

[mature content] Anita a young teenager girl moves to a new school and there met a twist in her life... there she met an amazing friend Betty whom is always wanting to be there for her at all times. Along the line she had an encounter with an handsome young guy Austin who goes to the same school with her and fell in love with him. And also met with some haters who gave her a tough time at school, always willing to harm her in so many ways they could Austin the proud handsome school boy attempts to save an old time crush as he meets her again.. Will their love be able fight against all odds..

Janet_Arubuola · Sports, voyage et activités
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13 Chs



"She was just stressed." Mrs Sandra said. She just needs rest." She left the room. "I was really worried this would happen" Betty said. "You could have told me she was feeling this way." He spoke gently.

"I didn't know it was going to get to this." Betty almost felt like crying. "ANITA." Her mum called out from the hallway. They both attended to her on the way. "She currently sleeping." Betty told her. "The school doctor said she's fine and that it was stress she just needs to rest." Now Mrs Stella was calm. "Good day ma'am, am a friend of Anita, I'm Austin." He introduced himself. "Thankyou for helping her here." "Both of you should get to class now." She said. They both left for their class.

In class.... "I really hope she's fine." He kept on saying, he was feeling so worried.... he's mind wasn't in order, Mr Paul the literature teacher kept on calling his name and he didn't even notice. Until he got to the front of his desk "Austin Jones." He called again. Now he was back to his mind.. "Yes sir." He answered. "Get your mind back here." He said. And the class went on.

School was over....

The two friends went to check on her but she was better now... She came out of the room with her mum.. "We glad you better now." They said.. "Don't scare us that way again." "Thanks guys." She thanked them and they all went home.

At Anita's place..

"Mum am fine, am feeling better now." She told her mum who kept on insisting she takes a long rest." "I was so worried when I was called to your school, I lost your dad I really don't want to loose you too." She said looking so sad. "Mum you won't loose me okay." She said as she hugged her mum softly. "I love you mum." She said with a big smile on her face and this gave her mum unworried impression. "And besides am going to the movies with my friend tomorrow."she said. "With who?" Her mum asked. "With Austin." She cracked. "I see you have a guy friend too." "Mum." She broke a larger sweat. "You have work to do don't you mum." She said as she pushed her mum slowly out of her room. She got a text from her phone... It's from Austin...

Austin: Are you better

Anita: yes thanks for caring

Austin: You should rest we no longer have to go to the movies

Anita:But am better now. Already told my mum...

Austin: you sure you can come.

Anita: yes, sure.

Austin: alright dear, takecare.

She got a call from Betty:

Anita: hey betty

Betty: I was so worried back there same as Austin, he was so worked up in class today.

Anita: yeah, I know that..am sorry for getting you guys like that .

Betty: it's fine am just happy you better.

Anita: thanks for the care dear.

Wow, I just need a rest for today....

At Austin's Place....

Austin walked into a large room, on the door it's says Austin special room. In the room was a digital camera on a table by the corner of the room. The next were pictures of Anita from a long time till now. He walked towards the pictures that were pinned on a pin board.

"You still don't remember me."he said in a soft tone..


Pushed to the group and was been beatenv up by some guys was Austin.. "Crazy ass.. stupid." The shouted at him as they stamped their feet on him.

Shwwwwsh... A bucket of black oil was poured on them... "Who the hell...." A boy amongst the boys beating Austin was about saying until she saw a girl right in front ok them. "You bunch of losers, there's more to where that came from." She said as she brought out a lighter... She was fourteen at that time.. "she's crazy...let's get out of here." They ran off. She moved closer to Austin and stretches out her hand to help him up. Hi.. she said with a big smile. He as never seen someone smile so beautifully, it was love at first sight, he stared up at the pretty girl standing in front of him. He took her hand and got up. He dusted out his cloth, he had some bruises on his face.. *Wait here." She said as she ran into a super market to get somethings to clean up the wounds and plastered it up for him. She did this and it gave his her a stroke for a while. "Am Anita." She introduced herself. "Am tony." He lied.. he was such a shy person back then..."it was nice meeting you Tony." "Thanks for this." He said. "It's no big deal." she winked. "Where do you stay?" She asked. "Uhm sunny street." He shivered. "It's not far from here." He said. "Ok then let me walk you home." She offered him a walk to his place.. "you've got a nice place." She told him. "Alright it's a bye now." She waved a bye at him, he did the same as she went away. They met couple of times, then on a day he saw her at a park, he decided to sneak follow her to her place and then he took secret pictures of her from time to time and admired them. Not until one day she was moving out the house with her mum. This got his heart to purse, he never had her contact,he finds her amazing, he really wanted to tell her how much he like been around her, he tried walking to were she stood before she enters into the car and leaves. But before he could it was to late as she already enters into the car and it drove off. He was so sad, his life because faded...and he was lonely. That's what came about him moving to another desk the day he saw her in his school and she introduced herself. He was really amazed to see her after such long period of time.

"I really hope I get to tell her I like her sooner and tell her who I really am." He said.

The Next Day...At Anita's place

"Now I need to apply makeup just to give me a more simple look...for the eye brow I'll use a pencil-type to give me a natural look. Just a touch with eyelashes curler, I will skip the mascara and just a bit of eyeliner at the end I'll apply the eyeshadow without pearl and as for the lens I'll use brown ones. Wow my eyes look so pretty.. A coral time for the lips, a slightly deeper rose color for the inside of the lips and blusher to the face." She puts on a shot brown skirt and a long sleeve green top it looked so lovely with weaved hair. Now this is great for the movies.

At The Movies..

"Where could he be," let me text him. Brings out her phone...

"ANITA." He called from where he was waiting.. "Wow he looks so stunning." How can a guy be so good looking? is he a model or something?" "Hi." She waved a smile. "Am great." "I book a movie for us." He said. THE EVIL DEAD... "How I've always wanted to watch that..it's going to look amazing." She said as the walked into the theater room. Awkward! For a moment in there sits, just then he took her hand from behind and sat there silently looking into the movie.. her heart gasps for air like she was been rush into an ICU for a heart surgery. "Would you like a popcorn?" He asked. "Yes please." They both got Popcorns and enjoyed the movie. Now the movie is ended.. they both walked out. "Wow the girl in that movie really tried with such a powerful spirit." She exaggerated. "Puff" he gave a smirk. "It was a pretty cool movie." He said. "Are you hungry? Would you care for hamburgers.." "uhm yeah, sure." She said.."Gush I was waiting to be asked that...sooo hungry.


"Wow, the burger here tastes so amazing." Her mouth watered.. "You have some thing at the side of your mouth." He tells her. "Guuuush..at the side of my mouth... She gave a funny smile as she wiped the wrong part of her mouth. "Not there, here." He said as he moved his face towards her like he was to give her a kiss just then used his hand to wipe off the food particle at her mouth. Her heart froze ones again.

Now they were done with the food...

"Gush am so full..thanks for the food." Gave a proud smile. "It's nothing."he said.

"I will walk you home." He said. They got to her place.. "Today was fun." She said. "Would you like to have that with me some other time?" That question played around in her head. "Yes..yes." a ticklish reply. He smiled.


Heeeheeeeheee... Blushing in her bed... "What was that at the restaurant.. he was so close my eyes wanted to bulge out.. I can't even stop thinking about him, aaaargg gush am loosing my mind..

She picks up her phone..

"Betty you won't believe what happened today... I think I like him..

Betty: Really girl, you will tell me about it tomorrow...

Anita: Will you be free tomorrow?

Betty: yeah always free.

Anita: Care to hangout at my place tomorrow?

Betty: sure, I mean you still own me a makeover.

Anita: Alright see you.

A text from Austin...

Austin: Thanks for hanging out with me today.

Anita: yeah I had fun..

Austin: Alright.. goodnight.

Anita: goodnight..


" I'm really waiting for the right timing to tell her I like her, and that I've liked her for a long time too...