

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · Fantaisie
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75 Chs

Your highness.

Zen went near the elevator with Jennifer,her face turned Pale after seeing the lift her grip on his hand became tight ,he took a glance at her and then got a flashback of their last experience when she got a panic attack in the lift.

"let's use the stairs..... what's say?'',she said while staring at him.

"Oh-ohkay no problem for me but I can't let you walk this much because it will cause pain",he replied. She was staring at him with her dough eyes.

"Trust me you'll be fine in the lift",he said while looking straight into her eyes.She nodded as yes and he gave her a warm smile.

After that he opened the elevator and then moved inside.As the doors closed she started sweating he noticed her condition and at the next moment he wrapped his arms around her waist caging her in his embraces,she responded to this and back hugged him while snuggling into his chest.He pecked her forehead.

He was caressing her back continuously to make her feel better.Finally the lift stoped at the ground floor and doors opened making him sigh in relief.

"you can hug me after getting off from the elevator but for now let's move out Jen",he said and made her realise that she was hugging him tightly with closed eyes.

She didn't answer him just loosened her grip on his waist and moved outside.He chuckled at her cuteness then both of them went to Ana and Roby in the parking area.

"We have an appointment for Jennifer's dressing so first of all we'll go there and then will leave to the airport",Roby said and opened the car door for Jennifer.

All of them placed inside the car,Ana was at front, sitting next to Roby meanwhile Jennifer and Zen were in the back seats.Zen spread his arm at the back of Jennifer and rested it on the window to give Jennifer a pillow like feel and to avoid direct contact with the back.

She smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder instead of his arm.He wrapped his arm around her softly to protect her from instant jerks.

Jennifer and Ana went to see the doctor.

"Seems like you and your special one had great fun",the doctor said with smiling face while doing her bandage.

"huh... excuse me...what?!,Jennifer said in embarrassment.

"haha it's okay cutie,kind of normal for me,I'm a doctor, I know everything and secondly the marks all over your neck and collar bone is telling the truth by itself",doctor said.Jennifer's cheeks were burning due to shyness.

"I've removed the stitches,better for you to not to pressurise the wound or to stretch arms it will cause pain or may be we have to do the stitches again'',she said and helped her in wearing her shirt back.

After dressing they came back and headed to the airport.Mr Chang was already there waiting for them.

"Good evening sir",all of them greeted to him in one voice.

"Good evening...good evening",he replied and walked closer to Jennifer.

"how're you feeling now little baby",he asked making her shock."I'm fine sir",she replied."Mr Harvey told me about the incident, I'm very proud of you my little saviour",Mr Chang said with a proud smile.

"Thank you sir",she replied and smiled back

They went inside to check-in.After getting into the plane they got there seats.Jennifer placed herself on the window seat then Zen.After him Roby.Mr Chang weren't with them.He was in the back row.

It was Jennifer's first international trip she was excited but also scared because of airplane.They did the announcement that plane is going to fly, her heart started racing.

She closed her eyes tightly and held his hand in,her tips of fingers were leaving great pressure on his skin.As the plane flied she almost digged her nails in his skin,he was trying to control his scream because it was damn painful for him but he managed to control.

"Jen, it's okay everything is fine see,just look outside from the window it's so peaceful",he whispered in her ear ,she slowly opened her eyes and the next view blew her heart. Everything was looking so small the buildings were looking like small toys.

A small smile appeared on her lips.He was staring at her which was quite peaceful for him to see her relax and calm.She looked back at him and found him straight at her already with a pretty smile.Then she looked down and her eyes widened.

Her nails were almost digged in his skin and it was all red because of her wild way of holding his hand.She removed her hand and slide her palm to interwined the fingers.

"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to do this",she said while caressing the red marks on his hand with her thumbs.

"It's okay you were scared so",he replied with a cute smile.

"if I was cared so it doesn't mean that you can hurt yourself for me, I'm so sorry",she replied while looking straight into his eyes.

"ANYTHING FOR YOU,YOUR HIGHNESS",he whispered and smiled.

"but this",she said while lifting his hand up.

"it will be alright,don't worry okay",he replied and caressed her cheek.

Ana was holding Roby's hand and her head was on his shoulder.They were lost in enjoying eachother's company.

Finally they reached there destination and after the announcement Roby , Ana and Zen woke up but Jennifer was still sleeping.

"Jen we're about to land wake up",he said softly but no response from her."Jen open your eyes",he again whispered,but still no response.A smirk appeared on his lips.

He drew his face closer to her and bit her lower with his teeth then squeezed it in between his lips to comfort her.After his bite she immediately opened her eyes and found him kissing her. As he realised that she woke up already he detached his lips and sat properly.

She was staring at him in shock that what he just did but then she smiled at herself and Mumbled,

"I'm impressed by the idea",with a smirk.

After checking out from the airport they went to the hotel.A beautiful lady,she was maximum in her 30's was holding a file and was waiting outside the beautiful luxurious hotel which was booked for them.

"S̄wạs̄dī læa yindī t̂xnrạb",a girl wearing short dress said and came near them.She was holding flowers in her hands to give them.

"She is saying hello and welcome",the lady with the file translated.

"Hellowwweeee Lara",Mr Chang greeted her and gave her a hug.

"Hey Chang,so nice to see you again",Lara said.She walked close to them.

"Nice choice Chang",she said while staring at Roby from head to toe.

"he is-",Mr Chang was about to introduce him she interfered

"Roby Harvey,Son of Mr Harvey one of the most successful business man",she replied and smiled.Then took a step forward and took a glance at Ana.

"Pretty face",she said and smiled.Mr Chang was about to introduce her but Lara interrupted him again by saying,

"Ana .... Miss Ana,I know",Lara said and took another step.Now it was Jennifer's turn.

"Jennifer ..... Jennifer Sameul right?!",she said with straight face expressions.

"Yes",Jennifer replied confidently.

"The most beautiful but introvert person,topper since school,one of the most intelligent girl ,the bookworm and for now the leader of the group,the representative of the college",took a pause sigh and continued,"see Jennifer I don't like repeating things so better for you to understand it at once that you've to express yourself with confidence doesn't matter how introvert you were or you are,I want to see your full confidence here,no compromise about it",Lara commanded with cold voice.

"Miss Lara,I know that you're well experienced and dedicated but Mr Chang is so ,he selected me for this because he found those winning guts in me,I will give my best and wouldn't disappoint anyone",Jennifer replied in the same tone.

"I like this confidence",Lara replied and took her last step and stand Infront of Zen.

"Us ma'am us",Zen said in his mind.

After seeing Zen she said nothing for a minute.She was just observing him from head to toe with mysterious expressions.

"Beautiful eyes,sharp jawline, perfect lips,ideal nose type ,good height and perfect shaped physique ,Chang you've selected him for science seminar or for modeling competition",she said and chuckled.Mr Chang also chucked and replied,

"My choice is perfect you know".She was still staring at Zen with lustful eyes.After this introduction they went to their rooms.Ana and Jennifer had one room and Roby and Zen have to share one.

trip to Thailand begins I'm excited and damn crazy about it so bare with me cuties

A_jennie_creators' thoughts