
Stay With Me (Our Story)

Amaya Jones is 23 years old and a single mother to Bailey King. She used to live with her family until she became pregnant with Bailey. Her father was furious so he cut her out of their life. Aiden Carter a 28 year old billionaire playboy and heir to his fathers company is surprised when his father contacts him and says he has a benefiting deal for the company. He wants Aiden to help an old friend of his whom was on the verge of bankruptcy. Aiden has no interest in helping the Jones's, but his father insists so he gives in. When his father tells him what the contract entails, he's against it at first but agrees later on. After all, a joint company means more money, which Aiden doesn't mind. Amaya's parents sign the contract without her knowledge. They didn't care about what she wanted they just hoped that when they inform her about the arranged marriage, she would accept without any fuss. Amaya declines the offer. She doesn't care if her family was on the verge of bankruptcy, they cut her off long ago. After getting bad news from her mother Amaya chnages her mind and agrees to help them. All she ever wanted was to focus on her daughter but now she's stuck in an arranged marriage with a man she that she detests.

Intoxicating69 · Urbain
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11 Chs

10. Wedding Bells


"Mommy look!" I turn to where Bailey's voice is coming from and laugh when i see why she called my attention. She was trying to do a cart wheel. Also failing woefully.

To be honest this was progress. It was better than the last two times "Good job baby!" I cheer for her and clap excitedly. She skips while making her way to me, her little giggles portraying the joy she was feeling.

"Mummy? When is Aiden coming" she asks with a wide grin across her face

Ah! Aiden. Her first adult friend that she accepted fully without any complaints or discomfort. He had been coming over here alot so they could hang out. It was really sweet to see Bailey open up to someone else that wasn't me, Mia, Shan or even Maria. To be honest I think the only reason why she's still friends with him is because of the pastries and chocolates that he keeps bringing her. It's really funny that both of them think they can hide it from me by plotting to eat them at my back, but I always end up seeing wraps of chocolate in the trash can, after every single visit.

"He should be here soon baby. You must really miss the constant sweets he provides you with?" I tease and smile at her

Bailey gasps loudly as her eyes widen and she covers her mouth with her tiny hands "How did you know" she draws out

I laugh and tickles her before lifting her up to sit on my thigh "I'm your mother, darling. Thats a small thing to notice about you" I kiss her fore head and she leans into me with her head resting in the crook of my neck.

"I love you mommy" Bailey utters then kisses my cheek "I can't wait to see you in your beautiful dress" I smile at how she's trying her best to pronounce the words very well. For a one year old her speech was pretty clear. The wedding was coming up and I've done the best I could in letting her know what it entails and what it meant. I feel like she's more interested in seeing me in a white dress than anything else and I don't blame her either. I've visualized it too, but unfortunately I'm not getting the wedding of my dreams.

For as long as I could remember I always imagined me getting married to someone I was heartily in love with and my wedding being.... magical.

If wishes were horses i guess. "My gown is going to be very beautiful and so will yours, you know why?" I tickle her a little and she giggles

"Because I'm a princess?" She asks between giggles

"Yes baby, and you're going to be a really beautiful, smart queen one day" I smiled back at her face. The glee was evident and it made my stomach flutter and my heart melt

I'm about to say something when the sound of tired crunching against gravel gets reaches my ears and I'm sure Bailey hears it too because her ears perk up since she knows who it's gonna be.

"Aiden!" She yells before jumping down from my thigh and running to the front. I laugh and follow after her making sure she doesn't hurt herself

"There she is!" I hear Aiden's voice call out loudly and Bailey's happy giggles follow there after "Bring it in" When I get into their line of sight I see that he has bent to her height before hugging her and showing the bag beside him. Bailey's face lights up with glee "What is it?"

"Baby,why don't you go open it inside and see for?" yourself" I call out

"Okay!" She replies happily and hugs Aiden one more time before running in with the bag.

"I thought it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" I ask playfully as i walk towards him

"That only works for people who are in love" He replies hastily

"Are you good?" I ask.

Aiden takes a close step to me "Look just so we're clear, this marriage doesn't make us friends, best buddies or whatever you've painted in your head."

"What?" I ask, my tone laced with obvious confusion "I never said anything about us being friends or anything"

"Good because once this is done don't expect me to act like a husband. I'm not your husband and you're not my wife meaning we're not bound to one another by anything. And also, don't expect me to magically develop love for you" He spits out slowly. His words bearing each venomous intent he wants them to

"Don't worry, Mr Carter, there will be no magically developed feelings from my end either" I utter immediately. There's no way I'd ever like this man. He's

"Glad we cleared that up" He straightens up and for a minute i think he's confused on wether to shake me to seal it or just nod in agreement.

"Why are you here?" I ask

"What do you mean? I'm here to see Bailey ofcourse" His deep monotone voice rings in my ears.

I chuckled "And you hate her this much? Make it make sense,Carter" I walk to the house

"I don't hate you."

"Oh really? Maybe I was hallucinating again" I said sarcastically

"I mean it" The sound of his foot step behind me makes me know that he is not far behind.

"Whatever you say." I walk a few more steps to the entrance before stopping "You know what, for all there is, hate me I dont fucking care. All I know is when we get married and you come here from wherever you came today that pissed you off, you act out and my daughter sees or notices any thing. I'll castrate you, Mr Aiden Carter."

"I don't a-" He starts to say but I cut him off

"I don't want to hear it. Save a the explanation for someone who cares, you owe me nothing, remember?" I tell him finally before walking off and heading inside, without care if he's coming or not. He can rot out there for all I care.

I enter into the house and see Bailey on the floor with a colouring book and her color set in front of her along with chocolates. I shake my head and chuckle

"Hey, what you doing baby?" I exclaim with a broad smile across my face

"Look mommy!" She raises her colouring book to show me her present. "Where's Aiden?" She moves her head towards the door to see if he's entering after me.

I'm about to answer and tell her he'll be joining us inside soon when I hear a loud sound of tyres on the gravel speeding away.

I clear my throat and smile at her "Baby, Aiden had to go do some work. You'll see him another time."

"Okay mommy" She picks up her red colour pencil and puts it to use

I smile at her "Okay. Can you show mummy what you've painted please?"

She flips the page to a hand drawn part full of stick figure drawings. The first one shows three stick figures

"Who are these people, baby?"

"That's mommy, Me and Aiden!" She exclaims happily

Oh Lord.....