

The world has been overrun with monster from a meteorite from a 100 years ago during WW3. This meteor killed 76% of earth's population and mutated the other 24%. These humans gained stronger muscles, longer lifespans and special 'connections'. These monsters were a skin to zombie animals and infected even normal animals from earth, mutating the animals. Along with these monsters came advanced weapon technology from aliens as an apology for dumping them with these zombies.

Due to radiation from the meteor, humans were now able to form 4 'connections' in a lifetime. These connections allowed humans to 'borrow' strength from their partner. They are 'master', 'student', 'lover' and 'servant'. A 'master' can protect their 'student', as they can sense when they are in danger, and can give them 'strength' to use their power and helps them discover the power. A 'student' borrows strength from their 'master' and it is harder to disobey 'commands' given from their 'master', however they can disobey their 'master' but this can lead to their ties severing. A 'student can only have one 'master'. A 'master' has only one student. A 'lover' can borrow strength from their 'lover' and they can use each other's powers when they are in contact. A 'lover' can only have each other in a lifetime. A 'servant' is to obey their 'master' and must protect their 'master'. They can disobey must disobeying has dire consequences (like losing their power). A 'master' can have as many 'servants' as they wish but a 'servant' serves one 'master' in their lifetime. A 'master' can sense when their 'servant' is in trouble and can lend them strength. These connections are made by a blood seal and are only made with both party in favor. If it's made against someones will, the connection doesn't work.

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