191 World-Renowned Engineer (3) – PART 2

Mr. Sakata Ikuzo said,

"My true enemy is that extruding machine. When Miyamoto Musashi pulled out his sword, he attained a state of perfect self-effacement. I will pull my sword and attack that extruding machine."

Mr. Sakata Ikuzo stood up slowly.

His mouth was shut tight and something flared in his eyes. He had the eyes of a Samurai for a moment.

"I will check the temperature of the extruding machine's cylinder and the rotating screw, along with the temperature during pressing and the expansion. Manager Park, why don't you look inside of the hopper and check the carbon black and the vulcanization accelerator again? And see if the exact amount of the zinc oxide is there according to the recipe and also check the quality of the oil. Attack! I press the switch!"

The extruding machine started moving with a loud noise. The coolant came out in order to make the product cool."

"It's coming out!"


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