdoms will think twice if they want to find trouble with her so Yulia is nicknamed the demon general.

After walking for a long time, she finally arrived at the military headquarters where she worked. There, Yulia was greeted by her subordinates and they even saluted Yulia. She kept walking into her room which was on the 2nd floor. Yulia finally got to the room and immediately sat down on her favorite chair.

Yulia turned her chair towards the window of the room to see the view of the city and the residents which made her heart calm again. She likes this place because it's the only place where she never bullies or belittles her. If possible, Yulia wants to live here forever. But all of that couldn't possibly happen, however, Yulia realized that this was just a game world, not real life.

"Hah…I'm going to miss this game"

When Yulia was engrossed in her thoughts, a man came wearing full military clothing and approached Yulia. Yulia, who noticed the man's presence, immediately turned her chair back towards the man.

"Sorry to disturb General Liona, I'm here to convey King Arthur's message"

"Hmm… what's wrong? Is there a problem in the Kingdom?"

"I don't know general either but King Arthur told you to meet him in the palace"

"Hah… well, you may go"

The man immediately nodded and left his room, after he left Yulia immediately got up from her seat and walked out to King Arthur's palace Oh.. Well, you must be wondering why he called Yulia Liona. Liona is the name of Yulia's avatar, she uses that name to distinguish herself between the real and virtual worlds.

After 1 minute she finally arrived at the door where King Arthur was. Yulia opened the door and walked in there, after she was close to King Arthur, she immediately bent her knees and saluted like a knight.

"Hello my King"

"Oh… Liona finally you came too"

"What is it that the king called me, is there a problem?"

"Yes… indeed there is a problem that has arisen Liona"

"What is a king?"

"Do you still remember Baron William?"

"Ah… yes I remember it"

Yulia began to remember when the second event appeared, namely the rebellion by Baron Wiliam. He betrayed King Artur and decided to enter into a contract with the devil, of course, which made King Artur very angry, and decided to deploy his troops to capture Baron William but unfortunately, he managed to escape.

In this game, there is also a separate storyline and people call it the main scenario, many people want to participate in the main scenario but not everyone can do it. Because the main scenario has a high level of difficulty, many players fail to carry out the mission. The reason why players want to participate even though the difficulty level is high is that the prizes given in the main scenario are very large and certainly very interesting for players including Yulia.

That was also the reason why Yulia wanted to become a general of the White Tiger Kingdom because that Kingdom was the trigger for the main scenario, Yulia wanted to monopolize the prize for herself. She started doing it by perfectly carrying out all the missions given by King Arthur so that King Arthur believed in her and made Yulia get all the missions from the main scenario. It may sound cunning and greedy but all humans will also do the same thing to get a big reward right, this is what is called competition over who will get it first.

"Is he back again?"

"Yeah… the adventurers saw him enter the shadowy forest."

"So I want you and your squad to go over there to see if it's true, if you see him there you have to capture him alive because I want to ask him something, got it"

"Fine King, but… what if he rebels?"

"You just need to bring him alive to me, I don't care what you do with him"

"Fine…my King," Yulia said with a smile.

After that Yulia immediately rushed to the military headquarters where she was, she informed all of her subordinates to prepare to go to the shadow forest. His subordinates understood and immediately prepared everything to survive in the shadow forest be it food, tents, and others.

After finishing they immediately went to the shadow forest, they traveled by running and none of his subordinates were tired because Yulia had trained them hard. Yulia always trains them to use weights on both hands and feet after that they are told to run around the military field for 5 hours and the weight will continue to increase as they develop. The training sounded inhumane but it was the most effective way to increase the stamina of his subordinates. It was proven that the exercises Yulia did were very useful. They run and only use a little mana, which can already reach a speed of 430 km per hour. Because of that, Yulia's special forces are called the strongest troops in the world.

7 minutes later they finally arrived at the shadow forest, Yulia started looking for a good place to set up the tent. Which place had the fewest monsters not to forget Yulia ordered her subordinates to put poison that could disrupt the monsters' sense of smell, she did this to avoid unnecessary fighting.

"You put up the tents here, let me check the situation"

"Okay general…!!!"

After that Yulia immediately went to a high place to check the situation, she had to find Baron William as soon as possible because she didn't have much time. After arriving, Yulia immediately used her skills.

"Search enemy"

After activating it, Yulia could see where and every monster that was there, Yulia kept looking by expanding the range of her skills until finally, Yulia saw where the darkness was so thick she was sure it must have come from Baron William.

"FOUND YOU," Yulia said with a terrible smile.
